News - Warzone 2: New Top 10 Best Meta Class Setups For Season 2. Warzone 2 Best Weapons

This thing needs another Nerf if it's ever going to be out of the top 10 conversations; it's still absolutely frying.

Modern warfare 2 best kastov 762 setup in season 2

Now speaking of the 762, that's what I got, really, number three. You could flip-flop numbers three and four here. The seven, six, and two in the RPG and multiplayer are so similar to one another.

This also saw a slight nerf, but it's still an absolute beast, especially with the faster tick here in multiplayer. This is still going to completely dominate the opposition when you're landing your shots here. I got the demo X2 rear grip. I tuned this for better control because it's going to basically enhance that standard control bonus we're already getting once again.

modern warfare 2 best weapons after update

Chrono Mini Pro is basically the same. Tune in here faster and furthest; adjust your eye position once more; and you don't need a magnet because this comes with 30, which is totally sufficient for multiplayer action. High Velocity Again, tuning the same deal, hear better range and better velocity.

Edge 47, again to the same tune, is over on the rpk basically, and the same deal with the second shred 40, so the setups are ridiculously similar; the only real difference is the magazine capacity and slightly how the weapons will handle and feel in terms like the recoil pattern, but they're so similar to each other it's good.

Best taq-56 setup for modern warfare ii season 2

Best taq-56 setup for modern warfare ii season 2

Now in number two, I've got the TAC 56. It doesn't have the fastest TTK in the world. What it does have, though, is ease of use, which translates to having a really good, realistic TTK, and that's why this is such a reliable and consistent gun right now in multiplayer. We basically built this to be fantastic for some of the mid- and long-range shooting while still being versatile enough to handle some close-range shooting.

That's kind of why I have the laser sight on here also. I just don't feel the need to run a magazine and an optic stock or a barrel for multiplayers, so it's kind of like the leftovers. If you're sure I'll run this, why not tune for better stability in a mocking tone? You could also go the inverse of each of those if you wanted to combat Rio grip better control tuning to enhance that even more high-velocity ammunition yet again better velocity and range out of those.

modern warfare 2 meta class

Tune Edge 47 and the sack and tread combination on here too; it's just that it works so well for long-range fights with that sort of trifecta of attachments there on the bottom left tuning, for better stability and stabilization on the edge. 47, and same deal here on the second tread, 40, with the gun kick and stabilization as well, so a very easy weapon to use, with basically no recoil and a really good realistic TTK.

Modern warfare ii best iso hemlock setup in season 2

Modern warfare ii best iso hemlock setup in season 2

Then, lastly, we got the brand new Hemlock rifle; this and the TAC 56 actually have almost identical stats. As I've played with it more, I've started to prefer the hemlock, actually, with the overall recoil pattern.

Once you build this out with this setup here, it's basically a mimic of what's going on with this attack, except I do like an optic here and I go for the Chrono Mini Pro standard. Tune in here faster and further to the side. The iron sights just feel kind of bulky, and I don't really like them all that much.

That's a preference thing, though; if you're okay with the optics, you can change for a laser sight. Change for a magazine if you want to do whatever floats your boat, but yeah, I'm not a big fan of those. I go for the X10 grip, which is actually better for mobility, because I feel like the recoil is so easy here that I can actually capitalize.

modern warfare 2 meta class setup

On some close range, you know, advantage and make it a little bit more aggressive in that case. I do tune though for some potential mid-to-long range with the better stability and recoil steadiness. High-velocity ammo has yet again been tuned for better range and velocity; no surprises there; the same.

Deal here with the edge 47, with the stability and stabilization, and same deal with the second tread 40, with its stabilization and gun kick control, but this gun in particular once you unlock it. I mean, it's got the TTK stats, it's got the range, it's got the mobility here; it's just checking all the right boxes in my opinion for the most consistent and reliable gun in the game right now.

Also, a new weapon being at the top of the meta—surprise!—is not going to increase battle pass sales or people playing the game at all. I wonder why that was done anyway. With all that being said, those are the top 10 best weapons and setups here in MW2, multiplayer, for season two. That's going to wrap things up.


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