News - Top 10 "broken" Meta Loadouts Warzone 3 After Update

I'm running the BT7 spear fire suppressor L muzzle, the low 9 heavy barrel, the Brewing heavy support grip under Barrel Coro Eagle ey 2.5 times scope, and the 45 round mag show this to you here in the firing range. It's just so good—very little recoil, high damage. The only downside comes with a 45-round magx, so quads are a little tough; you just have to be smart with your.


Ammo, then for the WSB swarm, I'm running the Jack BFB muzzle. This thing has just a ton of recoil as far as gun kicks and stuff, so I'm running that Jack BFB muzzle with the WSB Reckless 90-long barrel, the DR6 hand stop under the barrel slate reflector sight, and the 100-round drum. Show this to you here again in the firing range, again that Jack BFB really helps this thing helps control this recoil on it, but again, man.

I prefer some other SMGs over this wsp swarm, but if you need a wsp swarm build, this is a solid one. Next up is a little different: Hoger 26. I'm loving running this LMG right now. It's a lot of fun to run, and then I've got a strafe-build BP50. That's absolutely insane. In Hogar 26, we're going with the VT7 spe fire suppressor.

Barrel the Brewing heavy support grip under Barrel I like the high-grain rounds with this; it already comes with a 60-round mag. We are adding the Ascent Lord stock and will again show this to you in the firing range here, man. not a lot of recoil at all, really high damage, but easy to control Quills are just really, really fun to do.

top 10 loadouts warzone

Run, then for this BP50, this BP50 is a lot of it's crazy good. Just watch how fast I'm strafing. Here for comparison, we'll run with the Hoger 26 and see how slow this is, and then boom, watch, look how fast I'm strafing, just strafing, and your enemies just can't hit you, so we're going to go with the LHT 200 Barrel.


The F10 Tac MSP 998 hand stop under Barrel, the 45-round mag, the MO 40 stock, and the CCG TAC tape Another thing you can also run on this is the stalker perk, and this increases your strap speed even more. Crazy! All we have are four more loadouts for you. Two of these are bonus loadouts. Got the TAC V and the cast off 762 then I've got like the number one load out that you can be running right now in war zone the fastest ttk, lowest recoil all that good stuff so stick around for that as well but you're going to want this tag V and cast off 762 as well so I've been getting a lot of requests for this tag V and for me to try it out and so I'm going to do that but for this tag v i I'm it's very solid, at least in the firing range it is and then the cast 762, love running this If you were looking for a MW2 weapon that's very reliable, the cast-out 762 should be your go-to for this tag.

We're going with the VT7 spe fire suppressor and the Precision six barrel the Brewing heavy support grip under barrel, the Coro eagles eye 2.5 times scope, along with the 50 BR drum I'll show this to you guys in the firing range here; it's pretty good; it's got a little bit of a gun kick, but once it kind of gets that gun kick over with, it's pretty easy to control, but also if you put this on single, fire.

One, and then for this cast, 762 men vt7 SP fire suppressor L-cast 10 584 mm barrel the Brewing heavy support grip under barrel Coro Eagle 2.5-time scope and the 40-round mag This is my bass B replacement. I think this is just better than the bass B feels right now—a lot less visual recoil, and at range, just at range now if you're going mid-range.

warzone 3

BBY is still very solid, right? This is too, but at range, this is a little bit better than the bass B right now. In my opinion, it just feels so good. Now for that number one loadout, you're running the evolver and the ram 9, so good man, it's just that you can't beat it. So for this evolver, we're going with the VT7 spe fire suppressor L muzzle, the Chima Ry 03 vertical grip, and the high grain rounds.

I like the Coro Eagles High 2.5 times scope and the Kill Anova stock again. The recoil just stops, man. It just stops like it doesn't move, like it shoots one bullet, and then there's no recoil. It's just that you're not missing it, man. Good then for the Ram 9 man. If you're up close, you are not losing with this build.

You want to go with the speed of the V5 short barrel and the Dr6 hand stop under the barrel. The high grain rounds the 50-round mag, and I like the Recon comb here; it's got a little bit of a kick when it comes to the range, but not bad, but man up close, you're not losing with this build.

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