News - So. Is Warzone 2 & Dmz Any Good. Launch Review: What's Good, Bad & What I'd Change

dmz review

I'm not sure that we'll do another, amended article on the best ways to rank up your weapons. We just did one, so I don't think that I really want to beat a dead horse and offer up another one, but just know that seriously, if you need to rank up your weapons, you don't want to play Invasion because you just find that you run from spawn to spawn and die, and it's just a sort of running simulator at that point.

This is another very easy way to farm bot kills and rank up your weapons. I'm also enjoying the fact that things can carry over, and naturally, that's how it should be with the genre itself, but I mean, when you take a look at it when you go into what you have on offer, you have different things like your armor, your gas mask, and your backpack size that will all carry over with you from what you Expo with and go into your next game, so if you find a durable gas mask and your backpack, those will carry over if you successfully exfil and then go into your next game; same thing with secondary weapons that you can add to your backpack.


You can add certain keys as well to access locked areas of the map, certain keys, and other things like streaks and self-revive. It's all cool that it carries over here with you, so, honestly. I like that to that degree, but again, as with all of that, you have to realize there is risk management if you die with that stuff on your person.

What dmz needs to work on.

What dmz needs to work on.

I'm really hoping that we do get something in the future that adds solos, duos, and quads, but for right now being trios only, it is unfortunate for those that don't quite necessarily have a squad to go in with, especially with the fact that the m13b questline can be really annoying as a solo player, and again, that's another thing that I don't quite like here.

I'm not a fan of genuine unlocks being in a mode that's technically a different game. Modern Warfare 2's m13b season 1 weapon is only unlockable in the DMZ mode, where you have to kill the chemist and extract his weapon blueprint. That's an entirely publicity thing for DMZ initially, that they want to drive as much traffic early on as possible, be like, "Hey, check out the mode; you'll like it, we promise," and then that's the end of it, but honestly.

is dmz any good

I just don't think that you should have to go into an entirely different game here. I think that if that continues on, that's going to spell some massive satisfaction in the future, more than there already is for this in this quest line. In the future, I have another thing that I'd like to see change and have some concerns with the extractions.

And yes, this might not be an issue for you, but it's certainly something that truly is something that many players are having problems with currently, and additionally, one thing we'll touch on here in just a second in terms of some future concerns is the lack of actual progression. Within the DMZ right now, you can end up dropping in, looting up, extracting, and getting contraband weapons and stuff like that, but the only things that you can really work towards are additional, insured weapon slots, and of course those blueprints with those challenges and things like that in terms of the missions overall, but beyond that, there's really not a whole lot to work towards.

modern warfare 2

You're not able to extract things like cash to end up buying contraband weapons or something like that from specific factions on a rotation. There is no shop where you can buy certain items that will actually credit your account; instead, you have very limited amounts to actually keep you going.

Concerns for the future of dmz

Concerns for the future of dmz

I think at that point, my concerns now turn to the future, because I'd be curious to see how the DMZ is carried into the future. I'm curious if we'll see seasonal wipes. I'm curious if we'll see more contracts and challenges offered up if there are more rewards quest lines in-game contracts and challenges beyond that high level stuff that you choose before infilling, if there's any sort of genuine marketplace that we can buy and sell that will credit items to our accounts because right now, excelling with cash it's kind of pointless I mean it's all based on contraband loot and such that you can expel with, but if you were able to expel with a ton of cash and buy camos outside of that, you could use in the DMZ in Warzone in multiplayer.

I think that would make it way more worthwhile and offer way more reasoning. To grind out looting in the game, there's just a lot of questions that I have for it right now, but I think right now it's a solid blueprint for what the future may indeed hold overall.

modern warfare ii

Final thoughts + ratings on warzone 2 & dmz so far

In terms of DMZ as well as Warzone 2, I'm pleasantly surprised with the season so far, aside from the technical difficulties, which of course we cannot ignore.

The crashing absolutely needs to be fixed. I'll be blunt with you guys. I'm not even trying to brag or anything like that. My PC and my system are probably something that is close to, if not rivaling, some of the systems the game is built on, so when you have an absurdly overkill PC like this and I'm crashing once in an hour at least, you gotta get that fixed out man.


Like, I have zero idea how game development works and that aspect in general. But I'm definitely sure that it was probably an executive decision, with Activision at the helm of that choice, being like, "Nope, we're not changing the date of the release." "We did that once with Caldera, last year in season one, and we're not doing it again, especially if bugs are going to persist after that." So they just said, "Ship it, but I mean, right, now there are definitely issues that need to be ironed out, but again, beyond the technical issues." I'm pleasantly surprised with how the game has always been a bit skeptical, just because I feel like if you have no expectations at all, you don't set yourself up for any disappointment.

That's kind of like the entire basis of my life philosophy, which is maybe as depressing as that may sound; just go in with the it is what it is mentality, and for me, when I did that with this. I'm enjoying it so far. It could be a matter of, well, this is perhaps the honeymoon phase, so we'll see where we're at in a few weeks, but for now, I'm okay with what we've got.

my honest opinion warzone 2

I'm looking forward to seeing where we go in the coming weeks or months, so for now, that's where we're at. I don't think anything in life is perfect; there's always room for improvement, whether that be personally with things you're working on in your life or with things like games like this one; five is probably the threshold for me where I'm just like, yeah, it's not really worth it to play; but seven.

I think, is pretty solid, again with room for improvement but a solid foundationally.

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Thanks for watching! subscribe, like & comment!

And I'm enjoying myself so far—maybe 7.5, but anyway, that's where I'm at here at this moment. Take care and

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