News - New "1 Shot" Lockwood 300 Class Is Broken Warzone 2. Best Lockwood 300 Class Setup - Modern Warfare 2

best lockwood 300 class

So here in season six, I gave the luck with 300 a new attachment called the Dual Trigger. Now get into my build guest for the first attachment, which doesn't have any tunes. We are going to go to the stock and add the no stock to the high stock mod. A lot of good things are going on here with the shotgun; now we're getting a lot more handling and a lot more mobility.

And then you have some hip recall control, which is good as well because when hip firing with this build since we're not running the slug rounds we're just using the new attachment, you really don't have to worry about missing, your shot tooting, or having slug grounds, so we are going to be adding this on for our first attachment.

Now jumping down to our new attachment, which is the trigger action, the dual trigger, we're getting a dual shot, which means we're shooting two shells at once instead of eight pellets; it's going to be 16, so we're doing a lot more damage, basically double the damage, which is kind of crazy; we have extra damage; and then we have reload quickness, which is always good for a shotgun.

best lockwood 300 class mw2

Now for the tunes on this attachment, what we're going to do for the sprint the fire speed we're just go ahead and max that out. I rarely max out attachments in the tunes, but this is the best spot that you're going to want to have it at, and then for the left bar, we're going to work on some more aim down side speed at.

Now jumping over here to the muzzle, which is very rare that I use a muzzle here for the locked with 300, but we're actually going to try out a suppressor here, which is the second db107. We're getting damage range bull velocity sound suppression, and of course we have recoil smoothness, which doesn't do anything, and if it did, we don't even really need recall control for our weapon here, but this can help our bullets travel a little bit further and hit a little bit harder, which is good, but also a main thing that is important is that bull velocity, so it's going to help all our pellets that we're shooting travel a little bit faster and give a little bit more range, which is always good now.

best lockwood 300 class setup

Spread which is good but we're going to change up our classes up a little bit and we're gonna be adding on the 11 inch Bryson special now this can help with aim down size speed a wider pellet spread and movement speed now you'll see in today's gameplay although the cons are taken down damage range bull velocity it's such a little amount that you're really not going to be able to notice and even if you're running the 812 Barrel even, at those longer ranges you're still going to get those hit markers because with the pellets they're still going to be spreading out so you're still going to getting any hit markers and with this build right here you're gonna be able to push people more you're gonna be able to move faster around the map been getting people's faces and this is why I do recommend this Barrel here so we will add it on now.

In the tunes on this attachment, we're going to work on some damage range, which we're going to move up at point 26, and then for our left bar, which is a Milwaukee movement speed, which isn't really needed, but, you know. Laser is still working on some aim-down speed and sprint-to-fire speed, which are important for a shotgun.

best lockwood 300 class setup mw2

We're also getting some aiming stability, and then there for tunes on this, we're going to work on some aim down side speed, and of course we're going to bump up at 32.85. We do have that three-tick handling now, and then for the left bar, we're going to bump it down just a tiny bit here at point 23.

It can be really annoying to go again, so you have to try out the build, and if you want to know the rest of my build before we hop into today's gameplay, we are going to be using the mini-back; it just received a buff here in season six. This is a build I'll be trying out. We have the stone grenade and the simtex, and my perk package here is going to be double-time.

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Overkill, fast hands, and bird's eye, and we are running the ammunition box so we never run out of ammo, but give the build a try. That's a little easy, and I get hit by RPG; that's awesome all right. We have the new attachment for the lock with 300 If I'm just running straight into it, this is like my second time playing this map, so I'm really not like.

lockwood 300

Hello, hey, you're playing really weird. All right, I'm going to do that. Yeah, the short barrel is going to allow you to make more plays with this, but also. I didn't know see I thought there was a door right there, but I will say that with the short barrel, yeah, the range on it, by the way, is actually kind of nice.

I'm able to push everybody. There we go. Let's okay, nice little nade; we'll take it perfect. all right We're on our last two shells—perfect. There we go, and we also have it paired up with the mini back, which just received a pretty good buff here in season six. Okay, why am I okay? There we go, but it's kind of crazy to say that though we are already in season six, 2003 kind of flew by pretty quick, was it?

lockwood 300 class

On Friday, we have the beta. I mean, it's crazy how fast time goes, you know, and look at the range this thing has. I'm telling you, okay, you don't see that many crossbow bolts. You don't see that much often, all right? Let's play a little safe here. Let's try to get our first little nuke. I'm going to try being a little stealthy, and then I'm going to push with it, and that's embarrassing.

I didn't go in with two fully loaded mags. Okay, awful, but it's all right. We're at 30 kills, and Vito's going crazy. We got the mini bag hot; yep, there we go, a little drop-shot action. So, we're getting to that point where we're probably going to only upload the weapons one or two more times, and I tried my best to die so I could stay alive, but that didn't work, just at that time, man.

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I've always I have always been excited for a new Call of Duty. There hasn't been one time I haven't been, besides maybe World War II, but in Vanguard, well, I was excited for Vanguard, but, all right, we miss a few shots, but it's all right. All right, the game is still close, which is good. Nice little Nate from the teammate, and what we're going to do is grab this.

lockwood 300 class mw2

I'm going to clutch up a nade here, and we're going to chuck that over. This weapon is good for aiming down sights and good with hip firing, and this is why I actually kind of like this attachment more than the slug rounds. For the slug rounds, you have to be really accurate, and with this one, basically.

I think it's like I don't know how many exactly; it's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, so we're getting 16 pellets instead of just eight pellets per spread, so it does help out a little bit more. I feel a little bit more comfortable using this, so there we go. All right, we got our AMMO box back again, so that's good.

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