News - Warzone 2: New Top 10 Meta Class Setups For Season 6. Warzone 2 Season 6 Meta

Alternatives are there too; pick your poison; there's really no wrong answer. This thing is great whether you're hip-firing or seeing ads saying flying and frying.

Modern warfare 2 best m4 class setup for season 6

Modern warfare 2 best m4 class setup for season 6

It does not at all. It's been a long time coming, but my team Carnage officially has our very own gfel flavor known as POG juice. This is a delicious combination of passion fruit, orange, and guava. Let me tell you, I have tried it, I have tasted it before, and this is a top-two flavor, and it's not number two if you know what I'm saying.

It's absolutely phenomenal, and it's super cool to finally see this come to fruition, so if you want to try it for yourself, maybe even pick up the collector's box. Old Reliable is here, The M4, when is this thing ever bad in a Cod? It's been good since day one; it's really not changed all that much in multiplayer.

It's just a beam, right? It's going to fry. It's got easy recoil; it's versatile; maybe not as much as something like a Razer back, an Advancer, or the Guist, but it's still super good in a lot of different styles. Engagements here initially got Edge 47 for that better stabilization and Castle compensator for that better control.

best setups modern warfare 2

We got the Olay laser on here, which is the same equivalent as the 7 m. I go for the P80 strike stock for the better Sprint speed. the speed the ads speed yet again, then the ZX rear grip is for better control, but you could also use something like phantom for the ads and Sprint of Fire as well if you wanted.

That just depends on whether you want it to be a little bit more aggressive or a little bit easier to use either way. At the end of the day, it's still the M4. It's still trustworthy and so consistent, and it's probably always going to be like that in COD for the rest of time, basically now.

Mw2 best iso 45 class setup after season 6

Mw2 best iso 45 class setup after season 6

We already had the ISO 9 and the ISO 45, still frying an MP as well. Basically, it just feels like a different and slightly heavier version of the ISO 9mm. Right between the two, you can't go wrong; each is so good in the exact same style of engagement, and the setups are going to be pretty similar.

We got the 45-round mag here, we got the 7-m laser, the sheer rear grip here, as well as the cheetah stock, which is basically the res-two stock of the ISO 9 mm, and then I went for the lock shot KT 85 here again, the Castle compensator, or if you wanted to use the spiral flash hider, any of those three would work well.

It's basically the same gun; one just has a 50-round mag with a slightly faster fire rate, and one's got a 45; they are both.

Best taq-v class setup in mw2 season 6

So good now; the TAC V did catch a buff with season 6. This thing fries in multiplayer because of the low health and the fast ttk, so if you land your shots at this thing, GG, it's going to absolutely melt right away.


Initially, here I got the combat rear grip straight up for better recoil control. The 30-round mag is kind of necessary in multiplayer, because even with the slower fire rate, 20 runs out really quick if you factor in accuracy. I do have the Ola laser here, so I had those snappier ads so I could be a little bit more aggressive with this thing.

The Bruin Warrior grip is solid; better control and steadiness are going to help out just make the gun easier to shoot, then the sack and tread 40 compensator are helping out with vertical and a little bit of horizontal control, as well as once more just there for efficiency and optimizing this for the mid-range long range is mainly where you're going to use this, but it's MP; you could get you know the ads up there and have this close-range dominance as well.

Best lachmann 762 loadout after mwii season 6 update

Best lachmann 762 loadout after mwii season 6 update

It's very solid and super strong now the 762, still frying in season 6 as well. This one's a little bit more heavy recoil-based, so you got to be mindful of that, but you put this thing in Full Auto in MP because of the different style of engagements here versus in the war zone. You don't really have to rely on semi-auto ever, and you're going to just melt players, so I do use the Amot V4 here.

I don't like the recoil of the irons or a Red Dot in full auto, and because you're in full auto and the accuracy is rough, I like the 50-round drum 30. It could be decent, but you might be stuck reloading in some awkward situations. If you're not deadly accurate with this thing, which no one really is rip-runner barrel for, the better stabilization is definitely going to help out here in full auto.

modern warfare 2

Bora 490 is also helping a ton with the nasty recoil here; this makes it a little bit easier. Then I go for the wrap barrel as well for better control; that's mainly what I'm focused on. Out of that, you definitely need all the control you can get on a setup like this, but for the mid-range, which is really where you want to be using this, put this thing in full auto and watch it just melt away, and then last we got the MP7, the Do-it All SMG, and some of those other options like the isos.

Mw2 best vel 46 class setup for season 6

It's going to be primarily for just the close range; you could use this in ground war or 6v6, extend it to some of the mid-range, and it's still going to fry because it's so easy to use and it's got that decent mid-range ttk. It is an iron-sight build because I find them to be super clean, so I go for the first stock for the better Sprint speed and ad speed.

modern warfare 2 best class

We got the soldier rear grip better ads and Sprint of Fire, the same deal with the 7 m laser. I like the 50-round drum even more than an MP again because, in the mid-range, you might need that extra ammo just because the damage does drop off a bit. As always with any gun like this, I also go for the KT8, just making it nice and easy, especially in those mid-range types of fights.

It's just going to be a lot more reliable with that on there, but probably one of the more versatile. SMGs that we have in the game right now That being said, those are the top 10 best weapons to be using in MW2 multiplayer here in season 6. That's going to wrap things up.

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