News - New" 2 Shot "kastov 762" Setup Is Game Breaking. Best Kastov 762 Class Setup" Warzone 2

See this are you ready to deploy? This guy is going to push in; I was going to leave him over here, but I just don't want the spawns to be on like both sides of me; I want them to be only in one area, because, you know, for your nuke, you've got to know where the enemies are. 25 more kills for the nuke Let's go; he's up here; this guy's behind me and in front of me; there we go; get the easy nuke teammate; you're so scary.

best kastov 762 class setup mw2

See, this is the part where myself and many others usually die in this moment because you don't have a UAV, you don't really know where any of the enemies are, and they could come up behind you super easily, so I'm going to pop my battle rage because I'm getting close to the hard points, and this is going to give me a quicker health regeneration, so then that guy could reach out that little bit easier.

There's the Juggernaut. I was a little bit shaky, and I missed a lot of shots, but let's go, boys! My fingers are still a little bit cold, literally. I've only played one other game. I am so cold right now. My hands are cold. My arms feel fine; see, like that guy, he will kill you off your streak every single time if you don't have a UAV.

kastov 762

There you go. You know what I noticed too? When you only play ship, your aim kind of gets messed up, like your aim actually gets worse, so you become kind of a worse Cod player in a sense because you're so used to only fighting people at close range. I would say I'm a pretty good sniper. This thing kicks so hard that it feels like a consistent two-shot even though it's a three-shot.

I just walked into his bullets. No way be like, Two seconds, let's go easy. MGB's yo, let's freaking go boys, let's get the nice, sexy inspector. Oh my days, the sexy cast off two shots of 72 you with the one dollar thank you, let's go easy, nooks and dimes.

Mgb on shipment

Mgb on shipment

67 in four, let's go, and then for every three games. I think we'll go back to shipment because shipment's going to be very action-packed and the other maps are not, but on the other maps, you know you're mixing up the scenery and not looking at the same thing the whole stream. What's the new meta, guys?

same metas as before. They haven't buffs or nerfs anything now that sub-70 for you is the best AR, and then you want to use the mini-back for like shipment; Fennec on shipment would be fun after I get a nuke with this, then I want to use the fennec. I think that would be fun. I like my connections off of this, 15.

buddy, spawned right in front of me. no, that's illegal. You can't spawn there. I think they updated them and made them worse because I haven't had this many people spawn behind me consecutively like that. But with the worst recoil gun, that might actually be fun to watch, Gavin. Maybe we'll do it after I get my weapon, or maybe I'll do it after I get some gameplay with this weapon.

kastov 762 class

I just need to play on a sh*te; I might be dead from that. I need some ammunition, boys, but I don't know how to do the best pee. Honestly, I don't really like the best P I don't think it's that good; this feels like an oops. What are these spawns, and why do they spawn in front of me? I could honestly tell you what I might do: Adjust the setup to be another close range cast off, like this is a very good medium range, but I kind of want to make a close range one with the 45-round magazine.

I mean with the 40-round magazine. Thank you; I think it does have rigged hit detection. I feel like there's EOM in the game, which is pretty much like SPMM, but it makes your shots sometimes not register when they should, or like when they shouldn't register, a bad player will be able to just insta-kill you somehow even though they missed all their shots.

kastov 762 class mw2

I actually do believe that is in the game; I have to use it to get an attachment. I don't like the look of the 762 too much, but I think the gun is very good, like it hits very hard; it's just that the overall mobility isn't that good; it's just kind of slow, but it is a very good weapon; it kills him very quickly.

Come on, come on, now that we just missed some shots. Come on, come on, you know you want to push you, he didn't want to push, he threw a nade in here, sometimes okay, so those nade sensors will tell you that there's an aid behind you, even if it's behind a wall, and it won't even affect you, which is sometimes helpful, but it kind of throws you off like you don't know if the grenade is inside the building or on the outside of it, so you're like, should I get out, or can I stay?

Ash or tints—you know, I used to be a tense guy, but then I lost my V card and I realized I kind of like ash. Very good Noob is very good at flying through the levels, and you don't want to fly through them too quickly because once you leveled up, damn it came out of nowhere did they change the sensitivity on the controls?

kastov 762 class setup

It was minus 20, it was perfect; now it's on 20, and it's really way too quick. They did, like, the Season One update, they did Nerf aim assist a little bit, so maybe that was that, but you've been playing since then, so I don't say anything recently, but they do a lot of stuff that they don't say anything about.

Okay, boys, we're getting the nuke right now. I'm feeling a little bit more warmed up, and I'm feeling more snappy. I used to be a player who would do worse once they were warmed up, like I would do better for the first few games I hopped on. I think it was just fatigue or something, though. viz., no, no damn.

I gotta go weep. I'll leave the stream, yo. I don't think he's missed the article like he's been a massive supporter and known him for a long time. We still have a lot of time for the new Boys still have a lot of time, and if anyone's new, I'd usually have the nuke by now. I'm just trying to warm up; I just started the stream.

kastov 762 class setup mw2

I'm trying to stay in the hardpoint because I need all the enemies to push me. This is kind of how it works; it's like it makes it very easy to get kills if you just sit in one area and let the enemies push you. I just get bored doing this, so I always try to move around; can I not pick up another gun, please?

Stop; let me reload my gun; is this the cast-off? my MGB Let's go my way. I think I gotta use the cast-off for UWs in the chat room; let's freaking go. We got the nuke. We got the nukes. And the Dukes took the second. My, I don't even know what's going on. There are enemies coming from every angle.

Get these unstoppable medals. Yo, let's go easy, let's go.

NEW 2 SHOT "KASTOV 762" SETUP is GAME BREAKING. Best KASTOV 762 Class Setup Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.
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