News - Warzone 2i Looks Kind Of Ugly By Default. Beta Feedback & Color Correction Tips

Nothing would change here; you would just no longer see this giant toggle tactical prompt pop up every single time you aim down sight. I think it's completely unnecessary, and it gets in the way a whole lot more than the mounting option. I know this is really similar to the Mount prompt that you would see when you aim down near something that you can mount on, but that prompt was at least a little bit more localized.

Also, I think they had it a bit lower on the screen as well, so it's not quite toward the center of your screen, so I never really found that as annoying as this new toggle tactical prompt. Now part of me is thinking that they purposely made this a little bit bigger and right in your face. Just for the beta build of the game because they want to encourage people to try out this new mechanic, and that's just a constant reminder for people that are just getting into the game for the first time that this is something you can do, but I think by default they should be shrinking this a little bit, maybe moving it down on the screen slightly as well, just so it's a bit less obstructive.

And on top of that, I would love to see an option in the menus for us to just disable this completely so we don't need to see it, and with that, that's pretty much it. While this is in no way the biggest issue with the game or anything. I do think overall the game's looking a little more ugly than it needs to out of the box, and I don't think we should have to be using filters or making adjustments on our TVs or monitors to make the game look significantly better than it does natively.

By default. First off, do you agree with me? Do you feel like the game by default just looks a little too washed out and there's not enough contrast, maybe a little too much atmospheric fog, or do you actually prefer that with it being a little bit more. I guess you could say gritty? And second, what do you guys think about that toggle tactical prompt that pops up every time you aim down sight, right in the middle of your screen?

And don't forget to subscribe for more if you haven't already. I'll talk to you guys

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