News - Warzone 2: New Top 10 Best Meta Class Setups For Season 4. Warzone 2 Best Weapons

modern warfare 2 best weapons season 4

We got the sheer rear grip, better ads, and Sprint's fire the cheetah stock, which is Sprint speed and Crouch speed. Strife speed and ad speed are just huge boosts to the mobility there. That's super clutch quick fire laser for the better ads speeder, then we also go for the KT85. Just for some consistency in the mid-range where we might need that extra control if we find ourselves in that type of gunfight, but overall, a very reliable SMG is very fun as well, much better than its counterpart in MW 2019.

That being said, those are the top 10 best weapons to be running here in season 4 of Modern Warfare 2. That's going to wrap things up. I'll catch you guys

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