News - Warzone 2: 82 Big Changes The Season 2 Update. Update 1. 15

Um, they have new score events and things like that, so I'm not going to go through all of that as far as gameplay features go. There's now a counter-UAV as a new kill streak, but I don't see too many people using that. Also, redeploy packs are a new piece of equipment; we kind of know what those are.

And then we have the "restore honor" event, which is when you or a teammate dies, you can pick up their dog tags, and it's going to give you a UAV ping and an extra thousand dollars. In season, we have a search and seizure contract, as well as the data highest contract, and redeploy drones all coming in season, and then the rusher they didn't release.

modern warfare 2 season 2

I thought this one was coming out at the beginning of season two, but the rusher who comes and stabs you is not going to be there. It also goes in depth with the new cash economy here, so the minimum amount of money you can find on the ground is 500, same with cash registers basic, supply drop boxes, and legendary, which is up to 800, so you'll find more there.

There are also no more three-plate vests in Warzone. So in Gulag redeployment, you will redeploy with a three-plate infill deployment; you start with two plates and research surgeon since you start with two plates as well; also, in perk packages, players will now be able to customize their own perk packages, and the disabled perks are overclock and bird's eye.

modern warfare 2 season 2 update

As far as loadout drops go, this is very interesting; the price of loadout drops is actually pretty high, but it depends on what mode you're playing. So in solos, your loadout drops are going to be 8 000; in a duo, 12 000; in a trio, 16 000; and in a quad, 20 000. So it goes up for each player, and per player, that's 5 000, but you should be finding more money with strongholds and black sites.

They've reduced the amount of damage that the AI combatants do, so those are going to be easier to manage as well, and the Champions Quest, so basically they have removed the backpack and inventory system from Warzone. There are no longer medium and large backpacks. This is how people counter people: by using a whole bunch of armor plates, stims, self-revives, and things like that at the end of the game.

Lodo. Drops A second Lodo Drop public event has been added, which means on the first and fifth circles of the match you will receive a Loadout Drop, which is sweet, and then the Gulag is 1v1. There are also improvements, like UI fixes for ping visibility and quality of life changes. These are all very good.

modern warfare 2 update

DMZ, they added a Chica Island DMZ with a new weapons case, a new boss, new rewards, and new locked and dangerous places, which I think is very cool. More keys will be needed for things like that, and the new faction, which is the Crown faction, is unfortunately only available for players who own Modern Warfare 2.

Um, new Mission refresh. We knew that in season two reset is happening as well; they've adjusted the contracts and things that happen throughout the DMZ, then the last interesting thing that I wanted to go into is season two reloaded. We can't wait for you to drop into all the action in season two, but season two reloaded is just around the corner with new content and limited time.

This holiday event is interesting, and players can look forward to a brand new raid episode, new player modes, and a new 6 vs. 6 multiplayer map. I love that they actually added that in. They've said we're getting a new map, and I'm assuming that's what it is that we're looking at there. It looks pretty interesting, among other things.

modern warfare 2 update 1.15

Also, season three is confirmed, which we didn't know was happening. Our teams are hard at work on season three and beyond and are excited to share some of the awesome new content ahead. Gun Fight returns to multiplayer with new maps in each season: plunder returns to Warzone, and Warzone is ranked and confirmed.

I will say that right now I'm sure I missed stuff because I was just trying to scroll through it and go through it as fast as possible, but with big, big stuff coming. I wanted to cover as much as I could.

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