News - Top 5 "meta" Loadouts Warzone 2 Season 2. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups - Mw2

I left the left side completely even, and for the bottom I did bolt velocity for the shark fin, 90 added recoil stabilization, and aim walking speed for the stock. I did 80s speed to name walking speed again, and, of course, for the laser I added Sprint to fire speed, and ads speed is just speeding you up even more, but overall that is my entire build.

meta loadout 2

That's load number four. Without further ado, stop directing the last loadout on the list. Loadout, number five Loadout, number five I have the brand new ISO Hemlock assault rifle with the MP7 as the secondary. Let me hop directly into the loadouts for the Hemlock. I'm running the EchoLus 80 suppressor, the LR3056 barrel, the amount of V4-optics, the 556 High Velocity ammunition, and the 45-round mag.

Of course, this is a brand new weapon that I'm still trying to test out. This might change in the future, but as of right now, this is the build I feel the most comfortable with, and it feels absolutely fantastic. Of course, let me get you guys the muzzle tuning real quick. I left the left side completely even like normal, and for the bottom I did ball velocity, for the barrel I did recoil steadiness and damage range for the high velocity ammunition.

I did damage range and bull velocity, and of course for the optic I did 80s speed in far for the MP7. This is actually a build I recently showcased on the channel. I have the Phase 3 grip under the barrel on the VLK, LZR, and 7MW, the Laser 50-round magazine, the demo rxt stock, and the soldier grip for our rear grip.

mw2 best class setup

Like I said. For the underbarrel. I did recoil stabilization; in AIM walking speed for the laser, we did a sprint to fire speed and ads speed for the stock; and we did 80s speed again in AIM walking speed; and of course for the rear grip. I did ads speed and a sprint to fire speed to speed you up even more.

Overall, that is my entire full loadout number five.

Best Warzone 2 Class Setup Season 2 Warzone Meta Loadouts after Update. TOP 5 META LOADOUTS in WARZONE 2 SEASON 2! Warzone 2 Best Class Setups - MW2.
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