News - The Warzone 2 Season 2 Reloaded Update, Gameplay & Content Download

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This is DK Dynamite, and today we're going to be talking about all the content that we know is coming: season 2 reloaded of Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone. War Zone Zombie, and, hey, even Cod 2024.

Next double xp weekend revealed

Next double xp weekend revealed

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Trailer, blogpost & release date

Trailer, blogpost & release date

But in regards to season 2 reloaded, as far as the marketing and release date go for the mid-season 2 updates, the marketing should begin a week from today, on February 28th. Now as we've seen in the past we typically get marketing an exact week before launch for a brand new season but reloaded updates have been a bit iffy where we got marketing, maybe on the Thursday 6 days before the launch of that content and we've seen it as late as Monday two days before the launch of that content so marketing could be a bit iffy for reloaded but I will still keep you guys posted on what is going on with that one but the release of season 2 reloaded is of course on March 6th according to the in-game classified, battle pass timer that's when the mid-season should begin and all the content should begin to roll out for every single game mode I will also update the detonated article to tell you guys more about the file size and whatnot once we do learn more information .

Multiplayer content in s2 reloaded


But going into multiplayer and what to expect for that mode specifically, first off, we got a new 66 map in the form of Doss House. For those that didn't play Call of Duty Vanguard, you're in for a treat, but even if you did play Vanguard and you play that Old World War II version of Dos House, it's still going to be a bit of a different experience, which I'm really excited about for MW3.

Since we haven't really seen full reimaginings. Of maps, at least not in recent years, we have been seeing some faithful one-to-one remakes on the brand new engine, but to be able to see reimaginings of old school maps with the same layout but a different aesthetic that gets me really intrigued to play the all-new experience, and I know Black Ops 2 did that exceptionally well over 10 years ago, but also to add into this we do have Dome as a carry forward map for Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer, coming into this game it'll probably be in the MW2 map MOS pit pretty soon, but in the recent season 2 Creator call, we did get confirmation from Sledgehammer that MW2 2022 maps are also going to join the regular map rotation for MW3.

Vortex & dune event + map remixes

Vortex & dune event + map remixes

It's unclear when that's going to happen, though now, in terms of multiplayer , we also have the vortex event dropping, which will bring in Skid Grow and even Airborne. These are going to be map remixes. Kind of like what we saw in season one with the other Vortex Maps, we saw remixes of Scrapyard.

Quarry even rust those maps are also going to come back in which you'll be able to play TDM kill confirmed domination and hard points on all five of those map remixes, sadly I did get it answered over on the season 2 Creator call in regards to what's going on with that Ray Gun mode that isn't coming back but those other modes that I just mentioned are going to be playable on these five map remixes, so that's what's going on with that but then we also have a dune event happening later during the midseason, and it's apparently called the rule of Fate it's unclear if it's an actual challenge event another XP focused one but I knew Paul skin did get leaked out and I know some of the leakers out there were claiming that this is a free skin you could unlock by finishing that event, that would be crazy if you can get a free skin for Paul just by playing or doing something in game that would be absolutely insane and if they do that then I would hope that we get a free Rick Grim skin one day maybe even in Black Ops 2024.

But it's unclear exactly what's going to be happening with the upcoming Dune event.

Bounty & joggermosh modes coming

Bounty & joggermosh modes coming

I'll also update you guys really soon when we get some official marketing , but then we also have two modes dropping in multiplayer with mid-season. The first one is Bounty, which's a mode that's returning from Modern Warfare 19 and even MW2, 2022. You guys probably know how that works it's pretty straightforward there will be an hvt marked in your match and you got to go ahead and go after him on the enemy team but then there's a Mode called Jugger Moss releasing which is going to consist of third person Juggernaut gameplay yes everybody is a jug in that match while you're playing objective modes like kill confirm domination hard points so everyone is going to be in a jug suit but there will be a on hit kill melee weapon that you could find towards probably the middle of the map now I have speculated though this could be a part of what is likely to be the Warhammer collaborationwhich is the only thing not officially confirmed as of now for reloaded.

Warhammer crossover event leaked

fortunes keep research vessel

But it's no coincidence that for Warhammer, there are some pretty cool skins that have already leaked out that seem to be Juggernaut reskins. Now maybe it's a coincidence that we're getting a Juggernaut-themed LTM for multiplayer, but it does seem like those skins we're going to be seeing from Warhammer are probably what we're going to be suiting up as during the Jugger mode; if not, those skins that did leak out could be actual operator bundles, which I think would also be cool since the skins look absolutely phenomenal.

As of now, three bundles did leak out for Warhammer, but not much is known about what's included in them. There is gameplay for some various finishing moves that are apparently part of Warhammer. One of them is called seral skull which appears a bit unfinished in the leaked footage but there's also one that really clearly is trying to depict a chain sword so you can see a sword kind of going through the enemy but then vibrating as the enemy operator kind of shakes while you're doing the animation, so it's very clearly tied to a chainsaw of sorts right so it does seem like we do have footage there of an unfinish chainsword model that is tied to Warhammer, coming to MW3 in war zone pretty soon gameplay also surfaced of a riot shield blueprint a part of one of the Warhammer bundles and there's even a blue steel Universal, camo that you're going to end up unlocking by completing an XP Focus challenge event that should also be dropping at some point during the later half of season 2 reloaded.

But a bunch of other camels also leaked out that are going to be dropping either by the end of season 2 or even early season 3.

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