News - Three Movements To Win More Gunfights. Warzone 2 Movement Tips & Guide

Movement #3

Movement #3

Although there are definitely times that I do it, especially if I'm right on top of somebody, you know, if I'm right on top of somebody here and I can hip fire and headshot, that's going to give me a huge advantage now, number three movement number three, and then I want to talk about actually combining movements, number three movement number two, because this is a little bit more advanced but you absolutely can do it.

This is going to be strafing now that this is a keyboard and mouse. In situations where you're in that mid-range -- 10 to 20 meters -- with your SMG, or even at long range, it does help as well when you're getting shot at because that makes you a harder target to hit, and it gives you that increased rotational aim assist now, the last one that I'll leave you with before we go ahead and jump into some clips here.

movement guide warzone 2

You can absolutely jump off strafing, so if I'm shooting this guy right, I can jump and strafe at the same time, which is going to give me an aim assist and allow me to mix in some head shots. So that's another one that you can start implementing and working on; it's a little bit more advanced, but it absolutely does help you with the three most important movements.

Diving allows you to reset your brain while jumping, shooting, and peeking. Corners give you a little bit of a gunfight in a little bit of an advantage in gunfight strafing, which is the most important thing for controller players because it increases your aim assist, so let's go and jump into some clips.

Clip #1

Clip #1

Here, we're going to be breaking down three different clips. The first one is going to be a really good 1v3 scenario.

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The second one is going to be a 1v1 where I absolutely finesse the guy, and then we'll wrap it up with another 1v3. Scenario Starting off right here, I actually went down to some people sitting on top of these buildings, so I'm going to burn myself to revive. You'll see my high alert go off right here, but I'm just thinking about getting into cover plating up and then I'll figure out how to re-engage as I'm doing that, though I actually hear an enemy below.

So when we talk about strafing, that's going to be the first movement that we see. The biggest benefit to strafing is aim assist, which I don't get through these railings, but it still makes you a harder target to hit. See him missing right there? I'm able to quench my thirst now. Right here, I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do next.

movement guide warzone 2022

We're going to use tax burning and dolphin diving to break this line of sight and reload. And now I can figure out what my next move is, but he has no idea where I actually went. Once again, when we talk a little bit about advanced movements, we're talking about simple movements today, but you can use a dolphin dive in an advanced manner to actually jump into windows.

All you have to do is time it correctly, and you can get straight into that window and actually go through it, which really breaks your line of sight. Now right here, I'm getting live pings from my teammate, and this is the biggest difference between war zone 2 and war zone one. In war zone one, I'm taking complete control of this fight.

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I'm fully plated; I've got 45 rounds. Here I am, so I'm ready to go. I challenge this guy to a slide contest around the corner. I either break his camera or do something that gives me the advantage, but in Warzone 2, we don't have that ability, so I'm just going to slow down here knowing that he's pushing.

movement tips warzone 2

We're just going to wait for him and get the very clean kill now that we've got one other enemy left right here who's going to end up taking out Hog over to my right here in a second. So, now that we've got that information, we can start to push over. We're just going to try to see what we can find.

We're going to go ahead and push up. Notice that it's not necessary to dolphin dive all the time, right, so notice that I'm normal sprinting right here. You don't have to be dolphin diving all the time, but you know that in this situation we're just going to wait, we're just going to push up, and we once again see the stray thing left and right.

You see it right here when I slow it down, guys. It's not a lot; it's just a little bit that makes me a harder target to hit and allows me to increase my aim assist, so let's go ahead and jump into this next 1v1 situation, right?

Clip #2

Clip #2

Here, so this clip right here is all about dolphin diving, and you're going to see just how you can use dolphin diving to finesse out of a bad situation. Starting off, I'm playing some Souls. I know that there's an enemy in this building, and I just don't anticipate it. Well, I just made a pretty bad mistake, and I got absolutely smoked.

Now I'm down to about a bullet here. I'll never be able to make it around this corner, and I'll never be able to mantle and get over this fence, so my only option is to go back to where I came from, and I'm going to go ahead and slow this down because when we talk about dolphin diving, remember, it propels us forward and allows us to reset our tax print, so it propels me a little bit.

warzone 2 movement

I kind of turn around at the same time to see if he's challenging me. He's not challenging me. I can easily reset my tax print. And now that I've broken this initial line of sight, he no longer has an angle to shoot me in the back. So I dolphin dive again around this corner because it propels me forward and resets my tax print.

I dolphin dived again, and now I've completely broken this line of sight, so I'm going to go ahead and reload, and then I actually challenged this guy. I made a little bit of an aggressive play there, but we're going to once again challenge around this corner, and this is pretty much just a little bit of a strafing clip at this point.

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This is where the ttk is, incredibly fast.

Clip #3

Clip #3

This last clip is a very aggressive 1v3, and I'm actually only going to be strafing and jumping. I do not dolphin dive in this clip, but starting off, I've got a live ping on an enemy outside. are very accurate with these, and you're going to see how strafing allows me to mix in a headshot here, which gives me that faster ttk and allows me to get that knock.

You know I don't have a three-plate vest, and I am actually very low on health at this point, but that little jump allows me to mix in that headshot, giving me a slightly faster ttk. Now I don't know why I played this as aggressively as I did. I should have played it up right here, but I ultimately decided not to, and this second gunfight is all about strafing.

warzone 2 movement changes

I mean, look how much I'm strafing here; it's not like I'm going crazy; it's just a little bit of back and forth that allows me to get that knock once again. I have no idea why I played this so aggressively. I go when I'm hungry and thirsty, and I want to get The Thirst, which I don't even get. He ends up bleeding out one right there; I think the second guy bleeds out, and now the third guy is going to challenge me, so we're finally able to play it up.

Today I am going over 3 simple Warzone 2 movements that will allow you to win more gunfights. Warzone 2 is more about POSITIONING than MOVEMENT but we can still use movement to our advantage.
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