News - New "infinite 2 Shot" Kastov 762 Buff. Best Kastov 762 Class Setup (warzone 2)

Go frame by frame, actually, alright. So it's a clear winner that our custom build has hit this wall first while the base weapon hasn't even hit it yet. Visually, you can see that the custom build does win this race. I mean, you know it's already at this wall at about 9.5 seconds, while the other one took around, let's say, ballpark 9.8 seconds, so obviously, it's a lot clearer and faster all right, so for this next test we're going to test out the aim down side speed comparison.

Ads testing

best kastov 762 class mw2

Since I'm hand-testing this, what I typically look for is the movement in the background, so once you start seeing that zoom-in effect in the background, that's when you want the timer to start, and then once the zoom-in effect stops, that's when you want to stop the timer. That's how we'll figure out our ads; remember, this is hand testing, so take these numbers with a grain of salt right now.

We're looking for any significant changes to its ads compared to our custom build, so let's go ahead and start it off. As you see there, when I use my arrow keys, I'm going frame by frame. You do see some movement in the background for that zoom effect, all right, so let's keep it moving here. I'm going to wait for the background to stop moving.

best kastov 762 class setup

Let's go back one more frame. See, that's a tiny little movement that you could say ballpark of 270 milliseconds or 275 to 80 milliseconds. Around that range, all right, and here's our custom build. Let's go ahead and follow the same exact protocol, all right. The zoom in has started, the timer has started as well, and we're just going to keep going here.

Let's get past 250, 267 milliseconds, and 283, where the background clearly has stopped moving. Let's go back a few frames, all right, so 233 is when we see the last movement, and 250 is the last stop here for our ads, and when we stop seeing that zoom in effect, so 250 versus a 283 ad with our custom build, so that's a pretty good improvement in my opinion.

Recoil pattern comparison

Recoil pattern comparison

All right, and last but not least, let's check out this recoil pattern.

So what I was saying in the beginning is that you may notice yourself getting a lot of head shots, and it's just a natural occurrence here because our base recoil pattern right here is very vertical, so it's very obvious here if you're testing the recoil pattern or why a vertical recoil is necessary.

To help you out, here is our custom 762, and as you can see, the recoil pattern is definitely a lot less vertical. Also, the bullet spread is much tighter; it's a lot cleaner, and this is going to translate into an easier recoil pattern to control in a real-life situation, so if you want to counteract the recoil pattern, all you have to do is just take a look at the recoil pattern itself and then counteract that with your thumbstick, but with this specific attachment, it really shouldn't be that hard to control this recoil.

best kastov 762 class setup modern warfare 2

You're really only having to worry about the vertical recoil at this point; there is some horizontal recoil control, but it is not really anything to worry about. Go ahead and check out my Hemlock article.

NEW INFINITE 2 SHOT KASTOV 762 BUFF! - Best Kastov 762 Class Setup Modern Warfare 2.
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