News - Warzone 2 M13b Solo Is A Nightmare

born 2 game

So the m13b. It was released into Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 with season one, and the unlock for the weapon was tied to the DMZ. I don't know if they'll ever put this weapon in the store. I'm not entirely sure it was supposed to be in the store as a bundle so that you could purchase it, but they just haven't released it as far as I'm aware.

You can also get this weapon for yourself, and you can just drop it for other players so that they can exhale with it straight away. I wanted the accomplishment. I really do appreciate it, but I did want to get a sense of accomplishment from actually doing it on my own. So what you need to do in order to get your hands on this weapon is jump into the DMZ and kill someone called the chemist.

He will be born inside the radiated zone, but he doesn't just come in on his own; he's got about 12 of his friends with him, or something like that; it's an absolute nightmare. They are heavily armored; they will absolutely laser you, and one wrong move can end your entire run. You can lose her or contraband weapons.


Your insured weapon can go on cooldown, and you can lose backpacks, armor chests, and there's a lot you can lose; it's a big risk going for this weapon. Not only that, but at the moment there seems to be a lot of players that are camping the X-File spots; they're going for easy kills and easy loot, so that makes it even more frustrating because you could sit there for a very long time; you could sit there for a couple of hours like I did; you could have the M13 in your hands; you could get to the X-File; and you could get dropped by an enemy player there.

There are lots and lots of risks when it comes to this, and it's not just the chemist and his little buddies that are at risk. One of the problems with this is that the game, as I've noticed at least, will often spawn you on the other side of the map, of the 10 plus consecutive. In the matches I played to get my hands on this.

cod m13b solo

Don't waste your insured weapons. I know it goes on cooldown and you get it back, but it's a two-hour cooldown; there's no point, and you might as well jump in with fists. Grab yourself a bit of money and go to a buying station. That's exactly what I did. I bought myself Signal 50 because it was there, and it was like the redeeming factor that saved me from even more stress and hassle; this Signal 50 literally carried me to getting the M13B.

Now, this is not as simple as some of you might think. You might go in for your first ever run and grab the m13b, and I know a lot of players already have this gun, but there are so many failed runs that I've had in my little journey of getting this weapon, and I mean, there have been times where I've died to the enemies in the radiated zone, there have been times where I've died on my way there, and there have been enemy teams that sometimes I've even tried getting involved with and screwed myself over.

There have been literally fails after fails after fails, and, as I said, it's taken me well over 10 runs to get myself this weapon. It runs non-stop, but another thing that will jump in and get itself involved are crashes and disconnections. I had one, so there aren't too many, at least for me, but I know there are a lot of issues in the DMZ for a lot of players.

cod modern warfare 2

I'm just one of the lucky ones that haven't experienced too many, but I did have one game crash, which was a little bit frustrating, and not only that, there are a lot of game restarts if you're interested in the battle pass because you earn a token and have to restart your next match because the token gets taken away, so you have to restart your game, but not only that.

challenges that are there to be completed in the DMZ. You get XP for contraband weapons calling cards and things like that, and some of them do get really tedious, so when I got the opportunity to grab a load of drives to X-fill. AI can just pepper you through these walls. I had probably the best setup going for the M13 to be sitting on this train just looting all of the different caches on there, and then I got slaughtered, though, through a wall.

cod modern warfare 2 m13b solo

After a lot of stress, hassles, and going through tedious matches and losing weapons just after having such a bad time with it, I got the end result I was looking for. I actually managed to take down the chemist and get myself the m13b. So what I'm going to do now is start the clip just before I actually kill her.

the chemist so that you can see my movement and stuff around this radiated zone. I tried sticking outside of it as much as I could because going in there your gas masks don't last too long and the chemist is always trying to hide. The best thing that I can do, the best tip I can give for taking down this chemist, if any of you haven't done it yet and you're looking to do it, is just pay attention to where the tear gas is being thrown because the chemist just when he's trying to hide he just throws this tear gas and it just obviously forms a cloud, and that's his escape.

cod mw2

So if you look for that, you'll be able to locate the chemist a lot easier because he's hiding all the time. You'll be able to see exactly what I did and how I took him out, grabbed the gun, and got myself out of there. You'll also be able to hear my reaction. It's not as energetic and exciting as some of you might think it should be, but that's because it was two and a half hours after starting to say, "Get this weapon." Wait, that was him.

I've actually got it, but it's taking me so long. It's actually taken me non-stop for two and a half hours; shithow I've done it. I have actually gotten the M13B solo, which is insane—two and a half hours of nothing but stress. A new weapon has been unlocked (the M13B). It was probably my best-ever game of DMZ.

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I never thought I was going to get it. I honestly thought I would never actually extract it, so now if we just have a quick look at the weapon in the gunsmith, there's nothing special at the moment. I've not used it in multiplayer or anything, but I will be setting it up. A lot of people have said it's an absolute laser; there's no recoil to it or anything, so I will definitely be giving it a go, hopefully.

cod mw2 m13b solo

One day I'll have it in gold or something like that. There was nothing exciting about it until I actually extracted it. I played so many matches; I sat there for so much time; and I put effort into it. I'm really hoping that in future seasons, in this game, they don't lock stuff behind the DMZ. It's obviously going to be easier if you have a group or if you get lucky with it, but if you're just sitting there grinding, if you're doing it solo, it's a grind and it's not an easy one by any means, so that sense of accomplishment is nice.

Modern Warfare 2 M13B SOLO is a NIGHTMARE! In this video we are going through my solo journey in the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 DMZ mode to get my hands on the M13B and it took a very long time, caused a lot of stress and took a lot of energy.
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