News - New" Warzone 2 Unlock Camo Glitch. Instant Blazon 1/2 Games Right Now. Cod Warzone 2 Glitches

You know boxes and looks. Just anything that you can look at, just go ahead and do it now. This is the point where I ended this game. I had 20 odd minutes left, and I need to get a friend in because I can't do any more challenges without a friend, and that's why I go ahead and recommend the Discord, but you want to go ahead and down yourself and get the mission progression screen and let the game play out; that's how you keep your Tombstone.

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This time around, as you can see, I unlocked a whole bunch of challenges within that game, so let's take a look. If we go over our challenges for this camo, we have unlocked lots of them. Okay, we have unlocked one, two, three, and four of them very quickly. It only took two games. The first game was obviously me setting up the tombstone and shooting the mer camps, and the second game was me going through and getting the rest of the challenges done.

Now I need a friend to help me with the rest of them, so to do that, we're going to head into the game, and you could have done this in your last game if he was in with you, but you obviously want to. Because we're in a new game, you want to redo the tombstone glitch, such as drinking the tombstone, and then get someone to revive you so you keep all your essence.

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Now you want to get your friend to go on top of the crane and make sure you have Quick Revive and you have drunk it so it's activated. And you want him to go ahead and down himself over and over again at this crane, and you want to just keep reviving him, and eventually you will actually get the challenge complete because you've got to revive a friend.

20 times when you've got Quick Revive activated, and that's going to give you that challenge, so you can go ahead and finish off this camo now. The next one that we're going to be doing is part of this game that you can do instantly as well, and all that is X filling with a certain amount of essence points now because we have unlimited essence.

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We're just going to fill X right away, and that's going to just do that for us. Then we have one challenge left. This one I've left, and I've not counted it out at all, like I've not counted it whatsoever. toward this because this is just kind of separate to me, and it's very simple. All you got to do is literally fill 10 times in a row, so now I thought if we leave that till last, you can just go in and finish that; just keep going in X filling, go in X filling, and then that's it.


You've got the camo unlocked, and I'm going to be showing you what it looks like now, so it's up to you and what you want to think. Technically, you can actually get the camo in one game, and technically, obviously, it's not because you've got to do that last challenge of being able to do the X filling 10 times in different matches, but apart from that, you can do every other challenge in one game as long as you bring in the friend at the start.

Unlike me, I actually had to kind of just piece this article together. Yeah, that said unlock the camo. Now this is what it looks like. It's really cool, in my opinion. I really like when you can mix it with different camels. I think it looks nice when you go ahead and mix it with different blueprints and camels.

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It means the absolute world to me.

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