News - Still The Biggest Gameplay Issue With The Warzone 2i Beta. Spawn Feedback

This can lead to really strange map flow, and I'm going to use FLLA as an example here. Unfortunately. I didn't have a recorded clip of this from the first weekend of the beta, but it's something I did experience a lot while playing on FLLA with the traditional spawn system from back in Modern Warfare 2.

You had essentially end zones where one team would spawn somewhere in the green zone and the other team would be spawning somewhere in the red zone, and that would be like 95%. Of spawns, it was very rare; you would see a spawn somewhere in the neutral zone in between, although it could happen in rare situations for short periods of time.


What this meant is that the typical flow of combat was very consistent with the map design; it would flow from one end to the other. There was a lot of push and pull when it came to that, and while spawns could be pushed within the zones a little bit and it may angle the map flow slightly so it's a bit more diagonal, it was still the same general flow to it, whereas with the Modern Warfare 3 spawns, at least in the first weekend of the beta, since there didn't really seem to be much stickiness or attachment to primary spawns.


I would often run into situations where we had perpendicular map flow, and that's especially bad on FLLA. It's very clear that FLLA wasn't designed to flow in this direction. Where you have one team spawning on the top side of the map and one team spawning on the bottom side of the map, because when we look at the viable options for each of the teams in this situation, on the top side, you've got a ton of different options to approach the map; on the bottom side, not only do you have the low ground, but there's a bunch of height advantages that can look down toward your spawn.

You only really have like two or three viable options to get out of your spawn area; there is a very clear imbalance there, and it's obvious that the map wasn't designed to be flowing in this direction. So this is yet another argument in favor of having a bit more anchoring toward the ends of the map and getting back to more endzone combat with consistent and reasonably predictable map flow that goes along the lines of how the maps were actually designed.

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Now, of course, not every map is going to be a linear map like this. Some maps were clearly designed with more of a circular flow in mind. I'm thinking of Wasteland or even Rust, for instance, even though it's a much smaller example. But for the maps that are clearly made to be linear, I would like to see the spawns behave in a linear fashion.

Specific issue 1 - spawning immediately behind enemy

Specific issue 1 - spawning immediately behind enemy

And with that, that's going to wrap it up for the more general feedback I have on spawns. Now I want to get into a few more specifics that I've noticed, where it may not be so much about the overall big picture and map, but more so like problem spawn situations that I've noticed, and the first one.

I'm sure many of you guys have run into this while playing in the first weekend, especially on Rust. Although I can be pretty forgiving with a map like Rust since it is so tiny, obviously bad spawn should be expected at some point on that map, but even on the other maps. I was noticing this same sort of situation.


And this is your spawn. You take a few steps forward, you immediately get shot in the back, and when you watch the kill cam, you notice the enemy spawned right after you in the same spawn location. And I'm sure many of you have also been on the lucky end of that and ended up spawning looking at an enemy's back that just recently spawned, and obviously this is something that shouldn't be occurring especially on the bigger maps in the game and yet it was and with this it appears they're just missing a variable that used to exist with the traditional style of Spawn system which is called avoid enemy spawn, and this would have a distance and a Time variable attached to it so back in COD World War II for instance that avoid enemy spawn variable by default would have a 25 M radius for 6 seconds, so for a total of 6 seconds after you spawn it should be highly unlikely that any enemy spawns within a 25 M radius of that spawn point so that's one specific thing I noticed but another one that seems really strange, and I swear I'm noticing a pattern with this although I'll admit maybe it's something else funky going on here I've been noticing that verticality.

Specific issue 2 - verticality not taken into account?

Specific issue 2 - verticality not taken into account?

It doesn't seem to be taken into account properly when it comes to the spawn logic, and I've noticed this most often on the main building and estate, but I have noticed it in other situations as well, where I've seen multiple enemies on the main floor or the second floor of that estate house, and yet my teammates will have no problem spawning right in the basement of the house directly below those enemy players.

Wrap up

And that really shouldn't be happening at least in my opinion it seems like the spawn system isn't taking that verticality, into account and it's not properly recognizing, that spawn should be blocked off due to the very close proximity that those players have to that spawn point it's very awkward to be spawning in that basement and just go upstairs and there's multiple enemies right there waiting for you especially on a map of as large as a state and with that that's finally going to wrap it up for my feedback for the spawns, after the first weekend of the beta now thankfully Sledgehammer has mentioned that they will be adjusting spawns from the first weekend to the second weekend and that's good news I'm definitely excited to hop in and hopefully see some improvements to the spawn system although when it comes to something like this I definitely don't expect that to be immediately worked out with one adjustment.

Typically, when it comes to spawns, it will take multiple updates and adjustments before they end up in a good place. My big hope, though, is that it doesn't take them as long as it took them with Call of Duty: Vanguard to get the spawns in a really good place. I understand that when it comes to something like this, they always need to collect data, make adjustments, collect more data, make more adjustments, and it is a process.

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The spawn system in the Modern Warfare III Beta isn't the typical modern squad spawn system that we've been seeing but it definitely still needs work. Today I wanted to share my detailed observations and feedback based on hours of spawn analysis in the first weekend of the MWIII Beta.
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