News - New Ashika Island Resurgence Mode: Everything You Need To Know Season 2 Of Warzone 2



Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard. Island in season two, we're going to discuss it along with a lot of other exciting changes, including what's the new meta, changes to movement, and a lot more. This is the same game mode as Rebirth Island in Fortunes Keep, with many of the same core elements, but it is also very different in several ways.

The core game mode remains the same for Resurgence; as long as someone on your squad is alive, you will respond back after a short amount of time however. There are a lot more ways to speed up this response timer than previously. Things like simply moving a certain amount of distance or even just breaking armor on an enemy will help your teammates respawn faster, along with the usual things like looting and eliminating enemies that the respawn timer disables.

After the fourth circle, you can still buy your teammates back. After this point, whenever you fully eliminate a player, you will still get a quick UAV ping on your minimap indicating where that enemy player's teammates are, just like how it worked on River Island. Everyone also starts the game with a self-revive, so be sure to finish your downs early on, but Now let's talk about what's different first: the map itself.

Map overview

Map overview

From a size perspective, it is definitely a bit larger than Rebirth Island but probably a similar size to Fortune's Keep. It currently has a player count of 52 on quads, and one thing that I feel like they really nailed was the pace of play.

The map plays a significant role, being faster than Al Mazara, but I rarely felt like it was too clustered or that too much was going on, whereas sometimes on Rebirth certain parts of the map were pure chaos. One unique thing about Ashika Island is that it's almost two maps in one, with an underground system that spans almost the entire size of the map.

It was pretty rare that fights ever happened down here for me, but I'll admit it was a good place to go in search of loot and when in need of a regain. However, this underground system almost felt like it was too much at times. It was frustrating that many of the buy stations were located underground and that there weren't enough above ground to actually spend your money.


ashika island

Talking about money, there is much more cash in season 2 of Warzone. I had several games where I was holding over forty thousand dollars, but part of that is because there's sometimes nothing to spend it on because buy stations are a bit scarce and certain items, like UAVs, are still limited per buy station.

Getting your custom Loadout weapons is also different than Rebirth Island, where you could still buy an individual custom weapon for twenty-five hundred dollars each at any buy station, and Loadout costs have been adjusted from Season 1. In solos, 12K, in duos, 16K, in trios, and a whopping twenty thousand dollars in quads, all the money is easy to come by now we, were rarely able to actually buy a Loadout since often when one of our team members got five thousand dollars we just went and bought our own guns instead of waiting on everyone else to find money and then get to the buy station and buy a team Loadout in my own opinion.

I think the loadout costs are still a bit too expensive, especially for the In trios and quads, a free loadout does drop at the end of the first circle, similar to Rebirth Island, and each team does have their own dedicated loadout unlike Almazra; however, they could probably improve on spacing these out as it seemed like they were always grouped up with other teams and it resulted in a mess for you and other teams.



Landing back on the loadout multiple times, trying to get your Custom Guns perks, and a quick note, regaining seems slightly harder on Ashika compared to Rebirth, but it is very easy to get the blender perks. A bird's eye and overclock have been removed as they look to balance these for the future.

This was a nice change since we can now make Overkill classes that actually have useful perks, unlike the previous Overkill perk package that we had in season one. One perk that might be very underrated on Ashika Island is actually the scavenger perk since it causes your opponents to drop extra plates because plates are very scarce on.


This map initially had a bug where players were not dropping any plates when eliminated at the launch, but this has been fixed, but even after this, it feels like you are always running out of plates, so hopefully that is something they address soon. Looting has changed quite a bit, and you no longer have to look through backpacks.

ashika island gameplay

Instead, all loot will just spit out onto the ground when you eliminate a player or open loot boxes. The looting system still seems a bit clunky at times, as auto-looting with plates seems pretty buggy, but it does feel significantly improved. Faster than the old system that was in season one, and this change I feel was especially needed for the faster pace of play on Ashika Island.

There are no more medium and large backpacks; instead, everyone has the same small backpack in their own personal inventory, just like it did in season one overall. This seems beneficial since now you can't store a million kill streaks or sell providers. Now let's talk about something that I wish we would have seen more changes on, and that's weapon balancing.

A lot of you guys may be wondering what's the new meta, did the RPG infinite finally get nerfed, or did snipers one-shot well. Both RPK and FedEx did get nerfed, but only lightly, and they are both still top tier. However, the smaller map of Ashikaga Island has finally made assault rifles more popular and viable, and you are no longer forced to use an LMG.

I personally had a lot of fun using the M4. The new Hemlock assault rifle is very good, but other LMGs, like the Icarus and HCR, seem like great options too. The socket LMG was not touched and seems to be the strongest overall long-range weapon, but at the cost of slow mobility and a slow reload.

The Fennec is still extremely good, although personally I feel like the Lochman sub, aka the M5, with its 50-round magazine will be the go-to for quads on Resurgence. Currently, a lot of the weaker SMGs, like the Midibok and Hurricane, have not been touched, though it seems like they're still a step behind the others.

Are still not one-shot headshots, and with the shorter engagements on Ashika Island, they seem very underwhelming for resurgence.



They will probably be a solid option on Almazra, but currently I do not recommend using them on a Chica. Now, what about movement? Is slide-cancelling bunny hopping possible? Well, no, they're not, but they did finally add the ability to plate and sprint at the same time, and I gotta tell you, this small feature has made a massive difference in making gunfights feel a lot more fun and fluid.

Season 2 of Call of Duty Warzone 2. 0 is here and the new resurgence mode, Ashika Island, similar to rebirth island, is finally here.
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