News - So. Is Warzone 2 & Dmz Any Good. Launch Review: What's Good, Bad & What I'd Change

Or, to repeat this. I've gotten the same end zone at least a half-dozen times now at this point where I notice and I'm like, "Wait, we were just here with like three games to go; now that's something I think will be ironed out in time." Another thing that I think will be ironed out is the looting, and I'm okay with the looting as we have it now, to a degree.

cod warzone 2 review

I'm not saying this in terms of the backpacks or anything like that, but what I cannot stand, and I'm sure that is massively annoying to you as well, is that we don't really have any real way to easily access loot, and again. I don't mean that in terms of this sort of loot bag, but I'm talking about how loot stacks on top of other stuff, which makes it inaccessible, whether or not.

If you can't open bags, it just won't let you, or if you can't access the weapon underneath the piles of ammo that drop, it's that sort of pre-change War Zone looting mechanic from way back in the day, but somehow it's even worse, not to mention that sometimes it seems like loot goes into barriered areas way too often where you can't pick up weapons or items despite their icons being there.

I also feel like loot kind of despawns insanely quickly. I mean, my squad has already had an instance or two where a teammate would be going to the gulag; they'd have to wait that entire duration because the gulag just wouldn't fill up, and then they'd have to fight for like one second before they'd be released for free; they'd win their gunfights and then they'd drop back, and by that point some of their stuff would already have despawned.

dmz explained

I just don't understand how the backpack expansions work, where you get a medium or large backpack, because if you had one or an enemy had one, it just won't show up in their loot, where you can't take it off their bodies, so it just seemingly despawns and is lost for good after that player that had it is killed.

Now there are plenty of bugs on top of that. Beyond just looting we've talked about on the channel already, one of which I think is that downed state skip that we talked about yesterday, but there's a bug right now where if you come back from the gulag if you are shot and downed, you will oftentimes just be entirely eliminated, even if you have self-revived.

Or whatever the case, you just will not go into that down state; instead, you'll just be killed entirely. That is a known bug that they are working on, so if you've noticed that, don't worry; it's not something that is going to be a constant thing going into war zones in the future, but right now that needs ironed out in the 2v2 gulag, which is kind of hit or miss with me.

dmz gameplay

I'd say that this is a con but also maybe a pro because, on the one hand, while I love that I can just mow through enemies, it's two free kills as opposed to just one, and it's a nice little booster to those totals. On the other hand, I've already had so many different encounters where my teammates just absolutely threw our goal logs.

The one situation that I already had that tilted me the most was when I killed an enemy and broke and fleshed another one with a deagle, so all my teammate had to do was quite literally land one. Singular shot to secure the win for both of us, but I watched in that third-person death perspective as my teammate missed five shots on the enemy who was one shot and wasn't looking at him then he turned around and got one shot headshotted.

So we both lost, so yeah, that's part of the game, but I'd much rather just rely on my skills to get back into the action than somebody else's, and I think that's why I like the 1v1 Gulag more. Beyond that, there's a ton of hitching server lag lobbies not filling up issues that's got to get fixed; we've got to figure that out.

dmz gameplay review

Infinity Ward I know it's going to be something that we do get fixed out, but I'm just disappointed that we even got that at launch here to begin with. Values, I think again, are hit or miss. Some games it feels like I've got a ton of cash; other games I feel like I'm searching for ages just to get cash to get a teammate back.

If we could get like a 50 percent increase to the cash for where we have it now, I think that'd be a nice touch and incentivize a bit more utility play. Then finally, the infield plane. I think way too punched in perspective here on that, where you can't really see what's below you in the map, so that's something that I hope that they sort of bring that perspective back and change the FOV whatever the case is on that infill plane, and I think that it would make a way better experience for the early game and make where you want to land an easier choice now, before we move on to the DMZ.

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General thoughts on dmz.

But anyway, on to the DMZ again. I'll say it. I jumped to judgment a bit too quickly a week or two ago when it was shown off; the feel of the mode is much better, in my opinion, when you actually play it versus watching it, or at least the initial offering that we saw at that time. That said, it's still not perfect, but here's what I like about it: One, it's a way more chill mode for those that don't want to jump into battle royale and want to explore Mazura.

dmz honest opinion

I thought that I heard that plunder would be coming in at some point for Warzone 2, though off the top of my head I can't remember if it has.

What dmz has done well so far.

What dmz has done well so far.

One thing that I really like is the exploratory, sandbox nature of the DMZ. I really enjoy that you can go in and do what you want at your own pace, and surprisingly, with some solid reasoning to do so honestly. I'm kind of liking the sort of faction missions that give some loot and rewards here in the blueprints.

For various levels of mission completions across three different factions that you unlock, my only concern -- we'll come back to this in a second -- is how permanent are these challenges, as in, will we see more or will these just be these static challenges we see for the rest of time? We'll touch on that in a second, but right now there are some question marks with that system, but it's cool at its base, and it's also really good for leveling up both XP for your overall rank and also for your weapons.

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