News - New" Fastest Way To Unlock The M13b Modern Warfare 2 / Warzone 2. 0 Dmz. Get M13b Fast Mw2

best way to get the m13b

So the m13b assault rifle is an incredibly difficult weapon to unlock, and currently it can only be earned by playing DMZ, so here is the new fastest way to unlock the m13b assault rifle in Warzone season 2. Leave a like if you found this guide helpful, and check out my other season 2 guides, like leveling up weapons fast for when you unlock the m13b.

But let's get straight into it, so the chance for DMZ says. For this weapon, you can unlock it by defeating the chemist in the radiation zone of the DMZ and extracting his dropped weapon. Now, this challenge can be very difficult to complete; I see a lot of people struggling with it, but with these tips, you'll be able to earn the weapon much more easily.

I want to help you guys make it as easy as possible to complete, so here are all my tips to help you get it done as easily as possible for anyone that still needs to unlock it. So let's quickly go through a class setup for the weapon you're going to want to put on any weapon you want in the insured slot—ideally a sniper's, but it can mean an assault rifle or any other weapon you want, but probably a sniper's.

best way to get the m13b in mw2

Best And also, the suppressor attachment is ideal to put on it to avoid alerting enemies to your equipment. You want to put on a stun for the tactical so you can heal yourself when you're damaged. You could also put on a spotter scope so you could track enemies and mark them out before you actually engage in a gunfight in the radiation zone, but I think stim's probably better, and for the lethal, you can put on semtex or another piece of lethal equipment.

Then, for the third upgrade. the first being money, so you want to earn money by getting quite a few AI kills and searching buildings to loot money and other useful items. With this money, you can buy things, which I'll talk about in a minute, but you also want to try and find a two- or three-plate armor suit just so you can have more armor equipped, and perhaps a medium or large backpack if you come across it just so you can carry more useful items like healing and health.

dmz chemist

that kind of thing, you also want to loot or buy a few armor plates from the store and have these stocked up as you'll take quite a bit of damage. I'm sure for all the enemies you come across, and I'll ensure you have enough ammo. And two good weapons; if you have space in the inventory. I'd also stow some extra stuns if you come across them, and these can be found on things like dead enemy AI in medicine or cabinets in the bathroom first.

Aid kits in bathrooms or public buildings of that kind are ideal, but ideally you also want to have a self-revive kit or a revive pistol, especially. If you're doing the raid solo and you can get these from loot chests, save boxes of that kind of thing first if you're likely to go down; this is very important.

I'd also recommend having radiation blocker, so you can find these; they're like little tubs of it, and you find them in chat loot chests. Medicine cabinets, bathrooms, or public buildings like gas stations—that kind of thing you'll find dotted around; keep searching lots of buildings before you go to the radiation zone, and you should get them.

fastest way to get the m13b

This is important because once you take it, it will count down the percentage left on the radiation block; it'll go from 100 to 99. So on, and this is an alternative to having the gas mask, although it's useful to have both just in case you run out because, when you're in the radiation zone, you'll very quickly take damage if you haven't got any protection from the gas, and you need lots of it.

It can also be kind of time-consuming, sometimes, to find enemies and so on, so it's important to have this when you can. The other thing you need, like I said, is a gas mask; ideally, You can find one from a dead enemy player or in a loot chest. You could also go into a quick sell-up game beforehand, then find or buy a gas mask and an X-fill so you'll have them at the start of this current game.

So you go into a previous game and get one and have it ready because you'll have it on your person for the current game. That's another option. You could also buy at least one gas mask from the store for two thousand dollars each; it's up to you if you can't get hold of any around the map or, alternatively.

fastest way to kill the chemist

You also want to find a suitable vehicle to travel over to the radiation zone, which is the yellow circle on the map with the pink radioactive symbol, and ideally you want to play with teammates that will help and with whom you can communicate, but playing solo is still possible but obviously more difficult.

Then, you want to start taking enemies out one by one near the edge of the radioactive zone. Zone Ideally, you want to use a weapon with a silencer so that other enemies are less likely to know you're there and alert other enemies, so it can be a bit more stealthy and you're less likely to attract as much attention.

So, this is why it's important to have an insured weapon slot with a silencer built onto it. It's not essential, but it's quite useful. Stepping into this zone will cause you to quickly absorb radiation, suffer damage, and die. Hence, if you still need a gas mask, try to lure an enemy to the edge of the zone and kill them, then quickly dip into the radioactive zone in Field to pick up a gas mask.

get m13b

Most enemies, like I said, will drop one if they're inside the zone—pretty much all of them. You just want to keep picking them up—they're like gold dust—and then, once you have a gas mask or radiation blocker and have picked off any enemies visible that are kind of near you or near the edge of the radiation zone, head into the radioactive zone if the chemist has not been killed yet by other enemy players.

A banner will pop up saying that the chemist is close by and, therefore, you know you have to find and kill him. Now you'll come across lots of other enemy AI too, so try to take them out slowly, keeping picking up gas masks, like I say, so you don't run out and die. Push slowly, taking cover frequently.

Reload when sensible, and try to find the chemist. Obviously, you're kind of against a time crunch, but you also need to be very careful. If you rush in, you can easily die and get overwhelmed by enemies, and then it's so frustrating when you're this far in, so do try and take it slowly. The chemist is an enemy in a bright yellow hazmat suit.

NEW FASTEST WAY To Unlock The M13B In Modern Warfare 2 Warzone 2. 0 DMZ! Get M13B Fast in MW2. Here is how to easily unlock the M13B in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.
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