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It's crazy to me that in War Zone 1, we could see all this, but in War Zone 2, in this one, the game just got worse. I don't get it, gasping. All right now, as we were falling in, we did spot an enemy over here getting shot at as well. I don't know if he did or not; he's got to be very. Up I was about to say I was like it's strange that our El Joka, jaka, is climbing a ladder and we're not pinging for our homie but he finally did after so long again what did I say when you go to challenge people in buildings because of the ttk because of just latency so many variables that could just [ __ ] make your fight go wrong let's be honest we've all loost lost fights we should have won or lost fights to players that are worse because of this go in with a teammate, don't I'm going to recommend this is this is one of the times I don't say it but if you're playing quad specifically go in with your team very rarely do I recommend you guys go in Solo, just because again normally you'll you think it's solo and you push in and there's multiple enemies but he goes down cuz winning by himself, and green and blue are going in now hopefully we join the party on this.

One precision is coming in. We had a bust through the door. It is what it is, but again, notice what happens. We go in by ourselves. He might win the fight, but he might not. I just hate watching people fall in and get funneled one at a time, basically like shooting fish in a barrel. Let's help them out.


Finally, there we are. Barn we have $34, 000. We have a buy-in station as well. He didn't spot him; he was heading by the zip; you see him on the mini map. We got TTV Gomez pinging them out. The sniper glimp on the right-hand side is building the six stories; you see the glint to the left brother going to get popped.

Green Mark, okay, what the? This is going to cause a lot of separation because Pink took it not really understanding where he's going of course we have a UAV so he probably see someone pinging right now Blue's going the complete opposite direction we were talking about separation and how it's failed them so far watch what's about to happen and again the fact that El carne is on the rooftop with a sniper has a higher angle is crazy, and just like we talked about if you think you can challenge One V one that's fine but why not just play together like what is this whole ego thing of everyone trying to sit here and drop 40s and 50s.

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If you're that guy by all means, but most players aren't, then just play together, or at least push with a duo, so he can help you out. Alo had the same fate. Gomez was able to get out of there, and we're making our way back to the buy station, where people will always play on the edge of the zone, especially if there's a buy-there enemy on the rooftop looking right at us.

I don't know how El Joker didn't see that, and now we're running away from the safety of our smoke. I'm not really sure why we'd throw the smoke in the first place, just to back away from it. Enemy, he got away, but again, look at the team. Green's over here, not even shooting, looking in a whole different direction.

Pink's over there on Gomez's former body; no direction. Of course, Gomez is coming back from heaven. I don't know what they're doing, but there's no togetherness again. Now look at the enemy team. I hate stacking as much as anybody, but unfortunately it started in CA and it's rolled over to War Zone 2, and now it's in War Zone 3.


It's not going away; it's never going to go away. Very few people can sit here in Solo Squad teams; that's awesome for them, but again, most of us cannot, so we can play again, together, watching this team die over and over and over again. It's [ __ ]. Heartbreaking, but here we are, and it's funny, like, look at the mini map now.

There were two pings in this building that we're floating over, and that's what this game's really been about, to be fair. I really think the sniper, the MTZ, and all these metas that are happening right now are just causing this. Together, absolutely beamed, we've got loads out back, hopefully a whole team can regain, and we can move on to maybe win this game.

With Leo sitting on 13 kills, I think the rest of the team's got a decent amount of kills, and again, look at the position—not a bad spot at all. Carne going down, unfortunately, may be the weakest link in the team or just a bad game. Regardless and we're going to go play in the building now. Look, playing the building is fine, but look at the mini map right here.


You don't want to challenge a sniper with these guns because he'll just pick you, and once they get a pick, they could instantly push up and change positions. If you lose sight of them, then they can really cause you a problem. Well the timing on that was impeccable. Alar didn't want to smoke his teammate, and we got shot from the warehouse that rotated in from the gas station.

That's right, when it comes to games, there's no shame in just pausing for a second. Your goal is not to piss off the world. Get some easy kills if you can prevent some people from pushing you and rotating in for sure, but you shouldn't have one teammate shooting here, you shouldn't have another teammate shooting there, and you shouldn't have another teammate shooting there because all you're doing is having several 1v4s.

And now all those teams eyes are on you, and that's a lot of the time, and that's a lot of the reason why people get third parties, so make sure your team synergy is locked on the exact same teams. I know there's a lot going on, especially in games, and sometimes you have to fig you multiple times, but we need to be more worried about position than anything else.

warzone 3

That's what we should do. Also, look at the money. Look at the buying station. We have six grand totals. That's both of our teammates; that's both of them. Then we spot them, notice how we have Wall, notice how we have the cover, and then we just sprint right for him; we have a smoke grenade. I'm all for closing the gap and pushing the guys into the buildings, for sure, but you need to throw the smoke out.

That way, you can close the gap safely and maybe even push in and get the kills we've got to get to the buy. I don't i don't understand what's going through your mind during that moment, and trust me. I'm the first to ego challenge somebody and die from it, but you got to have a little bit of cover and concealment to kind of help yourself.

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But again, if they had held this compound, if they had just picked a spot to hold, they could have completely avoided their deaths. This happens so much, and again, it happens to our team too. You just have to build team Synergy get on the same. Page, again look at this look at this is this another thing ping for your team, ping for your team Shamy is sitting here he hears shots and he's looking for the enemy, he's lost he's confused he's afraid he needs a, hug, and yellow is just Sparky of course your name is [__] Sparky he's like where is he what's going on H where are you shooting at let me follow your tracers there he is I found him and it's not H shammi's fault it's Sparky Sparky's [__] fault.

Finally, a ping goes out after I yelled at him, and we need to push up another enemy. I'll get you fixed up, all right, good teamwork collapsing on this getting the res off in time, able to get out and get safe now the circle finishes here a lot more than my [__] God, so we get the res, and I want you guys to listen for the sound of gunfire, or a teammate going down, or anything just.

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