News - Top 5 "meta" Loadouts Warzone 2 Season 2. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups - Mw2

ashika island 2

I got my top five loadouts. So for me, I've been running stun grenades. Of course, with the new update, we actually got brand new custom perk packages, so for me, I've been running Overkill. Fast hands and quick fix combo, of course if you want to can put on ghosts as well, but this is my go-to perk package for popping directly into the rpk, though for my rpk build I've been running the zlr Talon 5 f-tac.

Ripper 56, 762 High Velocity Ammunition, and the 40-round mag, which I actually just recently swapped after the update. I used to be running the demo X2 rear grip, but I wanted to swap it up just to feel faster, and then for the last attachment. Let me show you guys the tuning for the suppressor real quick.

I have it tuned for the left side to be completely even at zero, and for the bottom, I did bolt velocity for the underbarrel. I did recoil stabilization and aiming idle stability for the high velocity ammunition, damage range, and bull velocity, and for the last attachment for the optic. I did ads speed in far, but overall, this is my full build for the rpk lmg in Warzone 2 Season 2.

ashika island meta

Even with the nerf that it got, it is still by far the best weapon in the entire game, and in my opinion, this little swap up I did of the 40-round mag makes me feel absolutely incredible on either Almazra or Ashika Island, both maps. I'm running the episode "Fin 90" under barrel, the "Vlk Lzr 7MW." Loctite, stock Finnick rubber grip for our rear grip, and the Finnick mag 45 increased; that mag capacity is of course the same thing here.

Let's hop directly into the tuning for the underbarrel. I did recoil stabilization and aimed for walking speed now that we could tune the laser. I actually tuned the laser for Sprint to fire speed and ads; for stock, I did 80s speed again; and for the bottom bar, I left it completely even. For the rear grip on the left side, I left it completely even at 0.

For the bottom, I did sprint to fire speed. Overall, that is my full Finnick SMG build in Warzone 2 Season 2. That's my full loading number one, so let's go directly into loading number two. I have the exact same stuff with the stun throwing knife in the exact same perk package. For those who hop directly into attack 56.

best class setup 2

I have the Harbinger D20 suppressor, a 17.5 Tundra Pro Barrel, a V4 optic again, the Ripper 56 for my underbarrel, and of course the 60-round mag for my magazine. Overall, this is one of the best weapons in the entire game and actually one of the few that didn't get touched in the weapon balancing; this was left completely alone, so it's still that great damage zero, recoil, and easy to use Tac 56 that we knew from season one.

For the suppressor. I did speed and bull velocity; for the barrel. I did recoil steadiness and damage range; for the optic. I did ads speed and far; for the tracking for the ads speed and speed; for the optic. I did recoil stabilization and aiming idle stability, but overall, that is my full build for the attack 56, and like I was saying before, you guys absolutely deserve it.

You need to give it a try if you haven't already, but of course, like I was saying, this mixes perfectly with my Lockman sub build, so let's hop right into that for the MP5 build I have. L-38 falcon 226 Barrel BLK. It just puts people down so incredibly fast, and after the update, it is right there in the meta conversation, right next to the Phoenix.

best loadout 2

Of course, go through and give this build a try. I'm doing recoil, steadiness, and damage range for the laser. I'm doing sprints to fire speed and add speed for the under barrel. I left the left bar completely even at zero, and for the bottom. I'm doing aim walking speed, and for the rear grip.

I'm doing ads speed and sprint to fire speed, but overall, that is my full build for the lockman sub AK MP5 and Warzone 2 Season 2. Like I was saying, it's probably one of the best options in all of the SMG category, really only competing with the Finnick for The Meta Conversation, so, of course, if you guys haven't already, you absolutely need to give it a try, but that's my full loadout numbers two and three.

I have the M4 and the Akimbo P. So, of course, let me hop directly into the M4 loadout on the M4. I'm running the second tread, 40 muzzle high tower, 20-inch barrel f-tac. Ripper 56-caliber underbarrel, 556-high velocity ammunition in the 60-round mag, which I actually recently showcased in four loadouts, is absolutely unbelievable.

best loadout for

It has zero recoil and great damage, and there is another very viable option at that primary spot. Let me show you guys the tuning for the muzzle real quick. I did recoil stabilization and gun kick control for the barrel. I did recoil steadiness and damage range for the under barrel. I did recoil stabilization and for the bottom bar I left it completely even at zero, and of course for the 556 and high velocity ammunition I did damage range and bolt velocity for the Akimbo P890s.

I did the Fort Steel fire suppressor Brewing Express Trigger Action 1MW, pistol laser, Kimbo P890 rear grip, and the 12-round mag. Like I was saying, for some reason, these did not catch a nerf, and they are still absolutely unbelievable. They deal some crazy damage, and even now with the laser tuning, they're even more accurate from the hip, so let's hop directly into the tuning real quick.

best loadout for 2

For the suppressor, I did notice recoil smoothness and ball velocity. For the trigger action, I did recolor smoothness again and sprint to fire speed. And then, of course, for the laser, I did sliding hip fire accuracy, which is ridiculous, and sprint to fire speed again overall. That is full loadout number three on my top-five list.

I'm telling you guys that there are two fantastic options at the primary and secondary slots, so of course give both a try. Let's hop directly into loading number four real quick for the loadout number four, starting with the Ral LMG. I have the Talon 16 suppressor. 21-inch Rhino Barrel SA, side grip, and 338 High Velocity Ammunition in the V4 Optic, one of the most highly requested weapons I think I've ever gotten on Warzone 2.

best smg

I'm also going to drop an in-depth article on it pretty soon, but let me show you guys the muzzle tuning real quick. I did speed and bolt velocity for the barrel, recoil extendedness and damage range for the side grip, and recoil stabilization for the bottom bar. I left it completely even for the high-velocity ammunition; I did damage range and bolt velocity; for the optic.

I left the left bar completely even; and for the bottom. I did far for the vasnav; I did the x10 rr40. The suppressor F has a shark fin 90 underbarrel and the FSS OLED laser. The marquee R7 stock and the 45-round mag are another fantastic option. Even though it was nerfed in the Season 2 update, the suppressor is still one of the most dominant weapons in the entire game.

Best Warzone 2 Class Setup Season 2 Warzone Meta Loadouts after Update. TOP 5 META LOADOUTS in WARZONE 2 SEASON 2! Warzone 2 Best Class Setups - MW2.
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