News - Warzone 2. 0 Top 10 Best Loadout Guns. Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

I think we're going to start seeing it in the game a lot more commonly soon, but yeah, this is the build I'm going to recommend for now, and we'll see where it goes in the future. The number five spot is going to be once again the king of consistency, always the M4. Now, this one is very different from the build that I usually recommend for traditional multiplayer games.

warzone 2 meta loadouts

In terms of how the barrel and muzzle are going to function, this weapon also has a 60-round magazine. So the aimed-out sight speed is going to be a little bit sluggish; I'm not going to lie about that. You know, combined with the muzzle attachment as well, it is not a very snappy weapon, but what I will say is that the recoil is buttery smooth, and my God, is this thing consistent?

At the end of the day, the choice of optic is really up to you. I usually like this red dot a whole lot, but you can run something that's higher magnification. And because of how smooth the recoil is, it's not going to affect it too much, and you can be extremely effective with something like a three- or four-x magnification, a kind of optic coming out of number four, though this is starting to get to our really good weapons.

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This is the Raul M. Gil letter, and this one is probably the one that shocked me the most; I've been playing this gun a lot more than I thought I would. I'm not really a big LMG guy, but I've been playing around with this one, and I've kind of settled on this being the particular build I really like, and I'm not gonna lie, this gun is absolutely broken.

I think the biggest changes you can make are probably to the optics. You can go with something with higher magnification. It's not a very aggressive gun at all; however, this is really good against squads or multiple targets at the same time. It's got an absolutely insane magazine, so you're not going to have to really worry about ammo during mid-gun fights, and I'm just going to kind of let it speak for itself.

It was a really rare occurrence for me to ever get outgunned in a head-on-head gunfight. I'm not kidding; give it a try and you'll see what I mean. I like the pineapple grip as well for the attack, but I think the F-TAC Ripper does decent enough on this. The biggest downside to this gun in particular is, of course, that there is no optic.

I think the iron sights are beyond usable; they're excellent, but that does leave something to be desired for precision and, of course, extremely long-distance battles, so pairing this with a sniper is really not a bad idea. Close, range Maybe it's not the most effective gun; it doesn't fry like right in super-close quarters combat scenarios, but anything even kind of close to medium-long range it dominates; you're really not going to beat this gun, and this is probably the one that's like my comfort pick at this point.

Coming in at the number two spot is the Fennec build, and this one is very different from my multiplayer version, but this was created for one purpose specifically, and that was to be an absolute bullet hose with probably one of the best TTKs ever; this is literally the gun you're going to want. For up-close combat scenarios, you can carry other guns for medium-long range stuff, but it's pretty much unbeatable in terms of consistency and also just how dominant you're going to be in anything like up to.

I don't know, 20 or 30 meters. It's also quite a common weapon to come across in the game, as it's really part of the ground loot, and it's just a weapon you're going to see very frequently in your matches. Now, before we unveil the number one spot, I do want to give a quick honorable mention to the brand new Chimera rifle, or aka the Chimera, or aka the Chimera, or aka the Chimera.

or aka the Chimera, is probably going to be the best way to build this for Warzone. Now, admittedly, this is not the best gun in the game. The honey badger as it is right now is very good, don't get me wrong, but it does get outclassed by some of the better weapons at the moment, so I'm just going to say that if you want something pretty good and you just like the weapon, by all means run it, but if you're looking for something that is just the most competitive gun and you don't care about like what you know if you actually like the weapon or not, the honey badger may not be the best.

It struggles a little bit at long range, and the recoil is very inconsistent; for some odd reason, the recoil of these weapons, despite these attachments being the thing that mitigates that as much as possible, is pretty good, but it's not the best. But finally coming in at the number one spot is my favorite gun in Warzone right now, and that is the RPK and specifically this build.

Once again, I've never been a big, lmao guy. But the way this RPG plays is the perfect cross between an LMG and a more aggressive AR. has specifically to do with the magazine attachments you can run; it is by no means the biggest magazine you can run on it, and the Red Dot that I also run is set out for medium range.

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Nothing really too crazy there, but despite being an LMG, the advertised speed is relatively snappy, but the real strength of this gun is the fact that there is basically no recoil, and when I say no recoil. I mean it. You hear oftentimes that this gun just doesn't really kick that much. Whatever this gun is, it kind of feels illegal.

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It feels like a cheat code. It's surprising because I didn't think the RPK was going to be that good in Warzone, as it's not the most effective, like, multiplayer weapon. I don't really use it, but in Warzone specifically, this is probably what I'm going to say is like one of the best guns in the game right now, period.

And there are changes that can be made to some of these weapons; a lot of them are going to get nerfed in upcoming patches, I'm sure.

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