News - Warzone 2 Vs Mw3



So I've been playing the Modern Warfare 3 demo. I mean, I've been playing the Modern Warfare 3 beta for a little bit. Weekend two just started, and I can honestly say that as of now, it definitely feels better than last year's Modern Warfare 2. Modern Warfare 2 maps are a breath of fresh air, although I got to say playing rust on this game with this skill, B matchmaking, is kind of crazy, but we'll get to that later.

First impressions

I said in my previous article that the movement feels a lot better; honestly, you have more control and a better skill set at your disposal. Slide canceling is back; you can still jump shot, but bunny hopping is still kind of useless, like last year, which I kind of like, not going to lie, dolphin. Dive strafing is much faster, vaulting is faster, and just the whole pace of the game feels slightly increased.

We're going to.

The good and the bad

Talk about the good and the bad from a casual point of view, which is arguably the most important, in my opinion, since 99% of the player base is casual, whether you like it or not. Don't get it twisted. I've been playing Call of Duty since Code 4, so I have experienced the golden days of Call of Duty, but unfortunately, since the introduction of ridiculous skill-based matchmaking in Modern Warfare 2019.

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I haven't really played this franchise all that much simply because of this skill-based matchmaking. It's just draining too much energy out of me, but we'll get to that. I know a lot of you watch my articles regularly but haven't yet subscribed, so if you want to, that would mean a lot. I want to start out with the bad things first, or the things I would like to see improved for the final release of the game, even though I suspect that most things on this list won't be changed.

Is it a dlc?

Is it a dlc?

That much, if at all. Now, one of the things I dislike the most about sequels is the fact that they sometimes look very similar or even just flat out the same as the previous game, but not always, of course.

Modern Warfare 2019 and Black Ops Cold War look, feel, and play very different. Now, you may say Black Ops: Cold War is not a direct sequel. But last year's Modern Warfare 2 is a direct sequel to Modern Warfare 2019, and they are also pretty different now. This year's Modern Warfare 3 and last year's Modern Warfare 2 look very similar; on the one hand, it is to be expected, but on the other hand, it really creates that DLC feeling.

A lot of people are calling this game a mod Warfare 2 DLC, you know, things like the animations. Graphics even the stupid UI is very similar, though that might actually change for the final build we'll see. So my biggest issue with the game itself as of now is that it feels like I'm playing a tweaked version of last year's Modern Warfare 2, with, you know, some new maps and some new guns.

The maps are good, obviously.

Name tag visibility

One thing they already changed in Weekend 2 is the name tag visibility. In week one, it was very hard to determine if a player was an enemy or not. You know, with a fast-paced game like this, you want to be able to tell in an instant whether or not a character is an enemy or a friendly player, and in weekend one.

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I confused my teammates to be the enemy. Pretty often now, it's a little bit better, but it could still be.



Some work hit, which is another thing. There is one specific weapon in this game. I forgot the name of it, but every now and again I use it to shoot an enemy. The bullets just straight up don't connect; they fly right through the enemy.

Check out this clip from a previous article. This is probably a simple bug that will be squashed in the final build of the game, but it is still pretty annoying now.

Gun names

Speaking of guns and their names, this is a personal pet peef of mine: what is it with modern FPS games and giving stupid fictional names to existing weapons that most of us played with in other games for many, many years, like in Modern Warfare 2019?

The AK was simply called the AK-47. And in last year's Modern Warfare 2, and I suspect something similar with Modern Warfare 3, it was called the cast-off or something like that; they stopped using the official names of guns, and for some reason, it really pisses me off. Other people are saying it's because of licensing issues; others are saying it's because of some lawsuit in the United States.

I don't know; all I know is that it's really annoying.

Footstep audio

Footstep audio

Now, going back to some gameplay-related issues that I have with the game footstep audio, it is kind of weird in my opinion. Often, I think I can detect enemy footsteps, but then it turns out those are just friendly footsteps, so they sound very similar. You know, friendly and enemy footstep sound effects, and the friendly footstep audio is definitely too loud, so it needs some tweaking.

Guardian killstreak reward

In my opinion, as well as the Guardian kill streak reward, please get rid of that thing. It's so incredibly annoying; it's obviously made for area denial purposes. But the sound it makes and the amount of health that it has, which has been reduced in weekend two, admittedly, but overall, it's just too Anno for me.

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Why not instead have some sort of barbed wire that you can lay on the ground, like in the Rainbow Six siege? That way, you can still have the same area denial effects as the guardian, minus all the annoying BS. but this one is obviously one of those things that will obviously remain in the game, so I don't know why I'm even talking about this.


I also think the spawns are kind of weird, but then again, it is Call of Duty, so maybe it's just me.

Weapon balance

Weapon balance

Weapon Balance is also a bit strange because of the increased health that you have in Modern Warfare 3. You usually have to land at least one extra bullet to kill, especially at longer ranges. Don't get me wrong. I like the increased TTK, but sometimes it feels a little bit inconsistent, and I think that's a weapon balance issue.


Now I know a lot of people are happy with the return of the classic mini map where you appear on the enemy mini map when firing an unsuppressed weapon. It's definitely better than in Modern Warfare 2, but I still feel like the mini map could use an overhaul. I said the same for Battlefield, I think, in regards to enemy positioning indications.

They should do something similar to Star Wars Battlefront, or days ago, an indicator based on range and general direction, which is, in my opinion, a great alternative to having pinpoint accurate location indicators like we have now with the classic Mini Map or not at all like in last year's Modern Warfare 2.

That way, you can also play with different values for different suppresses and stuff like that. Let's see what else.

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