News - The Warzone 2 Haunting Event Download, Gameplay & Rewards. Warzone 2 & Warzone Halloween Update

Checkout my cod next 2023 vlog!

Checkout my cod next 2023 vlog!

I'll be live here on the channel with , and earlier today I did post my official vlog from Codex 2023.

The new doom bundle is insane.

It's a really cool pack that had a ton of fun. Call of Duty actually retweeted my clip of me going off with these weapons inside the shipment. A big shout out to all you guys out there for dropping a bunch of love over on that retweet.

Haunting event start times & marketing

Now the start times for The Haunting are actually a bit different this time around, so typically the start of a new season or even a mid-season update does drop on a Wednesday, right? That's how it's been for Modern Warfare 2. Even our usual playlist updates and even small patch notes do drop on Wednesdays, but for whatever reason this time around, the mid-season 6 update does drop on Tuesday.

October 17th, while the content should become playable at around 9:00 a.m. M pacific: 11:00 Central and 12:00 Eastern. I'll keep you guys updated if any delays do happen here for the haunting, but market marketing for the reloaded updates has also been a bit odd for MW2. So every new season has been marketed on Wednesday, about a week before the launch, or at the very latest on Thursday, a good six days before launch, but reloaded updates from MW2 have been marketed as late as Monday, two days before release, of that mid-season content, so with the beta starting again this Thursday for MW3.

Download & file size for the mw2 haunting

Download & file size for the mw2 haunting

Has been added to the database; that's going to be the patch for our midseason 6 update. Now i don't think the update is going to be all that big considering the fact that most of if not all of the haunting content, was already added to the initial season 6 patch a couple of weeks ago there probably still is some content left over that has to be added in Via a patch totally aware of that but if the update is fairly large, it's probably because it'll be similar to the updates that we got for season 5 reloaded and season 6, which actually reduced the overall game size, essentially asking everybody to reinstall the entire game just so that the game isn't that big file sizewise.

All upcoming haunting bundles revealed

al mazrah boss fights

As we go into Modern Warfare 3 as a reminder moving forward, every new Call of Duty to release will be launched through the same Call of Duty A2 application, which Moder Warfare 2 currently sits in now the preload for this update should begin to roll out early on Playstation as of Monday could even be a bit sooner than that considering that the haunting does begin on Tuesday the 17th, could see the preload over the next couple of days roll out but Xbox and PC won't be seeing the preload as per usual now a lot of bundles have already released as a part of season 6 many of them being Halloween focused but there still are quite a few left that have yet to come out we have Lilith on October 15th, we have the Skeletor pack on October 17th, keep in mind here in the detonated article we do have all the prices for these packs listed as well we have the Paranormal Investigator, pack on October 19th then the pro pack Tracer pumpkin patch on October 20th again that'll cost 20 real dollars but we'll reimburse you with 2400 Cod points $40 of value for the price of 20 we then have as Williams October 23rd, the anerus Diablo Tracer pack October 26th.

The battle buddy Grim Tidings Tracer pack on October 29th, and then an unknown release date for the Dune Part 2 Saru Dart pack, and there's some other bundles that also don't have release dates yet. It's always possible that more bundles will be added with the upcoming patch. But looking at the release dates for the packs we have thus far, some of these are releasing.

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Just about until the end of MWW's life cycle, right before the campaign. Early access does begin on November 2nd and November 3rd for MW3.

Multiplayer haunting maps & mode reskins

Multiplayer haunting maps & mode reskins

We could still see a few more bundles release, even while m W3 comes out but I feel like all of them are going to come out right before MW3 officially drops on November the 10th now just to get multiplayer out the way here's what's coming to the multiplayer haunting update so we have map reskins for L ailo and Embassy we already got early footage of L ailo's map reskin thanks to some bug that allowed us to play the map in private games already, but Embassy is also another map that we're going to be seeing probably on the 17th I'm sure both maps are going to drop on the same day as far as game modes go we're going to be getting Halloween reskins to some of our fan favorite modes inside of MP, we have for Domination.

al mazrah haunting event

Scarecrows instead of flags for kill confirmed and grind we have skulls instead of dog tags Drop Zone we're going to be seeing jump scare care packages instead of our regular care packages and then lastly for infected we're going to be seeing haunting themed infected add-ons, with no super abilities not sure exactly what that means but that was mentioned in the recent blog post one of my favorite parts of the haunting event coming up is the upcoming Soul Capture challenge event there's actually multiple challenge events as a part of the haunting but this first one is called Soul Capture it's based off of the trophy on event that we had back during season 3, and it's unclear if there's going to be a cap on how many Souls you can collect in a single match of multiplayer, war zone or DMZ.

Soul capture challenge event & rewards

There was a pretty strict cap on the trophies back during season 3, so it's unclear if they're going to do it this time around, but it was already confirmed there won't be a need for an upload by station, over in the war zone, or DMZ. During the trophy hunt, upon collecting as many trophies as you could in that match, you had to go up to a station to actually upload them to your account.


If you didn't do that and you didn't win the game, you would lose the trophies you picked up for that match, whether it was BR or DMZ. Now, it's cool to see that there won't be that restriction this time around, but as far as the rewards go, we know about some of them because of a recent article Infinity War dropped where they went behind the scenes with Todd McFarland to discuss bringing spawn to life inside of Call of Duty, where they also gave us a glimpse of the upcoming haunting challenge events, so for 15 souls you can get a boo sticker; for 30 souls you can get a skull calling card and a double weapon XP token; for 60 souls you can get a haunting charm; for 90 souls you can get a light Hilo skin; and then for 150 souls you can get a pistol weapon blueprint.

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