News - New Surprise Warzone 2 Season 6 Reloaded Update. New Dlc Weapons, Maps. More - Warzone 2

Mw2 season 6 reloaded release date

Mw2 season 6 reloaded release date

Believe it or not, there is still content releasing within Modern Warfare 2 Season 6. Yes, you heard that correctly. We are still getting a season 6 reloaded update, which is set to release on November 8th. In this article, we're talking about the DLC weapons, maps, and potential operators we could be seeing within the season 6 reloaded update.

Man, now let's start off with the DLC weapons because, again, that's what's most important. Within these content updates and considering the fact that we're still scheduled to get two weapons before MW 3's release, that's pretty interesting.

Mw2 season 6 reloaded dlc weapons

I do believe they're going to be doing some type of crossover kind of getting everybody transitioned to MW3 within this reloaded update, if they're even going to call it that, because, in my personal opinion, it's kind of too late to do a reloaded update.


Now this is going to be a similar situation with the Lockman Sub and the Lochman Shroud. Again, I know a lot of people do not like it at all when they do content updates like this. For me personally, it's kind of interesting, but at the same time, it is kind of irritating when they do this because it kind of feels like it's a lazy update, but I mean, what can you expect, you know?

2 days before the new game does release, so the fr5.56 is going to be the Pras from Modern Warfare 2019, quite literally the Fasha model for 2019. It's going to be a burst weapon, probably going to be a three-round burst weapon, and it's going to be hopefully a lot better than the M16 now. It got a buff last title update, so I'm assuming that it's going to be.

At least on par with where the M16 is right now, so get excited if you can for the FR 5.56. It It's just still kind of weird how we're still scheduling content. This late in the game's life cycle. I feel like this should have come out last week, but I guess they're just going to go ahead and just spread everything out until the last possible minute, which I mean, it kind of makes sense.


It kind of doesn't mean we are going to have these weapons in Modern Warfare 3 as well, because if you guys are unaware, if you guys forgot, all the guns within Modern Warfare 2 are transferable. So in all reality, you can kind of see this being like an early MW3 DLC. In Modern Warfare 2, I can guarantee they're probably going to go ahead and market it that way.

Hey, the F4 5.56. The Famas from MW 2019 are coming to Modern Warfare 2 in the season 6 reloaded update. If you want to call it that, the fun doesn't end there. We are still getting bruises. Now this is going to be a light machine gun. We have not seen a light machine gun in Modern Warfare 2 as far as a DLC weapon in a very, very long time.

Honestly, I don't remember the last time we had an LMG added to this game, and it's honestly kind of a shame because we got a lot of ARS SMGs, which again is a good thing. I'm definitely not complaining about that; it could have been like Vanguard, where they were dropping just shotguns and pistols.

cod season 6 reloaded

I don't want to even talk about that garbage, but at least we got a lot of quote-unquote meta weapons this year, so we are getting the Bruin. The Bruin was another weapon within mono for 2019, and it's going to definitely be a heavy hitter. It was running in the War Zone, so I'm not going to be surprised if this is going to be the goto gun or one of the meta guns when MW3 does release, and obviously when the War Zone integration does happen because there's going to be a bunch, and I mean a bunch, of weapons to go ahead and get your hands on and use even the MW2 guns that we already have.

I am incredibly curious to see how those perform with the slower TTK. I still believe the guns that are meta right now in MW2 are technically going to be meta in Modern Warfare 3. It's weird to go ahead and say stuff like this, but yeah, we're going to find out, so the Bruin is definitely going to be a weapon that I'm assuming is going to be top-tier.

Believe it or not. I think the Bruin, the LMG, is going to be the best gun within this reloaded update again. Air quotes around the reloaded update.

Mw2 season 6 reloaded dlc maps

Mw2 season 6 reloaded dlc maps

Content that we saw within the previous Call of Duty games is now within Modern Warfare 2. I think for the final batch of maps we should see within this again reloaded update. I do believe they're going to be giving us a tease and a taste of the content within Modern Warfare 3. I would not be surprised if, for some reason, this kind of thing again makes sense.

What if they went ahead and added in, let's say, terminal? That would make sense. Now I know the argument is going to be, well, technically, kind of. Kill the hype because we've been literally waiting for Terminal for quite a year now, and you never got it within Modern Warfare 2. I literally mean two days before the release.

I don't think it's going to cause any type of issue. In fact, I think a lot of people would just jump on the game and, you know, refresh themselves for two days before MW3 comes out so they can actually have some real fun with some new maps. I think that would actually be a good addition to MW2. I mean, to be honest with you, this update—everything I'm talking about in this article—would have dropped last week, but I'm not so, so I think this is going to be a good way to go ahead and just transition everybody over to the new Call of Duty. Literally, a few days before it drops.

Mw2 season 6 reloaded dlc operators

Mw2 season 6 reloaded dlc operators

And finally, as far as operators go within this season 6 reloaded update. I do believe they're just going to bring in some kind of campaign or character bundle; unfortunately, it's going to be all store bundles. I know i'm not the one running the show over there.

I wouldn't do this if I were the one running the show, but it's going to definitely store bundles. I can see them bringing in some campaign characters from Modern Warfare 3 into Modern Warfare 2 again just a couple days before the pistol release because of the campaign, which is actually going to be available to be played before this reloaded update does drop, which again is incredibly strange, and I can definitely see them bringing in some potential ghost or Captain Price bundles within Modern Warfare 2, obviously themed for Modern Warfare 3.

modern warfare 2

This is definitely the weirdest update for getting here in Moder Warfare 2, but at the same time they're going to keep the content going quite literally to the end and then transition to Moder Warfare 3, so you kind of have to respect that because they didn't really just abandon this Call of Duty. I'm going to catch you guys in the next article, and we're going to see how this content update really does unfold.

Modern Warfare 2 - NEW MW2 Update for NEW MW2 Season 6 Reloaded Update is bringing in NEW DLC WEAPONS, NEW MAPS NEW OPERATORS MORE in NEW Modern Warfare 2 Update! Hope you enjoy the video and make sure to have a wonderful rest of your day.
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