News - Warzone 2: Devs Reveal Major Updates & Changes Coming Soon. Modern Warfare 2 New Updates

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Obviously, season one reloaded is here in MW2, war zone 2 in the DMZ, but actually just prior to the update going live. They've actually revealed a lot of very solid and interesting information in terms of what they have planned for some future changes.

Mw2 raids are have bonus rewards

Mw2 raids are have bonus rewards

So first up, just a couple of things that they added on top of the patch notes Here are a handful of things for the raid; obviously, the Atomic Grad raid is here; there are different rewards for playing it multiple times.

The devs wanted to emphasize that this is basically not just a one-and-done type deal, which I'm really glad to hear because that was one of my concerns going into it: is there any actual replayability to this raid? As it turns out, if you want the various different rewards, you do have to play it multiple times, DMZ.

Future dmz squad options are unlikely

They talked a bit about the future here, and we're actually asked about you know whether or not we'd see other playlist options for DMZ in the future, or if it would just be trios, and they basically said that with how they plan to expand DMZ in the future, they think it makes the most sense to just keep it with trios only, so I'm not really expecting to see DMZ solos.

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DMZ duos, and unfortunately not even DMZ quads, which I think bums me the most because we always have to cut one person out of our party. You know, we're so used to playing War Zone with quads that if we want to switch over to DMZ, it's like, "Who's going to get kicked out of the party tonight so we can go and do some DMZ missions?" So I'm not gonna lie; kind of unfortunate news there. DMZ: it seems to be only long term.

Qol updates & stability are the big focus for warzone 2

Qol updates & stability are the big focus for warzone 2

Also, a couple of added War Zone 2 notes before we get into the Q&A portion, which is really where the big info comes from today, they did make an emphasis before they even talked about any of the changes coming with Season 1 reloaded or the future stuff that stability and crashes are basically a continuous fight for them.

For PC specifically, it's super hard to track, but crashes and stability and also quality of life updates are their main focus right now, so that to me is good news because obviously, so many QoL updates from war zone one are missing and there's a lot of QoL updates needed for war zone 2, so I am hopeful for the future changes there because they seem pretty set on the fact that they need to update a lot of stability stuff and a lot of QoL stuff.

Dev qna reveals some major updates for the future

Now as mentioned during this meeting with the devs, we were able to have a question and answer session with them. A huge shout out to my friends over at Activision for, you know, including me in this meeting and inviting me out to take part in this because this is super, super important, in my opinion, for building things you know not only one a communication bridge with the community itself and helping improve the overall quality of the game.

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And it's not necessarily always that they just listen to what the streamers want and what the creators want. But with the Q&A portion here, we get some very interesting information. This is mainly about the updates that are going to be coming in the future. They didn't really give us many ETAs on time frames there; it could be in the gap period between season one being reloaded in season two; some of this stuff could be in season two or maybe even beyond; it just depends on how long it takes them to fix stuff, but in DMZ.

Dmz backpacks will stop disappearing in a future update

Dmz backpacks will stop disappearing in a future update

They are going to be addressing the backpack issue here, where if you kill another player and they leave the game, all of their loot all their backpack stuff ends up disappearing and you're not able to loot that; it just takes it out of the game entirely.

They are aware of that and are going to be fixing that, so that's a big WMI, something that's super obnoxious, especially for a lot of the challenges: you kill somebody, they back out right away, and you don't even get any reward for taking them.

Warzone 2 private matches are coming in the new year

out They were asked about setting up private matches for War Zone 2 in the future to set things up, you know, with different custom games and all sorts of stuff like that.

Matches are on Raven's radar for War Zone 2, and they are planning to debut those at some point in the new year, and they'll evolve over time. It'll probably be relatively bare bones at first, but they do say that they are planning to get those out in 2023.

Warzone 2 buy station count is increasing!

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Another big war zone quality of life update here is that in the future they do plan on upping the buy station count.

In Mini Royale, they also really said that the pacing felt a little bit off with some of the buy station selections, so they felt in general it was worth updating the overall amount of buy stations on the map just to make those feel a little bit more consistent. You're not having to run halfway across all of Mazara just to find one buy station because they're so awkwardly placed sometimes.

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So that's another big W in my opinion. By the way, as we're going through this list. Let's try a name for 2500 likes on this one also. I do want to give a quick shout-out to my friends over at Gamer Advantage. If you guys are looking for any last-minute holiday gift ideas for gamers, Advantage has you covered.

They are the perfect stocking stuffer, the perfect gift for a loved one, or maybe even for yourself if you're trying to treat yourself this holiday season. Frame options All of them are super comfortable to wear under your headgear for gaming, and of course they're going to help you out if you're looking at screens for long periods of time regardless of gaming.

Saving custom weapon blueprints is coming to mw2, warzone 2, and dmz

Saving custom weapon blueprints is coming to mw2, warzone 2, and dmz

And DMZ and Warzone 2 give you the ability to save your custom weapons, and your custom blueprint builds these, which are being worked on now.

Custom perks are not supposed to be in warzone 2.0

At some point in the future, we will actually spark a conversation about custom perks. In the war zone, there was a lot of talk about perks and how they weren't working.

They're well aware that you know the ultimate perks aren't working; a lot of the time, defaulting is the quick fix for whatever reason. The default classes can give you your correct perks, but those are the default classes, and it's important that you know information about the ability to make custom perks.

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