News - So. Is Warzone 2 & Dmz Any Good. Launch Review: What's Good, Bad & What I'd Change

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We've done reviews on each of the major installments, reveal articles, and playable builds since the multiplayer reveal back in September, so I wanted to do one last one here for the year and give my overall impressions and feedback. And criticisms were applicable for you in one spot, and so much of a large portion of the game has been out for a few days now, no, life in them both.

I just want to share some thoughts and views on it overall. It's all subjective, and there is no right or wrong answer, so as we go along, drop those thoughts. Do me a favor and drop a "like" on it. Modern Warfare 2. War Zone 2, and DMZ, we've still got plenty on deck here, so if you're part of the 70 percent of viewers who have not subscribed and you'd like to join the community.

I'd love to have you as we chase down 600,000 subscribers. And finally, this article is brought to you in part by my friends over at Apex Gaming PCs, where code espresso gets you 15 off your next system as a part of their Black Friday deals. but more on them in a bit.

General thoughts on warzone 2

General thoughts on warzone 2

So let's start out with War Zone 2 here now. The more that I play it, the more that I'm kind of entirely cool with this being different from War Zone 1. If you guys were here back in September for the reveal of Modern Warfare 2, you'll know that War Zone 2. One of the things that we talked about was how different it actually was compared to the War Zone 1 experience.

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I'll be the first to say that I jumped the gun on that one and passed judgment too quickly. I'll say it again when we get to the DMZ section of this article that I did that for that as well. I still think that sort of argument holds weight and that the loadouts helped to make the game unique and put a Call of Duty spin on the genre.

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It's definitely a valid response, but I also think it's nice that we're not so dependent on loadouts at this point. I say that even though that even introduces a skill gap for those who can and cannot use ground loot weapons as well now. I really don't know if the skill base is still just trying to adjust itself to the entire player base if more and more players are new, and so therefore you come up against some players where there is that genuine differential and skill that you see, but I've been noticing that the first few games that my squad has been playing each day we've just been frying.

It very well could be that learning curve of a brand new map, new mechanics, new strategies, and all, but it is something that I've definitely noticed that in the games that we've played, you can see the varied levels of skill that you'll go up against now again, whether or not we see that continue on the next couple of weeks as matchmaking ends up sort of balancing out to where they inevitably want more competitive lobbies in that regard for player retention.

I'd, Be cool if they don't go that route, but I mean, where my squad has been right now, it's a good mix of we'll have those lobbies where we absolutely fry, but we're also fighting for our lives. It seems like it's truly random based on that player set as opposed to cherry-picked, as matchmaking had been done before within War Zone 1, but anyway, that's something that we can get into at a later point in time.

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Let's talk about some pros and cons now, across War Zone 2 and the DMZ.

What warzone 2 has done well so far.

What warzone 2 has done well so far.

I'm probably going to forget plenty of things, but this is what I've got off the top of my head for pros for War Zone 2. Honestly. I'm really liking the map of al-Mazra; it's great so far in my opinion, with plenty of points of interest that I definitely think are worth landing at; there's very few that I've come across where I'm like There is no loot.

I'm not driving back here ever again. There might have been one or two games like that across the number of games that we've played so far, but really none of them rang out too strongly. Rotations are available either by vehicle or on foot. One thing that I really like is that, yes, there are still spots, but it does stink, and you can actually scale the mountainsides of the Observatory.

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With relative ease, that's something that in Caldera or Verdansk would be unheard of, so I'm happy with how that has worked out so far. The gun play feels pretty good, and right now, because we are so early on, there is still a pretty healthy meta of weapons that you can end up using, basically. I'm honestly really liking some of the new features introduced in Warzone 2.

You were of course able to traverse vertically with relative ease, but when you're getting to the top or the bottom of wherever you were, you have about two to three seconds of entirely vulnerable time. They were dismounting from that zip line, so that's something that is now counterbalanced. With the ability to shoot on the zipline credited, still from the hip, you're not as accurate, but you can give some suppressing fire if needed.

I'm really a big fan of some of the new contracts. The safe cracker contracts are pretty awesome; they give you a decent yield of cash. I wish that we didn't sacrifice scavengers' contracts in that regard, but at the same time, we might see those return at some point. I am a big fan of that game, Champions Quest.

cod warzone 2

If you end up going on the win streak where you end up getting the nuke in Warzone, that's pretty dang cool, but overall, coming back down to gameplay, feel it. It feels more like a battle royale with bigger stakes at different points and looting some more RNG, which is inherently the BR way; you have to be a bit more tactical in your nature with those decisions on how you take rotations and how you end up using that buy station utility, all that kind of stuff, so I'm really liking the sort of feeling that we have so far in our proximity.

A chat will help. Proximity chat is known for being toxic, and some of the biggest highlights of games of proximity chat are probably players being toxic. It still can be that way, but I've already had some great times with the random shenanigans with enemies and such in Warzone 2. So I love that as an addition and a feature integration.

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This is an interesting mechanic where this is going to be our bridge from likes to dislikes because it's cool if you're outnumbered and percent you want to keep playing a little bit, you can join another squad, but at the same time it's quite literally legal teaming where you can use this feature so not. I'm not quite sure where I stand on that one just yet, but moving over to the cons, there are some things that I definitely think need some improvement, First, there are criticisms.

What warzone 2 needs to work on.

What warzone 2 needs to work on.

I think the zones we have are far too sticky. It seems like there are only about a dozen or so end zones where the last few iterations of Warzone have either been entirely randomized or there are so many set zones in rotation that you wouldn't notice any real overlap.

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