News - Top 10 "meta" Loadouts Warzone 3 Season 2

For this last set of loadouts, we got the new BP50 assault rifle and the new Ram 9 SMG. These are immediately in the meta, and you'll see why, but these things are absolute beams for this BP50. I want the Jack BFB muzzle because, when you add this, there's hardly any recoil on this thing. I like the Lore 9 heavy barrel, the brew, and the heavy support grip under the barrel.


Oro Eagles 2.5-time scope: whatever site makes you comfortable, and the biggest mag you can add is the 45-round mag, which is all you need, so this is for you in the firing range. This thing is absolutely insane. Look at that. There's hardly any recoil at all. Just so good. Now the 45-round mag does present some problems in quads, so if you're running this solo through trios, you should be just fine.

Just be aware of the 45-round mag when you are in quads. Now for this Ram 9, I used this thing straight out of the box the first day it came out in the black cell battle pass. I had leveled it up with no attachments, and it was absolutely shredded. Think of the Ram 9 as the Fini on steroids. That's the exact way you can think about it because of the fast fire rate and the time to kill, which is kind of ridiculous.

top 10 loadouts warzone

The ttk statistically is not faster than the amr9 or the HRM 9, but in the game it sure does feel like it, so I went with the Speedway V5 short barrel, the dr6 hand stop under barrel, the high grain rounds, the 50 round mag, you do need the 50 round mag on it because it does empty bullets quick, and then the Recon comb for more sprint of fire speed, which is absolutely amazing the think about it, it does have some kick, but pretty manageable recoil, in my opinion, a lot more manageable than the wsp Swarm that's for.

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