News - These Are The Best Primaries Warzone 2. 0. Warzone 2 Weapons Tier List. Warzone 2 Meta

I like the MK2 Carbon from Modern Warfare 2019. I just think the rate of fire is a little bit slow, so I think it's a fun gun to use, but in terms of effectiveness, it's not that good. The P90 is going to be slotted into the B tier; it's a good gun to use; it's not insane; I like it a lot; sometimes it feels like a pea shooter; other times it feels absolutely insane; and this is another sniper for the Sab; again.

I'm just throwing it in the Beats here; they're nothing too crazy to write home about with LMS; I hate this gun; I picked it up a few times on the ground. It's just terrible. I don't know; maybe it's just like the ground loot version of it. I think it is just baruto: brutal, brutal. We've got some other guns here.

modern warfare ii

The MX-9 is going into the C tier, and the main reason is the 25-round magazine. You just can't do it. You can't do a 25-round mag in; you just can't do it. You just can't take out enough people. It's just not effective to use it, and I really dislike it. The gun itself is not bad. 25 rounds in a magnum is just unacceptable.

Unacceptable, sorry, Vel the MP7, but this thing's like old reliable; this thing is so good and always will be good. It's reliable; you're not going to be frying with it like the 74u, but it is exactly what you expect, like it is the most, and you know what you're going to get. I would almost equate it to, like, a nice piece of Italian bread that you toast with butter; it's going to be delicious.

It might not be top tea, actually; I think that's top here, but it might not be top tier, but you know what you're going to get, you know what I mean? It's pretty basic; it's pretty standard. The MP7 and the VEL 46 are unbelievable guns. I think the M4 is good. I don't think it's great; maybe I'm giving a short change here; maybe it should be in Tier I, but I think it's good.


It's just not my scene. I think the ground loot on it is very good for early game, but late game, I'm just not an M4 guy, so the M4 for me is going to be going in the b-tier mini back. I think this gun stinks. I think it's not good, so I'm throwing it away. The size of the 64-round magazine saves it from being disgusting because it has such a big magazine size that does save it from being disgusting.

I got to ask, and guys, here's a little sneak peek. This is this SO 14; say this, and where's my EBR? Have we already done the EBR? Yeah, we have already done the EBR, and these guns are insane. I think they're going to become meta over time, almost like the DMZ Zone, which excites me but also hurts me at the same time.

I do think that they're going to become meta, and I don't want them to be, but these things pack a punch like crazy Vasnif, and 9K again beats here. Guys, remember that B-tier is good. It's good, but not great. I think the Vasnav is good. I'm personally not in love with the Vaznav, the cast-offs.

mw2 gameplay

We're going to throw these all in the air here. I finally made the decision because the 545 and the 762 are just really good guns. Anytime I have those guns in my hand, I feel confident, I feel excited, and I can take fights. I'm really a big fan of the cast of the entire family tree outside of probably the mini-back.

We're going to throw the RPK in the S here if you guys have picked up the RPK that has the thermal scope and five attachments. This gun is insane. I have literally gotten four shots fully, plated up four shots dead with the RPK. So the RPK is absolutely an S-tier gun. It's really just packing a punch.

mw2 tips

The Lackmans are interesting. The wrap, you know, is nothing to really write home about. I think we're going to go. I think we're just going to go sit here with that one man, you know, it's something that I don't love, and where's also the rail? I don't see the rail here either, listed the same thing, "lmgs," they're just a little bit too clunky for me, really slow ads speed; I'm not the biggest fan of it; I think they're all kind of in with the HDR again; they're just average.

They're just average at the end of the day. It's not anything to write home about. It's not anything great. This actually might be the rail; just let's list it differently now that I'm looking at the Lackman, MP5. The Lachman MP5 is going to be in the first tier. This is a very powerful weapon that is very strong to use, and I like it a lot.

It's good, and it feels good to have the MP5. I like it a lot, but taking it away from Esther, it doesn't feel like it's as strong as a 74-year-old attack that like, so you guys are seeing that for the most part in the S tier, there's not really any SMGs that have like stood out to me. The fennec.

I would say up close, is insane; there's no question about it, but there are too many times when you get caught in a ranged battle or you have to reload while defending that's why it's not in the S tier and the other lackmans. The SCB for me is an S tier as well, so I'm putting the SDB in the S tier as well.


This gun is great at all ranges, and it's very similar to the 74U, so that's honestly going to be what rounds off our S tiers. I'm just going to be brutally honest with you guys—that's going to round off our S Series. I was waiting on the STB. The STB packs a bunch of the 74U, doesn't have much recoil, and has solid mobility.

This gun was good in multiplayer, and it was also good in Warzone 2. I absolutely love the sdv now that we've got three guns left to work with the tacm. This is the single-shot tactic, man. I just think that, and it's funny because I love the other ones. I just think this seat here has a little bit too much recoil, in my opinion, and I haven't found the class for it I haven't found the class for that.

mwii gameplay

The attack on Manhattan is not my favorite. I know I might get some heat for saying that the attack is going to be a C-tier against a C-tier average. Then, I think the Lackmans I think the Lackmans The Lackmans. I think the Lackmans I think the Lackmans The Lackmans. The Lackmans the Lackmans the Lackmans the Lackmans the Lackmans the Lackmans the Lackmans the Lackmans i think the Lackmans The Lackmans I don't look for them in the games; I don't know why I just don't find them.

I haven't found out if I love them yet. That's kind of my take on the lack of ones: I think they're good, but they're not an 80 or good; it might be an L. But honestly, this tier is 100 percent esteemed, and I would even say maybe the EBR sneaks in. Maybe the EBR sneaks in; give it time, and trust me, put the EBR on your radar.

Okay, these are my general thoughts on why I think the meta is in war zone 2.0 right now with the loadout. And, also, for ground loot, if you find any of these ground loot guns in the s or a tier. I would personally be using them, and if you guys are trying to rank up guns. I would start ranking up all these guns first and just go from top to bottom.

In today's Warzone 2 video, we're power ranking ALL the primary weapons in Warzone 2! I'm giving my thoughts on the Warzone 2 meta and which MW2 weapons you should be ranking up ASAP! In Warzone 2, a lot of the gameplay is with ground loot weapons. So this Warzone 2 weapons tier list should help you decide which ground loot to pick up and which weapons you should be focusing on leveling up first.
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