News - Ashika Island Top 10 Best Loadouts To Use. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts

best class setups

I'm going to be showing all these class setups on stream and in this article right now, so this is the number one setup. This is the meta setup right here, the iso Hemlock MP5, so we're going to put on the Harbinger D20 for the sound suppression bullet velocity damage range and recoil smoothness at the cost of aim downside speed, aim stability, and aim walking speed, but the bullet velocity at 0.90 inches in the recall smoothness increases to 1.22 ounces from the filter T50.

I set the damage range to 0.21 inches and the recoil stain to 0.15 pounds. This is the sweet spot. After this, it actually goes down, so that's not what you want. Keep it at Point 15, put on the OP V4, max out the far distance, and put on the 45-round mag with high velocity. Now, this is controversial, but I feel like—it may be a placebo—but I feel like I did better with high velocity.

If you don't want that, you can just put on the F-TAC Ripper, but for high velocity, I set the bullet velocity to 6.10 g and the damage range to 0.29 g. Now, if I were to use the f-tag ripper, I mean it. So this is the meta AR right now, and I'm going to show you the mega SDG as well, which, in my opinion, is actually two SMBs.

best loadouts

I mean, in my opinion, although people say it's the MP5, I still feel like it's authentic, but we're going to move on to it right now, so the MP5. This MP5 is unreal; it's so good to use, so put on the FSS shark fin for Emmy and let the building increase. I increased the aiming-out stability at 18 inches and the recoil stabilization by 0.23 ounces after that, but that doesn't help anymore, so just don't change it beyond that.

Put on the VLK laser (7 mW). I tune the aiming stability by 11.52 feet and the weight by -0.06 ounces for Sprint to fire speed. On the mirror, recall 15 factory stocks for aiming on stability and recoil control at the cost of walking speed, aim-down sight speed, and crouched movement speed. I increase the aiming house ability to 1.32 inches after that doesn't really help and then the aim down side speed by a negative 1.29 ounces after that doesn't really help anymore.

I put on the 50-round mag and then the nine millimeter over pressure for the bullet velocity of 4.94 g or gr and then the damage range to 0.45 g. This actually makes the target flee as you're shooting them, so it's very useful. Next, I'm showing you guys the RPK. Orioles, the SZ, or you can just use F-Tech.

call of duty

Ripper It's completely up to you; some people don't like a barrel. If you don't like the barrel, that's completely fine; just use f-site. But it's for damage range, hip fire accuracy, movement speed, and bullet velocity because of the cost of hip recoil control and outside speed and recoil control, so I increase the damage range by 0.26 inches, and the recoil setting is by 0.27 pounds put on AMOPB4.

This maxes out the far-distance demo X2 grip for recoil control at the cost of aiming stability. I didn't change the width; I increased The recoil status is 0.74 ounces and high velocity, by which I mean I maxed out the bullet velocity, increasing the damage range to 0.43 g; the end result is absolutely dangerous.

This thing is still amazing to use in my opinion; it's just one of the most powerful weapons overall. You don't have to try much at all; like, I'm barely holding down my thumbstick, and it's just spreading extremely bad. Now, here's one thing: if you actually take the barrel off, what I've been told is that the recoil is actually even easier to control.

call of duty warzone 2

So instead of this basic recoil, you can take this off and go on the F-Tech Ripper. Increase the recoil stabilization by about 0.45 right here, and then we go into the firing range again; check this out. Like, you literally barely have to drive, and this thing is unreal, so whichever version you want to use is completely up to you.

Next, we're moving on to the fennec because they didn't really nerf my boy enough; they didn't, and if they wanted to actually do damage to defense, they would have done more damage, but this thing is still meta. I actually think it's better than the MP5, which is why I said I feel like there are two metas.

call of duty warzone 2 best loadouts

So I put on the zlr 16.5 ignition barrel for the damage range bullet velocity, hip fire accuracy, and recoil control at the cost of downside speed, hip recoil control, and movement speed increase, the damage range by 0.25 inches, and the recoil stainless. I actually maxed it out; you don't have to max it out; in fact, you can actually lower it a little bit if you want to; it's not really going to make a big difference whether you have a 0.32 or a 0.50; you're just probably going to lose more mobility.

Put on the VLK laser (7 MW). I didn't change it that much—actually, I didn't change it at all. If you want to change it completely, that's up to you. Maybe increase the amount of stability, but this build already has a very good aim for stability changes, so in my opinion, I wouldn't really change anything.

Agile sold seven stocks, increasing sprint speed, aim, and walking speed. Crouch movement speed and aim down side speed at the cost of aiming stability and recoil control, so I maxed out the aiming out stability and decreased The weight is decreased by 0.06 ounces to increase aim down sight speed, but on the fennec rubber grip for sprint to fire speed and aim down sight speed at the cost of recoil control.


I increase the recoil stay in this by 0.42 ounces on a 40-45 round mag, and this is the outcome. I would highly suggest using this if you want to get close range. You're going to try to take care of this very quickly. Long range is a little more controversial as, as you can see, it still bounces all over the place, but short to medium range is where this thing absolutely shines, especially if they're in your face, so please use this build; I'm telling you, you might have more fun than using an MP5.

Next, we're moving on to the cast of the 762 because this thing is low Kia meta that people don't really know about, so polar, fire is yours, and sound suppression below-velocity damage. Ranger me close to smoothness at the cost of aimed outside speed and aiming stability if you want to keep the below velocity at one, you can.


I mean, I don't think it really matters changing it slightly from the 0.70 regions to all the way over there. The recoil setting is 0.72 ounces, but on the cast 10-5 84 millimeter barrel for damage range, bullet velocity, hip fire accuracy, and recoil control, the cost of tight hip or equal control and movement speed increases the damage range to 0.28 inches, and the recoil setting is 0.26 pounds.

I'm going to aim up before I max. In the demo, the X2 grip increased the aiming stability to 0.15 inches and the recoil status by 0.29 ounces, and then I put on a 49-round magazine. Don't put on the 20; it's just not worth it. 40 is good. show you guys the outcome. This thing is incredible and doesn't take much effort to use.

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