News - New Solo Tombstone Method (don't Use The Items From The Stone) Mwz Warzone 2 Warzone 2 Zombies

You can take a chance on just closing the app, but personally, I do not, and I'm not sure the timing for PC. Same thing, you go into the menu, and you'll find all your items in your backpack that you can stash, and then head back into the game, and you'll find your tombstone, again at Orlov Cemetery, and when you open it, all your duplicated items will be there, and whatever money you left with when you drowned and left a game is what will be in that tombstone.

You can do this as many times as you would like until you can no longer stash items, and again, I can hold 225 items total for PlayStation 5, but I'm not sure about Xbox or PC. Also, you will lose your insured weapons this way, so if you're just duplicating, obviously, just don't bring anything in.

You're literally just running to grab your Tombstone and then leaving through the bad signal, so you're not even on the map for very long. Here are two games: On the left, I was successful, and it worked; on the right, that game did not work; it did not save or duplicate my items. I've got this slowed way down so you can see how close this timing was; it's almost identical.

I could not even detect why one game worked and why the other didn't, but again, when I went back in and just pulled the Ethernet cable, it was working every single time, so right here the bar turned red, and I opened the menu and said yes about the same time. I mean, within a split second of each other, you can see the countdown is practically identical.

I think the one on the left is like a split second faster, but it's hard to even detect that, and so I've got the menu open. I'm ready to close the game again. I didn't use the Ethernet pulling method, so right here I'm going to see the squad eliminated. And then I'm waiting for the portal, and I close the game almost at the same time right there, like those are pretty close together.

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Again, the one on the left worked and the one on the right didn't, and you can see they went back to the dashboard almost at the same time again. I've got this slowed way down, so when you watch this in normal time, you can't even really tell that there's any difference in this timing. Yeah, after I saw that and realized that this timing could be very difficult for all platforms.

I just opted to pull the Ethernet cable, and it went in like four times and worked every single time pulling the cable.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Zombies. This a new tombstone solo method that is going viral. It is not a full tombstone method. Be careful to not use the items from the Tombstone in the same game.
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