News - Warzone 2 Top 5 Best Loadouts After Update. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts

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We have some new loadouts in Warzone 2 that I want to give you guys. I know they're going to be pretty broken, so anybody that watches this. I'm sorry, because there's going to be a ton of people that actually use this loadout that most likely are going to kill you, so if you want to avoid that, please copy these loadouts and get them in before other people do.

Copy it down and use it before someone guns you down, so we're going to start out with the brood pendulum. The broom pendulum's vertical and horizontal recoil control came at the cost of outside speed aiming stability. Now you put the gun kick controller at 21 inches and the aim down side speed to 0.65 ounces, but the cast won 381 millimeters from Niche 2 for the damage range increase at 0.15 inches.

The recoil setting is 0.34 pounds for damage range and fire accuracy, and the Boulevard velocity is cost-aim down sight speed and hit recoil control. Move on to the broadside of the FCT, tune it to put the amino stability at 70 inches, and aim for an outside speed of negative 3.87 ounces for aiming stability, cross movement speeding outside speed, and sprint speed at the cost of aiming walking speed recoil control.

best loadouts

Don't worry, it's going to have no recoil, so let me worry about that, and it's still going to have good ads. True Tech grip now for Sprint to increase fire speed and aim downside speed at the cost of recoil control now, switch the fire speed. Put it at a negative 15 inches, and the recoil state is 58 ounces.

We're going to put on a 45-round magazine and get ready for this. This thing is going to be absolutely laser-focused. It is going to be so easy to control. Now the only downside of Long Reach is that it's going to be a little bit more difficult. So be ready for that. This is a little bit harder to control.

You don't really want to have that. That's something you kind of want to avoid unless you have a laser-aim bot like me. So if you believe in God like me, that's what you do next. We're moving into the RPK. Now the RPK is still legendary; in fact, somebody said, "This thing is a laser, unlike mine." Someone told me that this build has no recoil compared to theirs, so this is the one that you want to use.

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We're going to put it on the Polar Fire S for the sound suppression and bullet velocity damage. Ranger recoil, smoothness If you don't have the Talon muzzle, then this is the one you want to use. The Talon muzzle is probably better, but this works for me, so put the below-ground velocity at 0.32 inches and the recoil smoothness at 0.32 ounces for the attack.

We're going to put on this one right here, which is the F-Tech Ripper, 56. Just because I don't want anyone to say you lied to me. I can't handle a little bit of recoil, even though it'll give you more damage, so F Track number 56 for aiming all stability hip fire actually says: With regal stabilization, the cost of Internet space, site speed, and walking speed is now actually aiming out of stability at 0.21 inches.

call of duty warzone 2

The recoil stabilization by 0.44 ounces polar is the same, but the high velocity 762 rounds on Max without the bullet velocity, don't change the weight just leave it alone, it's completely fine, trust me, and then put an aim at B4 tune it to far distance Max. It was put on the double X2. Grip doesn't change the width; raising the recoil status to 0.74 ounces helps with recoil control, and check this thing out! This thing literally has no recoil, making it super easy to control.

I'm barely holding my thumbstick down, but you just get the job done; it's just such an easy weapon to use. I'm so surprised when I see comments saying you must have a Cronus or you must be using some sort of tool to have no recoil on an RPK, and it's just like, What a freaking RPK, and you're having a hard time actually controlling.

The recall of this build is going to work out for you; just use it and you'll do great; in fact, it's so easy that if you can't control the recall cooldown with this, then you just need to stop playing Call of Duty. I'm not going to lie to you. You're going to have to stop playing Call of Duty because you're not good, and that's just point blade period, so ISO.

call of duty warzone 2 best loadouts

Hemlock This is another fantastic book, AR. This AR actually does a ton of damage, and I think it's actually one of the meta-arguments, so please give it a try. Harbinger d20 for sound suppression bullet velocity damage range, and recluse moving this at the cost of aim downside speed, aim stability, and aim walking speed, but the bullet velocity at 0.87 inches and the recoil smoothness at 0.54 ounces Put the filter T50 on for damage range bullet velocity, hit fire accuracy, and recoil control at the cost of aim down side speed, hip, or equal control movement speed now, put the damage range of 0.17 inches and the recoil said it is a point of 15 pounds, but the filter F-TAC 56 on for aiming out stability hip, fire accuracy, and recoil stabilization at the cost of aim down side speed and aim up.

I am sorry, and walking speed Put the aiming stability at 0.35 inches. The recoil stabilization 0.65 ounces are put on the 45-round magazine; you don't want to put anything else on this because it's just going to suck and you're not going to have enough bullets even though you're going to reload quick, and then you put on the map V4 for the far distance, negative.


165 ounces, trust me. That's where you want to have it put on, and here we go. Check this out. It's so easy to use—in my opinion, probably the best of them to use. Look how easy it is. You just have high accuracy; you barely have to try. You just have to aim with the chest a little bit higher.

It's so easy; it's honestly so easy. I mean, if you can't use this gun, like, what do you do? Just stop just stop if you can't use this gun, which in my opinion is probably the best AR because it has high damage, a super low recoil, and acts like a peacekeeper. Cracked out, I don't know if that other word is TOS.

I mean to say it begins with s, but I don't know if it's TOS, so I can't say it anyway. We're going to move on to the fennec because this thing is my baby, and it's always been my baby, and this thing is actually insane. And, I actually made a different build without the VLK laser; let me see if I have it; it's probably this one.


Okay, so I made it without the VLK laser, so the laser won't show up, so you guys can cry because the enemy sees my laser. You don't need the laser, and anyway, you don't have to see the laser. Recall stabilization at, the cost of walking speed, and the amount size speed put aiming out stability of 0.23 inches in The recoil stabilization of 0.54 ounces next, we're going to have the Fennec-Mag 45 I mean, there's really no alternative, so make sure you have this one put on the agile assault 7s for sprint speed, aim locking speed, and speed.

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