News - Rantwhere Are My Battlepass Tier Skip Tokens. Mwii Season 1 Warzone 2 0 Dmz Review

activision rant

Ladies, gentlemen, boys, girls, and others The Modern Warfare 2 season one update is finally here, but it's too bad that I am missing over 50 Battle Pass tokens that I'm supposed to have in my inventory. I am a vault edition holder. I paid extra money when I bought Modern Warfare 2 just so I could get the 50-tier skips for the battle pass so I could unlock the guns immediately whenever the new guns dropped the game because that's all I really give a shit about, as well as the new guns and the new maps, and I don't have time to grind for the shit.

As a content creator, I have always busted this shit open, dropped a couple of dollars, and gotten the shit immediately, but as of now, as we speak, I still don't have the guns. That's the reason I'm doing the commentary instead of playing it live: I can't get the shit. As a Where is my pre-order bonus of 50 tier skips?

People are saying I need to restart my system; I've restarted it six times; where are my tear skips? Because without the tear skips, you have to play the game and unlock tokens very slowly through gameplay. I don't have that kind of time. Why don't you just take my money? There's not even an option to buy the gun.

dmz rant

Whatever happened to putting the gun in a goddamn bundle so people who don't have time to grind can get the shit, but wait a minute, my bad, why would I buy the gun when I already should have enough battle pass tears to unlock the shit? Joseph, Where in the hell are my goddamn tokens? I can't even play multiplayer and enjoy it because all I have to do is play "Shoot House," and after three games of it, I'm already bored.

I tried to go to the War Zone. Maybe you know: Hey, we just got a brand new War Zone 2.0. Let me tell you something more, like Borzon 2.0. That sh*t was sh*t. The map is humongous, way too big, and there isn't nearly enough loot on the ground. If I were playing Warzone, I'd probably spit. Last of Us, you know, is one of these survival games where everybody in the world has been killed and it's just you left with a couple of enemies and you gotta find the loot to survive.

It's one of the worst experiences -- worse than like Bill -- and you should be getting better at this shite. I mean than Blackout, but then you came out with this War Zone 2.0 shit, and it is harsh shit so boring so shit stupid bringing back backpacks from Blackout. Why would you put something in the game that slows it down?

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It is a hindrance, not a help; extra shit is lame. No loot on the ground; the map's too big, thank God. When you die and go to the gulag, you aren't fighting against an enemy to get out of the gulag; you get teamed up with some other Goofy and the gulag. I was playing solos. Why in the shite are you teaming me up with a goofy and a gulag, and I'm playing solos?

I play solo for a reason: so I can fight my own fight. Why are you forcing this teamwork crap into the gulag? And if you don't kill both of the other enemies in time, a juggernaut comes out, and now you're all supposed to fight it? What kind of stupid ass sh*t is this? Stop forcing all this group effort shite.

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A lot of people, including me, don't like it. But what really got me hot though is these missing shittokens, because without the tokens I can't unlock the gun unless I play the game for God knows how many hours, and then on top of that they also put the M13 in the game. I heard, but the only way to get to the M13 is to play DMZ and kill the one scientist guy in the map who has the M13, and then you get an X-File with the M13, and then you shitloadout to get the gun, and there is only one M13 per match and only one person can get it, and that is the only way to get the M13.

I can't buy this crap. It's not in a bundle, and it's not in the battle pass. What kind of horse shit is this? You create the most boring things. VR game mode that Call of Duty has ever seen that nobody, I'm sure, had any plans of playing because it's shite, so what do you do to force people to play it?

You put this stupid shit unlock of, having to kill do, y'all see how shit doodoo this is, and you think I'm fixing it to the parent play game after game after game of boring ass DMC just to unlock a shit gun because what do you think is going to happen if you drop in the DMC to try to get the gun? Everybody is dropping in to get that same gun, so the chances of you dropping in and walking out with that gun are slim to none; that challenge is next to impossible.

infinity ward rant

How dirty of you to claim that you can unlock some stuff for free, making it next to impossible to force people to spend money. Wait, my bad, you won't even take my money, so I'm sitting up here with a brand new season, and I can't get either one of the guns. What in the shit are y'all doing, hiring 3,000 developers and spending three shityears to create the shittiest, most convoluted, most confusing shitass card game that we have ever seen in a war zone?

My shit is catching a huge shit. Right about now, I can't see anybody playing this shite. I thought I was going to be playing it just to pass some time. Man, this shit is a shit joke. In season one, we thought we were about to beat a bomb, but man, look, I can't even shitplay and I can't even shitget the guns.

merciless badass

My shit is screaming, "Take my money!" They not even they ain't even set it up. I already gave you money because you promised some goddamn bonuses, and my bonus is at how the shit you got more people working on the game than has ever worked on the card game, and you had longer to work on the game than anybody has ever had, but yet you ain't got none of your shit together.

Where is my sh*t, Activision? Get your shite thumbs out of your ass and get to it. Think about the shite business. Stop being concerned about taking people. Goddamn money, you don't even give people the sh*t that they sh*t bought with you; that ought to be a goddamn shame of your shite greedy ass self.

I don't even know what else to say. How is this gameplay still going on, yes, ladies and gentlemen? I've got a little 40-something blonde; I don't shoot houses, but that's it. That's all I've got to show for the new season, the worst shitseason ever. The battle pass is confusing, and you're hiding my tokens; they're probably up your sh*te a$$.

But I'm out of time. Y'all talk to me about this shite. It's the murder show, baby sh*t with me.

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