News - Warzone 2: 82 Big Changes The Season 3 Update. Update 1. 17



ladies and gentlemen, it is officially season three day it is season three of Modern Warfare 2 and War Zone 2, and if you're watching this article, the patch notes are out, and either the update is already live or very close to going live depending on when you're watching it. That is, this article is what you're going to see here later today.

The update is actually live, and I have a chance to get my hands on it. So a whole bunch of new stuff is happening today, but it's not just that I have another big announcement. If you didn't notice, I am looking good today, and that is because of the new sponsor of the channel, which is Gamer Advantage.

What they do is make blue-light glasses better than anyone else. I'm very excited to partner with them because, essentially, if you play article games if you play article games if you're on the computer all day, you're looking at a screen, and that screen is shooting blue light at you. That blue light causes eye strain and can cause headaches, and if you're playing games later at night, it may cause you to be unable to sleep.

Gamer Advantage: They have amazing blue-light glasses that are incredibly durable and also look great, so you're going to hear a lot more about them on the channel if you ever want to pick up any of their products. I am wearing the Inferno glasses, and my girlfriend wears the Horizon glasses, and they both look absolutely incredible, really.

Patch notes

Patch notes

We've already talked about that on the channel. They've added in a few new features where if you're a cheater and you're shooting at someone, they'll literally go invisible, which is pretty cool. Then, we have the battle pass, so first of all, Black Cell is the biggest new thing. We're going to have a separate article coming out on this today, but when you look at this, you'll see that some of the skins look really cool.

If you look at how it's actually going to work up at the top, there's a whole other section for this, the black cell section of the battle pass, as you can see the zero percent over there of the total battle pass, and then black cell is up there. We're going to dive into that later today, once it's actually released.


Now after this, we have the new event, so this is called the trophy hunt event, and as far as this goes, it works a little bit differently in multiplayer and a little bit differently in Battle Royale. So as far as multiplayer goes, every time you kill an individual player who's a unique player, you can get six of these per game.

If you're playing Ground War, you can get a little bit more. In Battle Royale, the difference is that you can get them from AI and, you can get them from players, but you either have to bring them to a buy zone or you have to extract them with them in the DMZ or at the end of the game, so you have to win the game within the battle rail, or you can bring them to a buy zone once.

You have these and you can buy things like weapon blueprints, double XP, and things along those lines, so that's how this event is going to work. It's not just directly based off of challenges; it's something a little bit new. After this, we have progression. You can now go up to level 650, so I believe that's 200, more than we had in season two.

They added new challenges for older weapons, so for the hemlock, it's 20 long shot kills with assault rifles; for the KV broadside, it's got 10 one shot kills with shotguns; and for the kadachis, it's 20 kills with melee weapons so relatively, easy the hardest one there is the 20 long shots as far as our new weapons we have the fjx.

Imperium, which is the intervention from the original Modern Warfare 2. They did announce that they are putting out a retro audio pack that is going to give a bunch of weapons OG sounds from the original Modern Warfare 2, which I'm guessing will include this weapon, so I don't know when that's coming out, but at some point during season three that will be, which is pretty cool, and then we have the Cronin Squall battle rifle.

Both of these are within the battle pass, and this one is a Bullpup, semi-automatic. Battle rifle all right, so the next part here is weapon balancing, and essentially what I'm going to do here is go to an individual weapon and then tell you whether or not it is a buffer, a Nerf, and if it's a big one.

Weapon balancing

Weapon balancing

I'll kind of explain what is happening with the weapon, so the iso Hemlock got a nerf mainly to the damage ranges, so what this means is that less damage is going to be a worse weapon with the M13b; the headshot damage is reduced; lower torso damage is reduced; and mid-range damage is reduced, so all in all, a big nerf to the M13b.

modern warfare 2

Stb-556, got basically a really big buff headshot damage increase leg damage increase mid-range damage increased so this is just going to be a better weapon all around however the mid-range damage, was reduced as a whole but the distance was increased but overall a big buff for the stb the TAC 56 this one's shocking to me because this was already a really good weapon headshot damage got increased just an overall buff for this weapon let me get into battle rifles so for the f-tac Recon movement speed increased semi-auto, leg damage increase so overall a buff to the f-tac Recon lachman 762 you can move a little bit faster with it so a buff you're gonna notice that some of these here are in war zone 2 only.

So overall, most of these buffs are specifically for battle rail and DMZ, but the movement speed increases with the SO14, and the semi-auto does minimum damage to armor is increased as well, so it is better against armor. The attack V got a buff all around. Basilisk, I got a Nerf, but it's only a small one; the minimum armor damage is reduced, so if it's not a big Nerf, I don't think it's enough.

This one is really annoying if you've encountered it. The next one is really weird for the Rel mg headshot; damage is reduced, however, if you're using it in semi-auto. The headshot damage is increased, as is the upper and lower torso damage, so they're trying to get you to use a semi-auto lmg. It's a really weird update; I'm not sure how that one's going to play out.

modern warfare 2 big changes

The RPK got a slight Nerf at close and mid-range, and then we have our Marksman rifle, the Tempest torrent. This one just got a Nerf all around. This is a pretty noticeable one. The next one I don't like at all is just for some machine guns as a whole; the hip spread is better on all of them. This is something we ran into in Modern Warfare 2019; it made hip fire, and I'm really a big fan of it, but hey, they're doing it.

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