News - New Long Range Meta Warzone Season 2 Reloaded. Bruen & Holger Buffed

best fortunes keep class setups

Like I said, there are tons of options at this point. You get the tack eradicator, the evolver. You can go on and on and on about so many options, even when it comes to MW2 guns, probably even the cast-off 762. It kind of comes into the mix if you're more of a mid-range warrior; it just wishes it had a bigger mag, especially utilizing all the MW3 attachments on the old guns; they just perform better now.

Mtz-556 & bp50 class setups

Mtz-556 & bp50 class setups

MTZ, 556. All around, pretty solid. I think this is more of a resurgence gun; it just doesn't have that oom you need on the bigger map, but overall, this one also feels pretty good in terms of being able to shoot it, especially with this optic; you're not going to get too much sway.

But it does have that fast fire rate that we're used to with, like, the M13. I'm not really a big fan of it. I wish I had a 60-round mag just because, kind of, it feels like you want that extra 60 bullet or those extra 10 bullets in the magazine to down or hit the other shot, but this one overall is pretty solid.

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BP is a very good option overall, especially for smaller game modes. It kills pretty quickly. The recoil is mainly vertical, but you can control it pretty well. Its biggest drawback is that it has a small mag of 45, and the reload is kind of slow even with fast hands. It doesn't end up performing all that great, so you can kind of see.

Mtz-762 & sva 556 class setups

Mtz-762 & sva 556 class setups

Pretty decent reasonable control; it does have a little bit of rise; you go through that, and the reload; again, the slow part; then we get into the 762, which again you're only going to have the 30 round mag, not the 40 unless you bugged it out. I still, fortunately, have it. I don't think this is like the hard meta rotation.

This is something if I just want a little bit of a challenge controlling a little bit of recoil, and you kind of see how that one's built out. Fortunately, with this one, it has some pretty good bullet velocity, so even when you put this on instead of a suppressor, it still comes up to 975, which is great.

I wish they gave a lot of these guns just a little bit of a bump and bullet velocity, and you wouldn't really need to run ammunition quite as often; you wouldn't need to run the bullet velocity barrel; you wouldn't need to run a suppressor or all in combination; to get 800 or 900 muzzle velocity, it just is a little bit slow, for my preference for long range.

cod mw3

Like a high grain. And then you get rid of the underbarrel, and then you put on something like the zamon. Or the casses. And what that'll do is that it'll still give you pretty close bullet velocity. Maybe even a little bit more or less or whatever, and then you get the same effect without having to run an underbarrel if you don't want to run one, so it really comes down to whether you prefer to stay off the map or not.

Soa subverter & holger 556 class setups

Soa subverter & holger 556 class setups

You don't care; that's what a lot of attachments come down to with the suppressor; the next one's going to be the S SOA subur. I had a lot of fun with this one. I think this one's more of a resurgence gun because of the wonky recoil. No matter how you build this out, we've tried several. We went like seven different muzzles deep.

hrm 9

The tie is pretty good. The case is pretty good. There's a lot of different options, but no matter what, there's no way to build that 100%. Got rid of this S curve, and still maintained a positive like a pretty solid bullet velocity so what I'm talking about is after the bullets it even though it does doesn't look as dramatic we're what like 7 m away you can actually see the gun do a shift like that and that will get you killed, sometimes luckily with aim assist I can just go ahead and strafe and then it kind of counteracts it a little bit because I'm kind of aiming and tracking it's not as big a deal but there are definite scenarios when you use this no matter the build it will have some of those wonky instances where you go I feel like I should have really been more accurate there but the gun got away from me or whatever the case is so overall you can kind of see see, you can still shoot pretty good with it damages pretty good the fire rate's solid like they said it's the fastest in the BR category but overall I think that's really the only, drawback.

The gun has that little bit of kink in The Recoil, and that's kind of how it goes, so the Hoger 556 is a good all-around gun except for the magazine; this one would definitely benefit if it had the 60-round mag. Obviously, you could use this maybe in trios or something like that, even duos. But it just feels like you run out of bullets; by the time you down two players, you need to reload, or it just gets away from you in terms of being able to aim, but you can see not much recoil.


Gets the job done. I definitely preferred this one over the Hoger 26, but again, that comes down to preference. Some people said they preferred the other one over this, but this one does kill pretty fast , especially after the update.

Bruen mk9 & ram-7 class setups

Bruen mk9 & ram-7 class setups

Then we get the upper echelon of the meta. I think a lot of people are in The Brew in conversation because it did get buffed. I personally still prefer the ram because I generally stick to Resurgence.

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I like the brewing to a certain extent, but overall, I just don't like the slow reload because it's an LMG open bolt delay. It just goes on and on about why I don't like it, but there are people who are loving this gun right now, so if it's been a while since you tried it, definitely check it out.

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The ram is this typical build we've had for quite a while; it does have a little bit of rise in the beginning, but overall, if you adjust for that by pulling down a little bit firmer in the beginning and then you kind of just maintain it, there you go. And you can see it's wanting to rise, but I'm counteracting it, and then you get the shots on Target.

long range meta

And it's pretty solid; the reloads are good; the movement's good; there's a lot of good stuff going on; it isn't an ironite build where you do show up on the mini map, so that could be a little bit tricky at range, especially for people that struggle with this gun being able to shoot people at 80-ish meters, especially after the Nerf that it takes an extra shot or two depending on the specific drop-off that you're worried about.

Then we get the bruan; it says casses; that's going to be the lower recoil option; they did modify some stuff here, so now we're getting a 50ish bullet velocity with this build, which is pretty solid. Like I said, you could use different optics. This one performs pretty well; the thing I don't like about the Brewin is that it feels like an MW2 gun, and people who've used it and don't like it are probably the reason why.


I mean, I just don't like that feel of it, even though it shoots straight. As you can see, I can just stay to the left of Target, and it doesn't; it kind of just stays in that general area. The reload is pretty long, so that's kind of where you get into that, but overall, you get pretty good control if you want to hit the target, and you're good to go.



As always, have a great

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