News - Warzone 2: The Massive Season 2 Update Fully Revealed. Modern Warfare 2 Season 2 Changes

modern warfare 2

That's essentially what they're saying there additional. Changes Three-plate vests were continuously evaluating the combat engagements, and we have decided to make all players start with a three-plate vest. We're literally just redoing War Zone 1 at this point, which seems to vary. Sizes of vests will no longer exist; standardization will bring more reliable players.

We have made improvements to movement that should yield better outcomes for players in combat. Players will be able to burst through doors while plating in the same way they would if they were sprinting. This change includes a slight increase to movement speed while plating, so you can be a little bit more aggressive while plating now that there are solid buy stations in order to make their goods easier to access.

modern warfare 2 season 2

Revamped, our approach to spawn locations has been added and adjusted: spawns will be static across the map, and loadout drop markers will have a limited stock at all buy stations. There are big changes there, too, for strongholds. What are they saying here? We are committed to providing a balanced experience for players who want to enter strongholds. Season two will bring changes to the rewards players receive from strongholds and black sites as well as additional adjustments to the AI.

New dmz gameplay updates revealed

New dmz gameplay updates revealed

Then, we move into the DMZ updates here, so enemy tuning. In season one, the AI were challenging, but the ramp of the difficulty was often steep, with some players getting overwhelmed.

In season two, we've introduced a number of balance changes to adjust the types of AI spawning, the number of AI spawning, and the accuracy of the AI. All in all, there should be a balance between a challenging but manageable play space, so basically they're nerfing the AI Bots a little bit at spawn points, and we're tuning some of the infill spawn points for early game experience so that you're not going to spawn right on top of an enemy team as much as, basically, the mission difficulty.

modern warfare 2 season 2 update

Tuning data and player feedback reinforce that the faction mission difficulty ramp up was too aggressive for many players and that the demanding scale ultimately made it very challenging to unlock the second charge slot. We are adjusting the overall scale of that so they're going to be challenging but not as difficult, which is nice and solid for getting the second insured slot and the third insured slot.

We know crashes are essentially impactful. In the DMZ, if you lose your items and weapons, that's terrible. Addressing these crashes is a priority for season 2, and we are committed to increasing stability, so hopefully they're also going to add in a reconnect button. That's ultimately what we need to see here this season.

modern warfare 2 season 2 update changes

Refresh: All new missions are coming in season two, including a refresh of your current faction's mission progress and inventory, so contraband and keys are going to be reset. We'll be detailing all you need to know about Intel for the DMZ ahead of season 2 in an upcoming blog, so that's really solid there too. With a new exclusion zone coming to season two, players will have a third option to choose when deploying in the DMZ, and the faction refresh will provide new missions to send you across all the destinations too, so it's not just like all Masra, specific missions, and then we get to multiplayer, here audio and multiplayer.

Modern warfare 2 new gameplay changes & updates

Modern warfare 2 new gameplay changes & updates

The occlusion system is also going to be updated here for multiplayer, as well as perk balancing. We've received a lot of feedback around the timing of bonus perks, especially ghost. We've looked at swapping this perks position, but we felt this would create an imbalance for season two. We've updated the rate at which the bonus and ultimate perks are earned and reduced the bonus perk cost by fifty percent for ultimate and by 25 percent for weapon.

Balance is going to be coming here in multiplayer as well, and it'll be different. We also have five new weapons coming to season two, and those will be revealed in the coming weeks, so that's actually pretty crazy as well. Hardcore is returning, and that's pretty standard. Their playlists are Valentine's Day playlists, which are going to be returning in February.

modern warfare 2 update

We're detailing the multiplayer modes in season two in the coming weeks, and one week per month, Infinity Ward will be creating a Twitter poll for fans to vote on that playlist. So we just saw that happen with "shoot the ship," obviously, and you know ranked play is going to be dropping as well. That's pretty basic stuff there.

Looking ahead, these are some changes coming in season two. We have plenty of content to share; expect more information on all the brand new maps, including the new small map for War Zone 2, next week, including the return of Resurgence. That said, it's going to wrap things up for this one.

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