News - Top 5 "meta" Smg Loadouts Warzone 2 After Update. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups - Wz2



I got a banger top five metal loadout in War Zone 2 season three right now that you didn't even try, or else, honestly, you might just get pink eye like me because it's pretty bad and you don't really want a pink eye, but anyway. We're on our grind to 5, 000 subscribers, and I want to hit that really soon, so make sure to subscribe.

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Listen, then we make a new one around the map like demons. I'll catch you all on the next one. All right I'm going to give you guys my top five SMGs to be using in War Zone 2, season three, as of right now. I do; I'm sick. I got the pink guy, and that's what happened to this family. Start off with our first attachment.

Mp5 loadout

ashika island

Burger on this MP5 man; this is probably the best damage range SMG in season three right now. Let's go and hop into it all right. So starting off with our first action fan, we've got the VLK, LZR, and MW laser that's going to help you out with all those mobilities and 80s times and all that good stuff.

When it comes to the stock fan, we want to put on that mirror recoil 56. Factory stock now is good because it's going to help you with sprint speed, recoil control, and aiming stability, which are all really good while you're playing Warzone now. For the regular fan, you want to put on a Latchman or a TC G10 to help you control recoil.

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I took them out of the 40-round magazine. I just like to get a little bit of extra ammo in the mag while I'm also going around getting squads now. For the next attachment we're going to put on the underbarrel, I like to go and rock this from time to time. This is just one of my favorites. I'm sorry I messed up because I thought the 40-round mag was there.

I'm sorry guys, for the next attack we got the x10 RR40. Sir, this is the best one for increasing the damage range of bull velocity. It's actually better than running an actual barrel at this point. Now, when it comes to the tuning family, you want to go into tuning this X10R40 silencer and put that up to a 1.0 for the recall smoothness.

As long as you get close, that's all that matters. Now, for the bullet velocity, you want to tune that up completely. Fan for the VLK laser Make sure you go to Max house printed power time speeds and max out ads speeds now for the rear recoil factory stock. Make sure you max out your ad speeds and your walking speeds.

Make sure you put that 0.80 and spring to fire time speeds. Max that out completely; check it out now as you guys can see you. You've got some pretty good damage range and good recoil control. The site is close to you. That's pretty much a fire-class setup.

Veznev 9k loadout

Veznev 9k loadout

All right, let's get on to the second one, boys and girls, so For the next attachment, the next class setup we have here is the Vasniv 9K. Now this one is interesting because I've actually been kind of mixing this up with the rank play class setup, and I'm getting some pretty good results, all right, fam?

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So for the first attachment, I ended up actually going with the FSS olev laser. For the rare grip family, make sure you go in and put on the true tank grip that's good because, guess what? That means the Sprint speeds are going to be really fast now. For the magazine fan, you can put on the 45-round mag; that's the only mag we actually have for the Vasnet 9k, so make sure you put this on.

Excuse, me Now for the last action, fam, since you guys are going to want to get some damage, make sure you're going to put on the X Tech. Excuse me make sure you put on the X10rr40 silencer. I can help you have a bull velocity and damage range now for the tunings for this class setup. Make sure you set the recoil smooth silencer up to 1.0 and max out the bullet velocity for this.

For the actual laser, you're going to max out sprint to fire time speed. Always, always max out the ads. For the stock, we're going to max out aim down sight speeds and max out aim walking speeds. Now, guys, for the next attachment, we're going to go ahead and max out for the true tag grip. You want to put that ad speed all the way up on Sprint's fire time speed all the way up, and now you're going to be insanely fast with the splash.

As you guys see, pull-up times are fast, straight speeds are fast, the recoil is pretty much nonexistent, and you get some pretty good damage with the suppressor as well. That's class number two, fam. Let's go.

Vel-46 loadout

Vel-46 loadout

With the opposite of the third one, now for the third one, we got my personal favorite, the MP7, also known as the valve 46. All right, guys, now we're starting off with the barrel. We got the Tango 228, and the barrel is the best one for helping out with damage range, hip fire control, and bullet velocity.

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Now, fam, when it comes to the stock really going out of the demo RX2 stock, this is just the best one because, guess what? It's going to build mobility for all SMGs. You want mobility and to be able to just control recoil and hip fire accuracy at the same time because you never know what kind of gun engagements you're going to be into now.

For the fire grip fan, make sure you want to put on that ZLR combat grip; this is just for recoil control purposes. Now for that magazine, fam, I had to go in with the 50-round mag just to get some extra ammo when I'm shooting my enemies. Now, when it comes to the tunings for this. Was 0.40 on recall steadiness, max out damage range completely now when it comes to hip shop l20 you want to go ahead and max out sliding him fire accuracy and max out hip spread, now when it comes to your stock you want to max out ads and max out in walking, and now when it comes to your rare grip since it says recoil control make sure you put this up to a 0.80, max out Sprint fire time speeds Check it out now.

You guys are going to notice that you guys are Empire, and you guys contain that respect and also get people as well. This is probably the most versatile class I've seen in the whole SMG category because you can't just do one type of play style. You can do two types of play styles right now for class number 4, Four Families.

Pdsw loadout

Pdsw loadout

We're going on with this PDW, the most slept-on SMG in the game. It's got a crazy buff family, so we've got to actually include it now. Now for the barrel, we're going with this 14.5-inch F-Tax Series 4 barrel.

This is good for damage rage and bullet velocity purposes. Now for the laser fan: make sure to put on that BLK LZR 7 mW laser. What a name for six months in this game, and I'm still saying that name now for the stock fan. Make sure you want to buy that CQB stock. This is going to be good for Crouch's movement speed.

TOP 5 META SMG LOADOUTS in WARZONE 2 after UPDATE! Warzone 2 Best Class Setups - WZ2.
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