News - Tombstone After Patch. Warzone 2 Glitches

after patch

You are watching a master at work. We're going to be talking about the absolute best and most overpowered glitch after all the most recent patches to Modern Warfare 3 zombies. Drop a big fat like on the article, and let's get right on into it now. There've been a few recent changes to this, so I want you guys to pay very close attention and watch the entire article load into a match of zombies and acquire as much cash as you possibly can.

You're also going to want to acquire any valuable or useful items for this match and every match from this point forward in your backpack, as well as if you already have an active Tombstone. Go ahead and pull all the items out of that tombstone until it crumbles fully. At this point, you're going to go ahead and consume the tombstone.

From here, we're going to choose the location in which we'd like to place our tombstone permanently. I personally like to keep mine on the island near the storm because it's a centralized location and pretty easy to get to from anywhere that you spawn. If you want to place your tombstone on the island as well.


I do strongly recommend that you bring in a molet of cocktail or a thermite grenade because you're going to have to use it to down yourself as no zombies spawn on the island. I do strongly recommend that you do this while having a large backpack so you can have as many items as possible, and inside of that large backpack have another large backpack as well, and you'll see why in just a moment now that you're set up and ready to go, you've gotten all your money, you've gotten all your items that you would like placed inside of your tombstone, you've consumed a tombstone perk, and you've made sure that you do not have a self-revive.

We're going to go ahead and down ourselves to the location where we want our tombstone. Now, after all the most recent patches, once you've gone down, you're going to bleed out fully. You're going to wait until the timer countdown counts all the way down and you get the squat eliminated screen to pop up.

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After that, it's going to count up all your XP that you've earned throughout the match, and then at that point, you're going to get the option to leave the match in the upper right-hand corner. You're going to select that option. Again, after all the most recent patches, it must be done in this fashion in order to create and maintain your tombstone from this point forward, back in the zombies menu.


If you go over to Gear, you'll notice that you have now lost everything, and this is exactly what's supposed to happen from here. Load into your next match. Now that you've loaded in, you'll notice that your tombstone is going to be out on the map, and you can see its icon. Make your way over to that location, and from there, you're going to go ahead and collect all the items from your tombstone.

Until it crumbles entirely, now that we've fully set up our tombstone, we're going to talk about how you're going to be able to maintain it from this point forward to have it each and every match. Fortunately for us, this hasn't changed at all; it's the same as it previously was. For those of you that don't know, I'll go ahead and explain the different ways of X filling and being able to keep your items and maintain your tombstone.


The entire time for each and every match, the two ways you're going to be able to keep your items are by using the ACT X fills or the mission X fills, and then the baby portal, which is my personal favorite. Walk up to the baby portal, and you're going to choose the option to interact with it. You'll then open up your Tac map and choose the option to vote.

Yes, it'll start a 10-second countdown timer. At this point, I like to run out into the water so I'm not getting attacked by the zombies, and then at that point, we're going to prepare to close the application on the teleportation, Animation. Once it begins the teleportation animation, wait 2 full seconds and then close the application.

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For those of you that are on PC, you're going to wait until the screen turns black, and then you're going to press alt F4. At that point now, for those of you that are going to be using Mission X, the way you're going to do this is hop on the Xfill airplane; once it lifts off the ground, you're going to wait two full seconds, and then you're going to close the application at that point.

warzone 2

And the same thing for those of you on PC: you're going to wait for the screen to turn black, and then you're going to close the app or dashboard. Right then and there, and that's how you're going to be able to pull out all the items and have them for the next game while maintaining your tombstone the entire time.

Now for those of you that are going to be using the regular xfill, you're going to go to xfill as normal and wait until it says successful xfill to pop up on screen, and you're going to close the application. At that moment, for those of you that would like to take your Tombstone and maintain your Tombstone after entering the dark ether.

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I appreciate you all tuning in. I appreciate all the continued support. J St., and I'm gone.

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