News - Warzone 2: Best Perks Tier List - Broken Perk Package Setups - Call Of Duty Guide

Next on our HR is going to be Vanguard, and this package was really td-ring on S for me, but ultimately it's missing a really strong ultimate. It has double time, which, as I've mentioned multiple times now, is a fantastic base perk for movement and rotations. It also has Bomb Squad as a base perk, which is okay but definitely not horrible.

Explosive damage makes it more difficult to flush you out of buildings in close-quarters combat and then resupply, which stands out as a surprise. strong perks right now when your combo resupplies with snapshot grenades. You can actually get a very constant flow of information, which has proven to be a really effective strategy so far.

cod warzone 2 tier list

High Alert, however, is not a fantastic ultimate perk, to be frank, which is barring this from getting all the way up to the very top tier in my eyes, but it's a solid choice. I'm not going to fault you for picking it; it's definitely in the S tier for some, but it's in the T tier for me, and finally, we are moving into the S tier, which are the most meta Selections in my opinion, and of course, we're going to start off with Specter.

We have our strong double-time base perk, which allows for pushing and rotating with ease, which is not only okay but actually decent for pushers, as you can see where people go around corners and avoid getting corner camped. It's not really a selling point perk, but it does have a tiny bit of supplement, so it's worth mentioning anyway.

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Then, we have a very, very good perk with spotters, which is honestly just utterly fantastic, for pushing and avoiding deaths from things like claymores. And you can even reveal enemy positions if you spot equipment and you're not sure if an enemy is in an area or not. For example, if you spot a claymore facing a doorway, you can kind of guess that there might be an enemy sitting on the other side of that claymore looking out a window or trying to snipe at someone, and you can then communicate that with your team and get the drop on somebody.

And finally, we have one of the two best Ultimate perks. Ghost, which prevents targeting from multiple types of sensors, including uavs, which are increasingly prevalent in War Zone 2 with the addition of stronghold uavs. Lots of people are also running heartbeat centers in Warzone 2 right now, and Ghost is an effective counter to all of them.

This is pretty much the best push and build choice in my opinion, and honestly, it doesn't have Overkill, which isn't the biggest deal for me because if I'm really loaded. I always go with my loadout that has this print package, and then I can just buy a second gun later. But yeah, either way, definitely add an S to your choice, and our final perk of this list and the S tier is going to be Weapon Specialist.

warzone 2 best perk package

This should not come as much of a surprise to anyone familiar with Warzone content, as this is the only perk package that has Overkill in it, which allows for you to use two primary weapons, making the loadout drops even better. The weakest perk in this package is the other base perk, "Strong Arm," which can be nice sometimes but isn't really a game changer like Overkill.

This is also going to be the second perk package, which has Spotter, and it is a nice additional perk that lets us avoid those claymores and gives us information on potential enemy spots through walls, just like with the Specter package mentioned before. Finally, we have "Survivor," which is also one of the better ultimate perks; it gives a pain for enemies that down you for your team to follow up on and possibly kill, and it gives the time needed to revive you and get you back in the game once you get downed.

warzone 2 best perks

All in all, this perk package contains two totally unique perks: Overkill and Survivor, both of which are extremely strong and are supplemented well by the Spotter perk. This leaves it as the king of versatility unless you play quick or slow without losing any sort of impact in exchange for this versatility and therefore leaves it strong at our S tier, and those are going to be all of our perks.

What are your thoughts on the new perk system? I personally think that forcing players to use presets adds a bit of diversity to the game but significantly limits player creativity and uniqueness. At the same time, it's more or less a cheap solution to forcing perks that are otherwise underwhelming, like Strong Arm, to be used in order to get access to a perk like Overkill, which, let's be honest, nobody would pick over Strong Arm.

When putting together a meta loadout, that is all we have for this article. I hope you walked away understanding the perk system better, and with the knowledge of which perk packages are best right now, be sure to like and subscribe. Take care and

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