News - Warzone 2 "dmz" Building 21 Easter Egg Guide: All Weapon Case Rewards

building 21

A new map for the DMZ Building 21 is finally here, and with it comes a brand new Easter egg that can grant you six free rewards, all from extracting a secret weapon case that is hidden in Building 21 for an Easter egg, and we'll be showing you how to do it the fast and easiest way as well as showing you all six rewards from Building 21.

But let's talk about weapons. When you think of one, you probably think of the Juggernaut on our map, but there are no juggernauts. Here, this is actually not hidden behind a main boss fight, which is really good; it is hidden behind deploying into Building 21, which is pretty difficult in itself because you're going to need to have a Building 21 key card.

You can find these on our masra through several different methods, such as getting them from supply drops that have dropped from the world event from Sam sites that have shot down planes with supply drops or from legendary crates from eliminating HVTs. Once you've found one and become an expert with it, you'll then be able to deploy into Building 21.

building 21 dmz

Now, if you're not going into this with a full team of three, then you're going to really struggle because there are four teams of three that can play in Building 21 at once and a ton of very strong AI, but it is crucial that you do this as early on into the game as possible to guarantee yourself some success.

Exactly one minute into your Building 21 game, you'll see a prompt on your screen saying, "Security lock hacks are in progress with a one minute countdown." Do you have to wait for that one minute to count down before you can start going for the case once that minute's over? Make your way through the garage into the basement hallway, and you'll only be looking for this sign that says B1, then just take a left, and you'll notice that these doors are right here that will lead us into a room called the data center.

is really important because the main step of the Easter egg to unlock the weapon case is in the data center, and you're going to go up to this very specific server. Point here and you'll get a prompt to hack the security system, and you'll need to hold down your interact button the entire time in order to fully hack the security system, and when you're doing this.

building 21 dmz guide

AI will start spawning in and trying to take you down, so one player does this while the other two are just protecting and killing the AI, and you'll see the hacking is a 6 success, and then there'll be a prompt on the screen saying. The data center that was hacked and the armory room are now accessible.

And, this is a room that we need in order to get ourselves the weapon case. The armory room is going to be on the third floor of Building 21, so get to your nearest staircase. In our case, the staircase was one; the staircase should be one, two, and three. There is a chance that if you get to the third level, the door prompt might say "door stuck," and you might have to run around to the other side of the map and open the top floor door from a different staircase.

building 21 dmz rewards

And up here we go to Building 3, and you'll now be on the laboratory floor. You'll have a ton of these shadow companies, like AI, as well as the Wilson, which is this turret that just has a laser position shooting at you. It's going to be extremely careful here because the chances of going down are just very high because that thing is crazy.

AI is crazy, but you're going to be running across the side of this top floor following. Where we are, and you'll enter the armory room here, there are two entrances for it: one that we came in through here, and then there's another on the office's side. Inside the armory room, you're going to find a ton of rare loot crates and a ton of amazing loot, such as two- and three-tier plated vests and a durable gas mask, but the main thing is this safe that's in the middle of the room.

building 21 easter egg

You want to go up to it and interact with it to start the drill sequence, and you're going to be waiting for this drill to fully complete now that at this time none of the AI seem to be aware. Of your presence though, they'll still be looming around outside, but you'll just want to wait until the safe is fully unlocked, and when you go up to the safe, you'll notice that there will be a weapon case that you can pick up straight out of the safe unlike with The jug that drops the weapon case is simply found in a safe; you don't have to kill any specific AI bosses or anything; the case should just be in the safe now.

The chances of the case being in the safe are very likely, although out of the seven games that we played, we found it six times, so there's a chance that it might not always be in there, but most times it will be, depending. When in the game you manage to get in that room, open the safe and get the case and X4.

Your point might have spawned if it hasn't already. Your best bet is to try and stay in that room for a little bit until one becomes available or Start running around the map because, unlike in Mazara, where wear is very noticeable by other players that are picking up and carrying weapon cases around the map, a prompt appears on the screen for all players, but it's not as easy to track the player that has it on them.

building 21 easter egg guide

But once you've got the case, you just want to make your way to the nearest actual point possible, and on this map, the way to get there is that there are elevators, which you need to cool, and it's going to start a timer. We're going to be waiting for the elevator doors to open, a little bit like when you're calling the helicopter and you're waiting a while for the helicopter to appear regardless.

No matter which X4 point you choose, you need to be extremely patient. Careful because the AI are obviously aware that you've called an elevator and there will be more AI spawning towards you and near that elevator, but once the door is open you'll get a prompt to go inside and then you'll want to simply interact with the elevator in order to close the doors; there'll be a further 15-second countdown where you'll need to survive from AI or real players.

building 21 weapon case

But once you've X-filled successfully, you will have granted yourself one of the six free rewards, and in order to get all six rewards, you're going to need to X-fill six times with this weapon case, so that means you're going to need at least six access cards in order to go to Building 21 six times, so it's definitely a much more tedious process than it was in our maze with The Jug weapon case, so let's now go through all six weapon case rewards you get from Building 21.

So the first free reward you get when you X for with the case is this weapon charm called going barking the dog with night vision goggles on—you think this is quite cool—and the second free reward you get is a calling card that's animated and called Weapon, which is a calling card of the Wilson, who tries to kill you on the third floor, which plays in the theme really nicely.

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