News - New" Fastest Way To Unlock The M13b Modern Warfare 2 / Warzone 2. 0 Dmz. Get M13b Fast Mw2

get m13b fast

If he's very easy to see, once you're actually near him, he should be really obvious. Now, often once the chemist is alerted to your presence, they'll actually try to come towards you, but sometimes he'll be hiding around for a while, so you have to try and find him, but it will be fairly obvious because he looks completely different from the other enemies that he'll be near, and the chemist also has extra health, so make sure to have lethal equipment and plenty of ammo, or shoot the chemists from far away with a sniper; two bullets to the head should be enough to kill him, but just make sure you've got enough firepower.

To actually take the guy down, if you cannot see the chemist and you are not told he's nearby, keep searching around the whole zone, and if you still can't find him, it's likely he's actually Audrey, being killed by another player, and therefore you won't be able to pick up his weapon. At that point, you'd have to try again in another match.

how to get the m13b

Once you kill him, you'll be told by the voice announcer that he's down, so then go up to him and look for his weapon. This should be a bright yellow m13b variant; it should be fairly obvious; you'll have seen what it looks like already. Once you pick up this weapon, get back into your vehicle; obviously, you can't bring the vehicle into the radiation zone because it stops working, but leave it just outside the radiation zone and get back into your vehicle, then head straight for the Expo Point, as you need to get out there as soon as possible without dying, otherwise you'll lose the weapon.

You have to start all over again, so you want to drive back to the X4 Point, run into the green smoke cloud, hold square X to call in the helicopter, leave the map, and then you can run behind cover like a rock or a crate or something, or get into your vehicle, hide, and wait until the helicopter lands.

how to unlock m13b

You don't want to be taken out by AI or other enemy players that are camping around the X4 points. This can be very annoying, especially if you've just gone and gotten the variant. Then what you want to do is run straight into the helicopter once it's arrived to x-fill, and now that you've exfiltrated with the weapon, you now have the M13b.

Weapon unlocked, full time well done now. Only the person picking up the M13B can actually unlock it, so if you have any teammates, there is a way to give it to them quickly once you have it. So unfortunately, one person gets it at a time, and then once that person has it, they can give it to their friend, and what they need to do is basically load into another DMZ game with the M13B weapon, drop that weapon for your teammate, and immediately head with them to the axle point.

There's no need for them to go to the radiation zone as long as they exit with the weapon you've just given them; they will have it too, so long as someone picks it up in some capacity. And feel free to check out my latest one for this weapon too, along with any other season 2 guides, like how to level the battle pass fast or the best settings in Warzone.

how to unlock m13b in

all of that kind of stuff, so I hope you found it useful; if you did, be sure to leave a like so that other people find the article too, and feel free to subscribe by clicking the bell icon to stay up to date with all my latest One for Two and Warzone articles. I hope you find it useful.

NEW FASTEST WAY To Unlock The M13B In Modern Warfare 2 Warzone 2. 0 DMZ! Get M13B Fast in MW2. Here is how to easily unlock the M13B in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.
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