News - The New Zombies Content We. Re Never Going To See. Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded. Standalone Game

The live service zombies experience

The live service zombies experience


GTA also raised the bar for that, but when it comes to zombies as a live service experience. I think if that had been successful, we might not have ever seen the zombies that we then got for BO2. And games after that so I think that was a worthy sacrifice but has you thinking right is Activision still interested in doing something like that at some point and I also don't blame Trey for wanting that shut down cuz they hadn't fully conceptualized the real zombies they wanted to make I mean World at War Black Ops 1 those games barely scratched the surface with what trar wanted to accomplish with their baby so I'm fine with how this happened, but I think overall people are still upset to read that yet another zombies project has apparently been canceled I mean over the years there's been so many different things that just didn't see a light of day that were zombies related, and I think it's sad when you also continue reading on with Ravens LinkedIn which is the fact that Raven wanted to revive an older IP that they worked on that wasn't Cod related in 2019.

But Activision stepped in and said no because Raven had to work on War Zone, so it's sad to see when something like War Zone or anything else really takes over the spotlight a bit and prevents Studios from doing something that they're really passionate about trying.

We technically did still get this.

We technically did still get this.

Now the thing is, considering the new seasonal structure that we've been seeing since Modern Warfare 19, zombies are almost a live-service experience to some extent. I mean. I think that's more apparent with something like an outbreak or Modern Warfare 3 zombies, not so much round-based, but we've been seeing experiences get seasonal updates, which gives you that live service feel; it's the round-base maps that are more traditional that we don't really see post-launch updates to unless it's bug fixes.

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So I still think we're going to end up seeing a balance of both going forward. We're going to still see your classic round-base zombies in their full glory, and then you're also going to see experiences like mwz, or outbreak even Onslaught, even something else that gets one big drop, and then you get seasonal updates to that drop throughout the course of an entire year.

Standalone zombies collection soon?

modern warfare 3

But in 2024, what does a standalone COD zombies project look like? I think that's a big question for people out there who really wonder what that could end up becoming. If Activision is ever interested in trying that again. I think, in all honesty, a standalone C Zombie game probably isn't what you'd prefer, which is some type of open-world experience that maybe is even campaign-related, like nightmares in Bo3.

I think it's something more along the lines of every maybe popular zombie map remastered on the current engine. And then you can play it on current-gen hardware; that's the most I see out of a standalone zombies game, and then maybe in that experience, you get something like MWZ, which is one big open-world type of game or map that gets updates over the course of a few seasons.

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I don't really see them dropping a Cod Zombie game that has a full-on campaign gets new r Bas Maps every couple of months. I almost don't see them stirring away from what really does work for the main Cod series, which is dropping a complete package of campaign multiplayer zombies and, you know, the war zone integration.

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I don't see them stirring away from that. Although Microsoft just took over, they see what works financially. I doubt that they're going to want to try something that ambitious and that unquote risky for them, even though you know a cat zombies project like that would probably do exceptionally.

Never before seen tranzit revealed

Never before seen tranzit revealed

Well, a couple of days ago, concept art for an early build of Transit also surfaced online, which does look pretty damn cool, but that doesn't really mean much now since the version of Transit that we ended up getting in BO2.

It was far different from what the original plans were, but I think it's obvious Trar was very held back by the technology of their time. If you try Transit again in modern times. I think you'll see a very cool and polished version of that experience, which would really change people's perception of what Transit is all about, and in all honesty, it's almost like Transit shouldn't even be a round-based experience; it should be something more along the lines of an outbreak or mwz.

mw3 new act 4 missions

Where it's one big space that gets updates over the course of a few seasons, has a lot to do, has multiple quests, so on and so forth, so I'm curious to see if they ever revisit Transit again one day will it be round base will it be a real version of round based Transit that I think would blow the BL2 version out the water or they just go full force and make it an open-world Green Run that I think would play very well for current-day zombie players ?.

Closing statements

But that is about it. This has been DK Dynamite. Leave our thoughts down. I really hope you've enjoyed it,

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