News - Warzone 2 - Ultimate Beginner's Guide. Everything You Need To Know About Warzone & Dmz


You'll be surprised at how often this works. One last tip: once you call in the extraction helicopter, run and hide behind some cover. Rival squads may be hiding nearby, waiting to steal all your valuables before you can escape and catch them off guard by lurking in the shadows. Better yet, hang out by an extraction point and get the jump on a rival squad.

This is a DMZ, not a Toys R Us, and there are no rules about punching Jeffrey the giraffe in the head.



Here, go nuts, and that's it; there's plenty more nuance to be found in both Warzone and DMZ, but this is more than enough to get you started. For all your PC gaming needs, including additional Warzone guides such as which weapon loadout is best, head on over to {5}

Call of Duty Warzone 2. 0 has finally arrived, offering players a next-generation battle royale experience as well as an experimental extraction mode in the form of DMZ. We here at Rock Paper Shotgun have spent the last few days leaping out of planes and scooping rifles off dusty floors in order to bring you this our ultimate beginner's guide, a video that details everything you need to know to increase your chances of survival within the warzone. Now, a bit of an admission right up top, I actually never played the original Warzone.
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