News - Three Movements To Win More Gunfights. Warzone 2 Movement Tips & Guide

The one time I could have used a dolphin dive is right here; I hear this guy somewhere around this corner. He just thirsted for my teammate's punt, so I'm going to go ahead and push back. I absolutely could have dolphin dived here to get around this corner, but I ended up not doing that, and I got shot a little bit.

The jump right, the little jump, allows me to mix in that headshot that gives me that ttk that I need, so I'm going to go ahead and push around the corner. I'm going to reach out here and notice there is no jumping around the corner. This is just peeking around the corner and catching him off guard.

warzone 2 movement guide

So you don't always have to jump peak corners, but I did jump while shooting, which allowed me to win that gunfight, so I hope you found today's article helpful. Dolphin diving, jumping while shooting, peeking around corners, and strafing—focus on those, and you'll start to win more gunfights.

Today I am going over 3 simple Warzone 2 movements that will allow you to win more gunfights. Warzone 2 is more about POSITIONING than MOVEMENT but we can still use movement to our advantage.
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