News - These Secret Pro Tips Are Insane Warzone 2

Compass tip

Compass tip

So in War Zone 2, there are no red dots on the minimap unless you have a UAV with your best friend. You can actually see red dots or shots whenever someone's shooting at you on the compass, so if I get in a fight with someone who doesn't have a son of sir, for example, a guy right here. I need him to kind of shoot at me.

So I want this guy to shoot at me, but I don't want to kill anybody. You see the red dots are appearing up right there in the middle, and this is good because not only is it going to show where you're getting shot from, it's also going to allow you to pinpoint and find people in situations where you can't find them, like if you're running around saying, Hey.


I can't find wherever this guy is, well, that's going to change what this Compass tip is, and this is a very important and big tip in war zone 2. Drop a like just for this tip. The compass shots are here, and this is important because, like I said, not only is it going to allow you to see kind of where people are shooting at or maybe if they're shooting at you, but it's also going to allow you to pinpoint exact locations and find people, which is important when you're trying to kill people or find kills.

End game tip

End game tip

Put your game awareness on point. So a lot of times you're going to notice the final circle or one of the final circles is going to be in this area, and I'm not freaking kidding; this is how they have war zone 2 at the moment. You can say it's placed on purpose, and it probably is. I'll catch you guys in the next Pro Tip

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