News - Warzone 2 New Season 6 The Haunting Event Update (operators, Game Modes & More)

cod season 6

Back at it with a brand new Call of Duty article here guys, and this article is on Modern Warfare 2 Season 6: The Haunting Event. We're going to talk about the star times, the download, the game play, and a bunch of other stuff. Guys, brace with me. There's a bunch of information I'm going to provide to you right here, but what it says here is that the haunting event in Modern Warfare 2 in War Zone begins on October 17th at 9:00 a.m.

PT, 11:00 a.m. CT, and 12:00 p.m. EST it'll be adding returning modes like zombie Royale Ash Willows operator and more in Modern Warfare 2 and War Zone. Call of Duty MW2 season 6 The Haunting is the final content update for MW2. Here's everything coming in the Haunting update. This season's going to be the best season by far.

The haunting event was downloaded earlier today. PlayStation game size is reported on the next title update for Modern Warfare 2 update 1.28. The preload for this patch should begin to roll out first on Playstation, beginning next Monday, October 16th, a day before the beginning of the midseason update.

modern warfare 2 haunting event

The hunting patch may not be as big as the previous title updates, as most of the Halloween festivities were already added with the initial season 6 download. This is going to be the new zombie event in War Zone. All haunting operator bundles and release dates: As a reminder, new daily logins are being added during the Haunting event, which will provide players with free Halloween-themed cosmetics.

More bundles are also bound to be added with the midseason update, but here are all the licensed cover-over packs releasing in the sixth and final season of Modern Warfare 2. You got the spawn, which was released, guys. When the season was released, you got the album, which was already released on October 4th.

You have the Doom weapon pack that was released 2 to 3 days ago. Lilith is coming out in two days, guys, which is October 15th. It'll be for 2400. Cod Point Skeletors are coming out on October 17th, and it's 2,800 Cod Points. Ash Williams will be coming out on October 23rd, which is 2400 C points, and the last interest will be coming out on October 26th, which is also 2400 C points.

modern warfare 2 news

This is pretty much how the Skeletor skin looks. This is going to be probably the best skin out of all of them, but you'll never fully know until we fully see the full-out skins. The hunting challenge event Soul Capture is much like the trophy hunt event from MW2, season 3. Hunting is introducing a Soul Capture event that can be completed in multiplayer war zones and DMZ.

As confirmed in the blog post, anytime a player is eliminated, they leave a soul behind; collecting these souls will automatically add to your total in all game modes. Unlike trophy hunts, there's no need to visit an update station in the DMZ or war zone to deposit what you've collected; you could also increase the number of souls.

You capture it by defeating the bigger monsters across Almazar and Vondo. This is pretty much how the events are going to look in Modern Warfare 2: Infinity Ward, which recently published a behind-the-scenes interview with Tom McFarley. Where they illustrated how they brought spawn to life in Call of Duty, within this article, a few seconds of footage are shown of the Haunting event tab, providing a glimpse of upcoming challenges, rewards, and more.

modern warfare 2 season 6

The list of rewards thus far includes, but is not limited to, You get the boo sticker for 15 souls, the skull call card for 30 souls, and the double weapon XP token for 30 souls. You get a haunting charm for 60 souls, and you get a light heilo skin for 90 souls. You get a pistol weapon blueprint for 150 souls, and you get a roll operator skin unlocking for any 10 rewards in the Soul Capture.

Unlock the Soul Harvester weapon blueprint. So guys, there's a new weapon blueprint coming when you pre-order the new Vault edition of Mono Warfare 3. I'll be showing you a article right after this article, breaking down everything about the new soul harvester. So pretty much, you will be skipping through this information, but if you want to stop within the article and read it yourself, you can watch the animated ghouly camo coming soon.

modern warfare 2 season 6 update

During the launch of season 5, reloaded, Twitter leakers shared a glimpse of an animated camel that didn't have an unlock challenge or event tied to it. The camel's name was later discovered to be ghouly, and it is potentially tied to the Soul Capture event. Trophy Hunt in season 3 offered an animating calling card for redeeming 5,000 trophies, which took players a lengthy amount of time to unlock.

It's possible that the ghouly camo will require an absurd amount of souls to unlock, which can be grinded even faster thanks to the boss fights or the soul harvester weapon blueprint. So within my article that you're going to see after this guys that soul harvester blueprint, it gives you extra souls for the new event previously leaked the ghouly camo will release with the haunting event.

How to unlock this camo is still unknown, but it could be for the Soul Capture event. It looks amazing, though this camo looks amazing; look at that gouie that glows green, and it's just that Skin's just nuts operation nightmare sightings and rewards during the duration of Haunting. Almazar will feature anomalies and entities roaming around different points of interest, and finally, each of these entities will reward players with a Mastery calling card to use in any game mode.

modern warfare 2 update

These sightings include, but are not limited to, Find a reaper in Al-Safra Cory. Find a scene in Al-Mazra City; find a ghoul in Albra Forest. Find a witch in al-Malik airport; this is going to be the war zone event pretty much, and the other one I showed you was for MW2. Aside from the six bosses coming to DMZ in War Zone, more monsters are being added.

Reaper, Al Safra Corey Spectre al-Maaz City, Ghoul Albra Forest, and the Witch Al Malik Airport, defeat to earn additional souls to redeem it's going to be a huge event. This haunting event, I can't wait, and honestly, guys, just make sure you have space for this. I don't know if there's going to be another big update, but if there is, I'll be putting up a article on those nightmare boss fights and rewards.


Aside from the Soul Capture event and points of interest updates on Mazra or Vondo, there will be six different bosses roaming around the war zone as we get closer to the hauntings launch. This article will be updated with more context on these bosses and rewards. For now, here are the most wanted bosses, monsters, and rewards that have been revealed, so first there's the butcher.

This Is Everything You Need To Know About The New Modern Warfare 2 Warzone 2. 0 Season 6 Haunting Event Update Begins In 3 Days I Explain Everything Within This Video So Listen Up Closely Because This Is The Biggest Update Yet. Hope You Enjoy This Video.
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