News - Warzone 2's Weapon Balance Is Still Awful. Wtf Are They Doing. Angry Rant

Just stupid as hell design choices here, man. How many crossbows have you had in Call of Duty over the years, and you still can't get it right? Apparently, it was also an issue where you couldn't kill Shield users by sticking them. I'm not sure if this change fixes that; I haven't tested it. The bottom line is that it should take just one shot to the upper torso.


Just like in every other CoD game, you wouldn't change the damage of the crossbow, but you didn't bother to make it even one shot. You changed it by 25, so it did nothing. Just make it 150. It should take you two minutes. The inhibitor sniper was nerfed that longer ranges which I do agree with one of the cat AMR Barrel attachments had its damage range and bolt velocity benefit nerfed by 8 and 9%, which I don't know why exactly it's a sniper rifle that already has really [ __ ] bullet velocity so why Nerf it more and the cat AMR is far from the best sniper in the game in terms of allaround use so it just seems like a dumb change and there's some more weapon changes to go over aside from those but those are the main ones that I felt the need to talk about but now I want to get into this Jack Thunder kit for The Sidewinder, because holy [ __ ] this takes one of the worst guns in the game and somehow manages to make it even worse.


I don't know how they did it, but somehow this kit turns it into an LMG with a permanent 50-round mag that won't let you change, and the gimmick here is that the longer you shoot, the faster your weapon starts firing, so the second half of the mag shoots a lot faster, but honestly, it doesn't feel that fast.

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I don't know the exact fire it gets to, but I'm going to go ahead and assume the MCW shoots faster at the gate now. That might sound good. You just get an increased fire rate in the second half of the mag. How can that be so bad? Well, it also reduces your damage by 20 to 33%, which turns the gun into a four-shot kill instead of a three-shot kill so now for the first half of the mag you have the normal Sidewinder fire rate but now you have to shoot them four times instead of three and you see no benefit until you shoot half the mag and by then you're already dead and would you even call this a benefit because when the rate of fire increases the recoil is so [ __ ] much that it's near impossible to hit shots regardless, especially when the bullet velocity isn't increased at all despite being an lmg for longer ranges?

The bullet velocity is still that of an SMG, so what in the world is this weapon good for dropping your KD? Not to mention the Fast Fire rate is only effective for like 20 bullets; you don't really see much benefit from it either way, and another added negative that I noticed is that the mag is so bulky and on the left side of the gun that when you T-Sprint, your character shoves the mag in his face and you just can't see anything in front of you; it covers your entire reticle just about.

Man, you just have to laugh. Why are these developers so bad at balancing weapons? This game was sounding so great with the post-launch content and all the aftermarket parts; they sounded awesome, but 90% of them are just completely unusable. That just makes the gun worse, especially when you're up against the MCW sweats almost every game you want to play and make the side kit good.

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Keep the damage you had before so it stays a three-shot kill, increase the mag size to 60, and make it have 30 rounds at max fire rate. So after you shoot 30 bullets, it'll be firing at its maximum fire rate, along with increasing the bullet velocity. There you go. Now it's worth using, and if that's a tad bit, who really gives a I doubt anyone is going to break up with their MCW class to run around with a gimmick weapon with a ton of recoil anytime soon, but yeah, super disappointing.

An update from Call of Duty has been here for 2 months, and the game really hasn't improved at all in the weapon balance department, and they can't even get the simplest of balance choices correct even after making changes. And I don't really see anyone talking about this. I also want to give a huge shout-out to all my chatroom members for their support.

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Gun, Yeah, the unfortunate part is that there's so much recoil on the gun that when you have a high rate of fire, you're not hitting [__]. Look at how bad it is; it lowers damage. It lowers the damage. We've seen a lot of bad conversion kits, and this might be the worst. One, and then you can't see anything when you're running in a tack sprint because the goddamn giant ass mag is right in your way.

2 months after release and the weapon balance is still not getting any better, in fact it might be getting worse. I discuss some glaring design logic inconsistencies and what I think should be changed ASAP, and also yell while doing it. Get 3 Months of the rated VPN for FREE by using my referral link.
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