News - Warzone 2. 0 Close Range Meta - Best Possible, Data Driven Builds/loadouts - It's Still Only The Fennec :

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So I've mentioned this before, but for some reason Modern Warfare 2 has both additive and multiplicative stats, so on tgd if it says plus, some number, so if it says like, a good example is the movement speed here, these movement speeds on the Recon Barrel say plus. 06, meters per second, that is a straight additive amount; that's not a multiplication; so if it says a percentage, if it says just plus 4.8 recoil, that takes the base and multiplies it by 4.8, that takes the base and multiplies it by 4.8, that takes the base and multiplies it by 4.8, that takes the base and multiplies it by 4.8, that takes the base and multiplies it by 4.8, that takes the base and multiplies the base, that takes the base and multiplies it by 4.8, that takes the base, that takes the base and multiplies by Those are both true, and they both act together, so it has multiplication, so you take the base amount of time, and then on top of that, you have to add whatever the additive portion is separate from that, so it's a new thing for War.

Warzone 2, and Modern Warfare 2. I don't really know why they did it, but the reason I'm saying that is because these 150 milliseconds are straight additive, so it doesn't matter what attachments you put on this; the addition of 150 milliseconds happens after the fact, so even if you somehow got the fennec down to zero milliseconds of ad time and you put that barrel on there, it's still going to add 150 milliseconds to it, so it's just a crazy penalty.


As far as under barrels go. I don't really think the under barrels are worth the penalties on an SMG, like all the movement speed penalties on these things are crazy or the ad time penalties are crazy compared to what you can get on things like a muzzle. If you use a muzzle for recoil instead of an under barrel for recoil, the pros outweigh the cons significantly, especially for an SMG, so yeah, the under barrels are just kind of meh for it.

So I wouldn't really recommend any of these barrels.

Recommended builds

Recommended builds

So all that being said, how would I build this if you're a really aggressive player who's jump channeling people and you don't do a whole lot of like ads walking around? Put the Slimline on there for example's sake. If you're someone who's doing the jump challenge, like I said, this is for someone who's very aggressive and not used to walking very much.

The VLK laser with a seven-milliwatt output is going to be the one you want to pick because it has the best stats and is a visible laser that you can't see. That is why I said if you're someone who walks a lot, you might not want that because it gives away your position as you're pushing around a corner or something like that; people will see the laser and know what you're coming for.


Duos, trios, and quads need the 45-round mag; you may even want it in solos. It's just that the damage per magazine is not very good on the Fennec, so you pretty much always have to have that 45-round magazine on hand, and then there's the surprise attachment that I didn't really expect to be that good.

This fennec rubber grip is fantastic; two and a half percent or three percent ad time and fifteen percent firing time—definitely want that. And then that last thing is going to be that stock, so the agile assault has seven stocks. I don't like the F-TAC stop stock cap. It just makes the recoil too hard to control at any sort of range; you know, tent people, you're going to have your SMG out sometimes when someone shows up 20 meters away; even though you don't want it out, it's going to happen, so you can't have terrible, terrible recoil.

So that's why I like this Assault 7 stock. It gives you really nice straight speed, so that plus 0.3 meters per second of ad movement speed is awesome, as is Sprint speed, tax print speed, and ad time, so this is what I would recommend for someone who's very aggressive; there's no suppressor on this, obviously.

modern warfare 2

Um, so I'll do a build for that in a second, but yeah, if you weren't using an optic, if you're someone who likes iron sights on this gun, I would probably just swap the optic for that, x10rr40. I think this would be the best build then for the Fennec 45, like I said, because of the 15-volt range and 30-volt velocity that's going to make you win against a lot of other Fenix in situations where that damage range comes into play, so I just think, yeah, these are probably two of my favorite builds, all right, so for someone who jumps channels, this is the recommended build here.

I've got the tunings as well, so let's quickly go through those Fennec rubber-grip tunings. We've got a little bit of momentum toward Sprint to Fire. Sprint fire is more important than aiming stability up close, for sure, and recoil steadiness versus aim down sight speed again, aim down sight speed is going to be more important up close.

modern warfare 2 season 2

In the agile Assault 7 stock, we've got a minus 2.97 toward aim down sight speed versus aim locking steadiness, locking speed on, and a horizontal minus 1.08 inches versus aim idle stability. Those are important for long range, but we're building this for maximum close range for the optic I. I need to actually test this Flinch resistance to see if it really does anything, but I feel like Flinch in general is much worse in this game, so I tend to tune it towards Flinch resistance because sometimes it feels like it makes me miss shots, and a missed shot is always worse than having a little bit better ad time, so I got it tuned towards Flinch resistance.

But I think it would be completely viable to tune it toward ad time as well. For eye position, I tend to like close; it just gives me a better view of the target. Again, that's a personal preference. I don't think it really affects the visual recoil that much, but, yeah, close is what I go with on that, and then for the laser, we've got all the way towards Sprint to fire speed aim.

modern warfare 2 update

Walking steadiness is important but not as important for SMGs, and then aiming idle stability versus ad time again, we're tuned to 37.84 feet, which is the zeroing distance for ad times, so let's take this into the firing range. You can check this out in super-fast 80s time; it's going to have a pretty good streak of speed because of that stock.

The laser is red, which is a little harder to see than green, which I like, and it gives you more sprint to fire compared to the green laser overall. This is just a pretty dominant fennec here, and I think this is about as good as it can get for anyone who's, you know, jumping channeling around a corner or something.

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