News - The #1 Best "kastov 762" Class Setup Warzone 2. Best Kastov 762 Class Setup" Warzone 2

I don't know, I'm just trying to think of something to say, "Okay, so come." Over here, we have the advanced UAV F. One benefit of dying in your previous life is that if you do get streaks in that previous life, you can use those streets in your next life, making it very easy to progress and get back on track.

Look at that portable microwave, completely Just out of cockiness, we couldn't push up, but that's okay. Okay, he's been destroyed by a Dildo, and now we see the enemies on the other side of the map. I should have rotated earlier, but I think I was thinking in the game that these spawns would flip, like I saw my teammates over here and I was like, "Okay, spawns are probably going to flip, so I don't really want to push." Yeah, now you see I'm wasting my advance.

best kastov 762 class setup mw2

Ruby, this is going to make the nuke a lot harder to get. I see the guy up here, so I'm just going to go kill him, and then I see where the enemies are still, so I'm trying to maximize this, trying to get as many kills as possible. These are going to be the easiest kills you can possibly get. So a lot of them spawning back is one reason I don't like domination.

A lot of players think that if you capture all the flags, that is a really bad thing. No, that is a really bad thing. You don't want to capture all the flags because that is how you can actually lose the game, die off streaks, and just die more in general because the spawns will be all over the place and you can't really track where the enemies are coming from.

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You only want your main flag, like your home flag, and then the B flag, so if you're spawning on the a side, you just want a and b or you want C and B; you don't want all three; that is horrible and completely stupid to do that. We push up, and then once you have the A and B flags, you can just run around and get a ton of kills.

best mw2 kastov 762 class

So I see the more spawny area back there, and I just don't want to push up too much because I know the spawns are going to flip. But my teammates will probably think it's a good thing to go capture the sea flag, and then they're going to go capture, and the spawns will get all weird again. I love this trucker here; you can like, this is such a nice heady; it's super hard to die off that truck, but I know I'm close to the 25 and the game is about to end, so I'm like, Okay.

I'm just going to run around and try to get as many kills as I can. I don't really care if the spawns get all weird. See, now you know we're capturing all the flags. No, teammates, you're stupid. You don't want to capture all those idiots. Okay, now you come over here. I think I need, like, one or two more kills.


I need one more kill, so I'm just going to eagle push this to get that old assist; that's the worst when you're one off the nuke and then you get an assist. Or, okay, you think that you need one more kill, but you actually need two more kills. Okay, so come over here. I see a guy capturing B, so I'm going to go kill him and get him on the last bullet.

Let's go, my god.

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The BEST "KASTOV 762" CLASS SETUP in MW2! Best Kastov 762 Class Setup Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Season 1 Multiplayer.
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