News - The Closest Thing To Rebirth Warzone 2. Tips To Get More Kills & Get More Wins Mini Royale

warzone 2 mini royale

I hold that forever because it actually ends up being in a circle, but now we're going to go ahead and focus, and we're going to be focusing on both sides here. By the way, only six kills, but we're going to be able to pick up a bunch here during the end game. I think the biggest thing that I like about Minnie Royale, and while we're playing this out a little bit because I know there's not a whole lot that happens right here.

I love Mini Royale because of the pace. I will say that I am a little bit nervous about the Resurgence Dynamic game mode with the way the game is currently playing. There is a lack of outplay potential with the fact that positioning matters so much and the game is a lot slower. I am a little bit nervous about the "resurgent" style game mode.

warzone 2 mini royale tips

I think the map definitely needs to be bigger than Rebirth; I think even the size of Fortune's Keep would probably work well, and the games would have to be a little bit longer. You know, those are just things that I get a little bit concerned about because of the fact that the pace is so slow in this game.

There's no doubt about it. You can speed up this game in terms of getting into more engagements, but for the most part, a lot of the 25- and 30-kill games that we're seeing in VR are going to be, you know, people are better at solo splitting people that are really just taking on full squads by themselves, which a lot of us are not able to do just yet.

Right there, that's a great example of how I'm not able to get that kill with floor loot, so that's where the RPK allows us to pick up a lot of these kills late in the game. I i went back and forth there about whether I should hire that guy, but what do you think? I don't know if any of you picked this up, but I know that I have a second precision airstrike.

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I knew that I had one, so I was able to get that kill. There's kill number seven end game right here; there's gotta be people over to the left still somewhere, and tank knew that there were people over there. We've got 10 other enemies still alive from six other teams. When we look at this mini-map as well, you've got to assume there are people in this building right here, right?

I mean, it's pretty safe to bet that there are going to be people in those buildings, but overall, We've got a lot of high ground; there's a down right there, another thirst, and right there's kill number eight, so we're just in a good position here. We've got the power position. We've got plenty of reasons to go back if you guys have not caught my articles before.

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We've got to be in a circle with cover, then power our position, and I'll show you why that matters in a second. Cover is very important; it's more important than power position because you can be on high ground and not be in a good spot simply because there's no cover. So for example, as we're going to play this spot right here, we're going to play a little bit of cover, we're going to be able to tag that guy a little bit, not be able to get the down, but we're going to end up pushing up to where the Ping is on the minimap, and I want you to really start thinking about your rotations when you understand that when you have cover and power position, you are in the best spot possible, and that it's a lot about executing.

Right here, I'm just making sure that nobody is pushing behind us. I am a little bit nervous that there could be people rotating behind us again, so I'm just being a little bit more cautious now. Right here is where power position and cover are very important, or I could continue to go backwards.

I say power position and cover because it just flows much better, but we've got to have cover right here. We have high ground right here in this spot. Cheval: open that's why cover is the most important. We're able to pick up that free kill right there. There's probably not a full team now. One thing that I really want to highlight about the endgame of mini-Royale is that, starting with Circle Number Six, there will be no more circle pulls.

warzone 2 tips

It is straightforward, but do not rush. Do not rush. Watch the patient to see how we put them with how we play this, simply because this is important. The circle closes very slowly, and when you think about the circle closing, you're going to want to push in and feel like circles are closing in and we have to rush to get this win right here.

If you don't like it, you'll see how long this actually drags out a little bit simply because this circle is not moving. We still have a minute plus until this game ends, when the circle closes to a point where we have to play gas masks, so we're playing it up top right here, and I'm still playing power position and covering, and I'm constantly thinking about my cover.

Right here, we catch one right there, and we're able to get that tag just a little bit and notice through this moment right here. Guys, once again, a little bit of patience. Think about the precision air strike now I want you to I want you to take a second and understand why I didn't use this precision strike.

when is rebirth coming back

I use this precision air strike right here; maybe I get a kill. Maybe not; they're in a building, and they can absolutely survive. We all get frustrated about being precise, and in a building, don't get me wrong, it's super annoying, but that's not always the case, so I'm just going to wait to use that; there's no reason to rush to use that; it'll be more advantageous when they have to rotate it out to us, like when Zone gets to about where my mouse is, and then I can be precise, and then there's nothing that they can actually do.

So we see one right here, unfortunately not being able to quite get that right there; third King's going to push in, which is a little bit risky; he plays very aggressively, meanwhile, look at tank and I, and there's no problem with that; it's the end game; he can play aggressively absolutely, but look at tank and I, we're in a really good spot right here in terms of our positioning because this is the best example.

Notice that anybody that's right here, if there's a guy on my mouse right by the shack, he cannot see Tank right now because Tank has enough cover here with the head glitch and The High Ground. Nobody can actually see him, so he's in a really good spot because of his cover to be able to play this end game out, so right here What do you notice?

There are two other teams and two other people, so we know it's a 2v1v1, and once again, there is no rush right here; we are still playing our high ground. Now we get to the point where they have to come to us. Precision gets a little dicey with how close they actually hit, so that's why I use my gas mask right here.

I probably would have gone down if I tried to push him. There's a kill right there. We've got a 2V1 scenario, so we're going to go ahead and pick up this last kill right here. I have more SP—just as many spectators as I do kills. Okay, there's kill number 11 right there. Actually, Tank ended up getting that kill, but I hope you found today's article helpful.

We don't have Resurgence or Rebirth Island back yet but Mini Royale is closest thing to it. Smaller map, quicker games and more fights. Here are a few tips on how to get more kills and get more wins in Mini Royale.
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